
耿耿于怀  gěng gěng yú huái








  • 同志之间有些小矛盾, 过去就算了, 不要老是耿耿于怀
    Forget about trivial disagreements among comrades, and don't take them to heart.

  • 他祖父总是对别人的错耿耿于怀
    His grandfather was always one to hold a grudge.

  • 我希望这事发生了你不会耿耿于怀
    I hope you won't bear malice after what has happened.

  • 彼得似乎对这事很耿耿于怀
    Peter seems to have taken it much to heart.

  • 他开始学会了失去任何东西都不耿耿于怀
    He begins to learn to want anything without difficulty.

  • 他有许多事耿耿于怀
    He has many obsessions .

  • 我未能及时提醒她,这事至今使我耿耿于怀
    It's still on my conscience that I didn't warn her in time.

  • 想到她曾那样地对待他,约翰至今还耿耿于怀
    John's still bitter about the way she treated him.

  • 她为新筑的篱笆同邻居吵了一架以后,一直耿耿于怀
    She has got her knife into the neighbors after the argument about the now fence.

  • 只是无法参加球赛以及不能再买小人书让我耿耿于怀
    It was the missed baseball games and not being able to afford to buy a few comic books that got to me.

  • 同志之间有些小矛盾,过去就算了,不要老是耿耿于怀
    Forget about trivial disagreements among comrades, and don't take them to heart.

  • 你是否为你曾经做过的事,或失败的事而对自己耿耿于怀
    Do you condemn yourself for things which you did or failed to do in the past?

  • 不要为以往的成就沾沾自喜,更不要对昔日的失败耿耿于怀
    Don't be complacent over achievements made in the past. Don't take the past failure too much to heart.

  • 它象是有什么重要的工作没有完成一样,使一般人老是耿耿于怀
    It haunts the average individual like any other important task left unfinished.

  • 我不愿意变得如此肤浅,为了不必要的事斤斤计较,为了过去的事耿耿于怀
    I do not want to become so shallow, in order to unnecessary things over, a thing of the past in order to bear a grudge.

  • 如果你对哈里波特的结局耿耿于怀,不妨写下自己的期待,然后寄给作者罗琳。
    If you're not happy with the ending of the last Harry Potter book, write a new one and send it to J. K. Rowling. Maybe she'll send you a reply.

  • 我不再对失败耿耿于怀,我不再逃避现实,我不再拒绝从以往的错误中获取经验。
    Never again will I contribute to my downfall by refusing to face the truth and learn from my past mistakes.

  • 这种羞辱只有南方人才会明白,直到现在许多南方白人依旧因此段历史耿耿于怀
    This humiliation—something no other part of America has tasted—still rankles for some white southerners.

  • 但他却总是因为自己是联合国维和负责人时,未能阻止卢旺达大屠杀而耿耿于怀
    But he was always haunted by his earlier failure, as U. N. peacekeeping chief, to prevent the genocide in Rwanda.

  • 那些给人带来诸方面不利的因素,实在没有必要过了若干年还值得回味或耿耿于怀
    These bring the various aspect disadvantageous factor to the human, really was not unnecessary certain years also to be worth the aftertaste or to take to heart.

  • 我们很多人因一场争论、一次误解或某一痛苦的经历便对他人心存芥蒂,耿耿于怀
    So many of us hold on to little resentments that may have stemmed from an argument , a misunderstanding , or some other painful events .

  • 所以,大卫▪卡梅隆并不需要对于托利党人在今年大选开始时犯的错误而耿耿于怀
    So David Cameron will not be too dejected at the mis-steps with which his Tories have begun this year's campaign.

  • 如果妳把怨气憋在心里,耿耿于怀,对对方愤恨不满,而不想办法去解决问题,那就麻烦了。
    If you bury your anger, and you brood on it and you resent the other person or the attacker, and you don't try to resolve the problem, then you're in trouble.

  • 可萨拉的父亲比拉维尼娅的父亲更有钱,于是现在萨拉比拉维尼娅更受宠,拉维尼娅对此耿耿于怀
    But Sara's father was richer than Lavinia's father. So now Sara was more important than Lavinia, and Lavinia did not like that.

  • 我们最亮丽的未来扎根于我们对过去的遗忘;只有对曾经的失败与挫折不再耿耿于怀,生命才会变得更加美好。
    The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heart aches.

  • 到圣诞节那一天,母亲的愤怒已经平息了。我觉得父亲对于在停车场里那一幕依然有些耿耿于怀,但他掩藏得很好。
    By Christmas Day, my mother's anger subsides. I think my father still harbors some resentment over her scene in the parking lot, but he hides it well.

  • 在一个项目中,我同时扮演了开发和设计的角色,回想起来,我对只分配了两天时间来完成可视化的设计感到耿耿于怀
    On a project where I played both design and development roles, I recall feeling uncomfortable because I was assigned only two days to complete the visual design.

  • 与社会隔离的学生相互之间抱着很大成见,他们结成小团体,为了谁人缘最好、谁最漂亮、谁最酷之类的问题耿耿于怀
    Segregated from the rest of society, students turn obsessively toward each other, forming cliques and agonizing over who is most popular or beautiful or cool.

  • 你确实受到了一个家人、或是学校老师、亦或是你的老板的伤害,可你就是不会忘却,仍是耿耿于怀,陷入愤怒和悲伤中不能解脱。
    You were really hurt by a family member, school teacher, or boss; but you still haven't let it go. You're still holding on to your anger and bitterness.

  • 明白到游戏中的整个“大屋”部分都是讲述莎拉之死的,因此可以说,这个部分意味着麦克斯对莎拉之死一直耿耿于怀,因此和妻子的感情也有隔膜。
    Seeing as the entire Mansion segment of the game is about Sarah's death, this possibly means that Max has never gotten over Sarah's death, and thus is emotionally distant from his wife.

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