
胡搅蛮缠  hú jiǎo mán chán






  • 总之我不希望你胡搅蛮缠或妥协。
    Above all I do not wish to importune or compromise you.

  • 要是还这麽胡搅蛮缠,臭人多做怪的话!
    If such behavior also, people do strange smell it!

  • 如果你胡搅蛮缠,……我会把你变成小绵羊。
    Just try messing with me… I'll turn you into a sheep.

  • 昨天这儿来了个胡搅蛮缠的人,说是要见经理。
    There was a tough cookie in here yesterday who demanded to see the manager.

  • 你简单,热情,小可爱,有时会野蛮,有时也胡搅蛮缠
    You simple, warm, lovable small, sometimes brutal, sometimes Hujiaomanchan.

  • 妻子当然多数时候不愿意,但终究拗不过我的胡搅蛮缠
    Of course most of the time his wife do not want to, but ultimately fail to beat my importune.

  • 乱伦是昏天昏地的胡搅蛮缠,纯洁是天宇澄蓝的纵横飞翔。
    Incestuous it is to faint the day faints the be mischievous pretty of the ground tangles, chasteness is sky settle clear blue freely flies.

  • 巴利克在一个赛马下注窗口胡搅蛮缠,吸引马场保安的注意。
    Bellick causes a disturbance at a betting window of a racetrack to distract security.

  • 不过她没有继续和他胡搅蛮缠,至少不是在他马上就要出发的时候。
    But she couldn't stay mad at him, not with his departure so near.

  • 对你来讲,这样做或许是胡搅蛮缠,但对你的孩子来说,却非常合情合理。
    It may not seem very sensible to you but for the toddler it makes perfect sense.

  • 其实内心里面只希望自己是一个胡搅蛮缠、撒娇耍赖、可以做错事的小孩子。
    Hope oneself are pretty of a be mischievous tangles only inside the heart actually, it is act shamelessly, OK to act like a spoiled child the dot of err thing.

  • 其实内心里面只希望自己是一个胡搅蛮缠、撒娇耍赖、可以做错事的小孩子。
    In fact, their only hope is a heart inside Hujiaomanchan, coquetry seemed, the children can make mistakes.

  • 承认涉案光盘为其复制,在每一起案件中都要求进行光源识别码鉴定(胡搅蛮缠型)。
    in recognition of its reproduction discs in every case require a light source identifier identification (Hujiamanchan type).

  • 音乐可以用两句话来概括:要么好,要么不好。如果是好的,欣赏就是了,用不着胡搅蛮缠
    There's only two days to sum up music: either it's good or it's bad. If it's good you don't mess about it; you just enjoy it.

  • 而内容更是胡搅蛮缠,任志强的发言中根本就没有任何地方提及要“分出”穷人区和富人区。
    "and the content is Hujiamanchan, Renzhiqiang statement is simply not mentioned anywhere in" off "the poor areas and rich areas.

  • 他们告诉记者,这些所谓的艾滋病协会运输车队,在执法中经常胡搅蛮缠,干扰甚至破坏执法。
    They told reporters that these so-called fleet AIDS Society in law enforcement often importune, interference or damage to law enforcement.

  • 酗酒、有暴力倾向,爱酒后打人,以至于他每次都要躲在邻居家玩耍,以此来逃脱他父亲酒醉后的胡搅蛮缠
    Alcoholism, violence, love to drink hit that every time his neighbor play hide in order to escape after his father's drunken importune.

  • “作”与“嗲”不同,“嗲”者趋炎附势、阿谀奉承,着眼于讨好男人,“作”者软硬兼施、胡搅蛮缠,着力于要挟男人。
    "for" and "satay", "satay" flatter those who, adulation, and focus on pleasing men, ""are both hard and soft, Hujiaomanchan focus on the men hostage.

  • 哈哈~~台语还不就是闽南话,说半天就是中国的方言撒~~一群白痴在那胡搅蛮缠,只能骗骗那些没有受过教育的台湾人。
    Taiwanese language is no different that the Chinese dialect in the southern parts of Fujan. There ain't no unique Taiwanese language. This is no different than people in Hong Kong speaking Catonese.

  • 我想不明白为什么里尔老对这个进球死缠烂打,管他们怎么样,我们不会因为他们的胡搅蛮缠而变得情绪激动,能让我们情绪激动的只有赢球。
    It's hard to understand why they are still going on about it but there is no reason for us to get involved in grievances or any emotional attachment to the game, other than wanting to win.

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