
耐人寻味  nài rén xún wèi








  • 他的话虽然不多, 却耐人寻味
    He didn't speak much, but what he said affords much food for reflection.

  • 光线能塑造出耐人寻味的层次感。
    The light can model the administrative levels sense that gives afford for thought.

  • 干白葡萄酒的风格带给人清新且耐人寻味的收结。
    A dry style, with a clean lingering finish.

  • 潘向黎为我们讲述了一个耐人寻味的女性情感故事。
    Panxiangli tells us a thought-provoking story of feminie emotion.

  • 基于瑜伽的理解,最耐人寻味的性感是超越视觉的。
    As for apprehension of Yoga, its sexual appeal well-worth exploring is beyond our common vision.

  • 更多关于这一耐人寻味的可能性,今后会揭示出来。
    More on that intriguing possibility in a future post.

  • 这篇小说妙就妙在语言诙谐、''。'耐人寻味'。''。
    The beauty of his story was its subtle humor.

  • 把晃动角度增大到95度…-你不觉得拒绝回答耐人寻味吗?
    We turned the thing Up to 95 degrees… - You don't think that Non-answers tell me anything?

  • 至于伊朗是否可以承受得了,那就是一个耐人寻味的问题了。
    The next one needs to be tough enough to make Iran sit up and blink.

  • 在当前流动性扩大供给的大政策环境下,央行此举无疑耐人寻味
    In the current expansion of the supply of liquidity big policy environment, the central bank this is intriguing.

  • 此酒颜色深厚,蕴涵着巧克力和果脯的气息,单宁柔顺耐人寻味
    Deep, dense and rich showing tones of chocolate and prunes, this is full bodied with soft, velvety tannins.

  • 沙滩的颜色很耐人寻味,一股淡淡的旧日情怀,就像这包包的颜色一样。
    The color of the beach, like the color of the handbag, has a dash of nostalgia.

  • 主要讨论了矩阵只有两个特征根时的对角化问题,方法简捷,效果耐人寻味
    Discussing the matrix the opposite angles the problem when marix only contains two characteristics root, the method very forthright.

  • “生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。”罗丹的话总是那么经典而耐人寻味
    "Life is not the lack of the United States, but the lack of discovery. " Rodin, then and always thought-provoking classic.

  • 这一切都是很''。'耐人寻味'。''的,但是它违背了当时一些科学家的信念。
    All this was very interesting, but it was against the beliefs of some of the scientists of that day.

  • 也门领导人阿里•阿卜杜拉•萨利赫在过去32年一直坚持特别而耐人寻味的与蛇共舞政策。
    ALI ABDULLAH SALEH has conducted an extraordinarily serpentine jig for the past 32 years as Yemen's leader.

  • 曾经有人讲过这样一个耐人寻味的故事:一场突然而来的沙漠风暴使一位旅行者迷失了前进方向。
    It has been said such an interesting story : a sudden onset of Desert Storm, so travelers get lost in a forward direction.

  • 我想这部电影之所以能够扎根在我的脑海里是因为我喜欢这部片子的结尾,它的结尾非常耐人寻味
    I guess this film is deeply rooted in my memory because I like the ending which is very thought provoking.

  • 老者叹口气说:“那你们就失去了全部的生命”虽然这只是一个故事,但其中蕴含的哲理却耐人寻味
    Old man sighed, said: "That you will lose all of life, " although this is only a story, but the philosophy behind them is intriguing.

  • 在采访中,记者也发现,除了部分业主不愿意采用资金监管之外,一些房屋中介的态度也颇为耐人寻味
    In the interview, the reporter also found that while some of the owners are unwilling to adopt the management of funds, housing intermediary attitude is quite intriguing.

  • 从城堡制高点俯瞰爱丁堡。爱丁堡是一个有山有水的城市,比上海更耐人寻味,至少对于旅游者来说是如此。
    Overlook of the Edinburgh City from the top of the castle. Edinburgh is a city with both hills and water, and is more attractive than Shanghai, at least for tourists.

  • 正好这个时候,蒋小姐看到曹操扭了扭身躯,好像有一个耐人寻味的动作,蒋小姐三步并做两步地走上前去。
    Precisely this point in time, to see Miss Jiang Cao twisting the twisted body, as if there is a thought-provoking action, Miss Jiang and three two-step to the forefront to do so.

  • 然而值得注意的是,在拥有高权位、但认为自己并没有资格处于高位的参与者身上显出一种耐人寻味的特征。
    However, an intriguing characteristic emerged among participants in high-power states who felt they did not deserve their elevated positions.

  • 中国传统文化中的吉祥观念,以其丰富的内容、多样的表现形式、深邃的内涵而富有极其耐人寻味的文化意蕴。
    The necessity of the inheritance of propitious culture in packaging design, the basic ways of inheritance, and embodiment of propitious culture in packaging design were discussed.

  • 斯蒂芬认为,耐人寻味的红外干涉已经使我们能够研究硬盘中的结构形成的陆地区域内行星的行星系统只是形成。
    Stefan finds it intriguing that infrared interferometry already enables us to investigate the disk structure in the terrestrial planet forming zone where planetary systems are just forming.

  • 然而,就是这样一座现代而又富有的城市,仍旧固执地保持着一百多年前放牛人的传统和文化,的确是耐人寻味
    However, it's definitely intriguing that this modern and wealthy city still holds its grazing tradition and culture coming down over one hundred years ago.

  • 中国古典诗词是中国文学的瑰宝,以含蓄、简约和微妙见长,其中最重要的特点就是丰富的意象和耐人寻味的意境。
    Chinese ancient poetry is the gem of Chinese literature, particularly noted for its simplicity, subtleness and its rich connotation.

  • 狮子-双子:聪明过人的双子座让你倍感诱惑,然而他/她的多变也会将你激怒。你们的关系耐人寻味,同时不会长久。
    LEO & GEMINI: You are enticed by the clever Twins, nevertheless the Twins' fickleness enrages you. Intriguing while this connection lasts, it's usually short lived.

  • 聪明过人的双子座让你倍感诱惑,然而他/她的多变也会将你激怒。你们的关系耐人寻味,同时不会长久。-------[光年网原创。
    You are enticed by the clever Twins, nevertheless the Twins' fickleness enrages you. Intriguing while this connection lasts, it's usually short lived.

  • 当然,我不期望开发中国家的科技进步演化方式会跟随著工业化世界国家的脚步,但我发现从社会、经济以及科技发展的可能性来看,倒是耐人寻味
    Certainly, I do not expect that the evolution of technology innovation in developing countries will necessarily follow the same path as that in the industrialised world.

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