
胜任愉快  shèng rèn yú kuài








  • 他们胜任愉快地做完了工作。
    They have done their work very ably .

  • 他们胜任愉快地做完了工作。
    They have done their work very ably.

  • 依我良好的学术背景,我能愉快胜任
    answer: with my strong academic background, i am capable and competent.

  • 依我良好的学术背景,我能胜任愉快的。
    With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.

  • 依我的良好学术背景,我是胜任愉快的。
    A: With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.

  • 依据我良好的学术背景,我能愉快胜任
    With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.

  • 真的吗? 你在我的公司当经理应该能胜任愉快
    M: Really?You would do well as a manager at my company.

  • 乔依:你对于新职务一定感觉非常胜任愉快,对吧?
    Joy: You must be very delighted about your new position, aren't you?

  • 我希望为我儿子说几句话,这工作他一定能胜任愉快
    my son, he would be perfect for this job.

  • 我希望为我儿子说几句话,这工作他一定能胜任愉快
    I wish to speak for my son, he would be perfect for this job.

  • 我希望为我儿子说几句话,这工作他一定能胜任愉快
    I wish to speak for my son, he will be perfect for this job.

  • 两种情况我都可以胜任愉快,而且都有过令人满意的表现。
    I am comfortable working in both situations and have achieved satisfactory results in each.

  • 我希望为我儿子说几句话,这工作他一定能“胜任愉快
    I wish to speak for my son, he would be perfect for this job.

  • 两种情况我都可以愉快胜任,而且都有过令人满意的表现。
    I am comfortable working in both situations and have achieved satisfactory results in each.

  • 各级管理人员与受雇者又如何在面临角色转换的困境下胜任愉快
    How can various management levels and employees enjoy their work in the face of role changes?

  • 殷勤,友善,非常精干,并能说流利的法语,他对他的任务确能胜任愉快
    Affable, friendly, exceedingly shrewd, and speaking French capably, he was admirably suited for his task .

  • 本人公司般业务非常熟悉。如有机贵公司服务,本人相信,般事务必能胜任愉快
    being well acquainted with office works, i could make myself generally useful, should there be any opportunity of your requiring my services.

  • 钱夫人容貌秀丽、仪态端庄、英语能力强,她作为一位外交官夫人,确实胜任愉快
    Handsome, dignified and fluent in English, Mrs. Chien is the capable wife of a top-notch diplomat.

  • 本人对公司业务非常熟悉。如有机会为贵公司服务,本人相信,对事务必能胜任愉快
    Being well acquainted with office works, I could make myself generally useful, should there be any opportunity of your requiring my services.

  • 要显示出你非常适合这家公司,集中说明你的能力和经验会让你在这份工作上胜任愉快
    To show you're a good fit with the company, focus on explaining how your abilities and experiences would enable you to do the job.

  • 我对办公室工作极为熟悉。倘有机会服务于贵公司,我相信,对一般事务必能愉快胜任
    Being well acquainted with office work, I could make myself generally useful , should there be any opportunity of your requiring my services.

  • 我刚从美国回来,拟参加贵公司工作。如蒙赐允,本人确信在阁下领导下,定能胜任愉快
    I have just returned from the United State. I would like to work in your corporation. I believe that I can perform well under your leadership.

  • 小的对公司一般业务非常熟悉。如有机会为贵公司服务,小的相信,对一般事务必能胜任愉快
    Being well acquainted with office works, I could make myself generally useful, should there be any opportunity of your requiring my services.

  • 如果有幸进入贵公司,凭藉我的好学与热忱,及不怕苦的毅力,我有十足的自信可以胜任愉快
    I am each one nature firm and resolute, can endure hardship person, Imental mature, way one treats people is always calm, Ialso likes contacting the crowd.

  • 如果说世界杯足球赛的组织难度还相对较大,那么男篮世锦赛这样的比赛,可以说北京绝对能愉快胜任
    If World Cup Soccer's organization difficulty relatively is also big, then men's basketball team international championship such competition, may say that Beijing can be competent happily absolutely.

  • 现在,一个多月后我将把国际扶轮社长职位移交给社长当选人施当恒,他将会胜任愉快地把扶轮带入第二个世纪。
    Now, in a little over a month, I will pass the presidency of Rotary International to President-elect Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar, who will ably guide Rotary into its second century.

  • 要呈现出你非比寻常适合这家一自己一自己自己搞,集中说明你的胜任和亲身历练会让你在这份任务上胜任愉快
    To clarify you're a good fit with the company, focus on explaining how your abilities and experiences will enable you to do the job.

  • 闲适和优雅是由一种身体胜任愉快的感觉产生出来的,由一种不但能把事情做得好,而且做得美的感觉产生出来的。
    Now ease and gracefulness come from a feeling of physical competence, a feeling of ability to do a thing more than well to do it beautifully .

  • 尼洛和帕特拉斯基一起做这工作真是胜任愉快,因此耶汉‧达斯一直到夏天来时都不必工作,后来他身体又好起来了。
    Nello and Patrasche did the work so well and so joyfully together that Jehan Daas didn't have to go to work when the summer came and he was better again.

  • 这一点已经实现,在欧洲远征军中尉们、上尉们、少校们、上校们努力之下,这些人用自己的眼睛看到了黑人官兵是胜任愉快
    That was done, under the command and leadership of the colonels, majors, captains, and lieutenants of ETO, who had seen with their own eyes.

  • 胜任愉快造句相关
