
老马识途  lǎo mǎ shí tú







  • 岁月及经验可成智慧;老马识途
    Age and experience teach wisdom.

  • 最好跟着老狐狸走;老马识途
    It is good to follow the old fox.

  • 老马识途”比喻有经验的人熟悉情况,能在某个方面起指引的作用。
    "lao ma shi tu"is a metaphor referring to experience people who can offer guidance in certain areas.

  • 老马识途”这个成语用来比喻有经验的人,熟悉情况,办事效果好。
    An Old Horse Knows the WayIn the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Huan of Qi led an army to attac…

  • 老马识途”比喻有经验的人熟悉情况,能在某个方面起指引的作用。
    "lao ma shi tu" is a metaphor referring to experienced people who can offer guidance in certain areas.

  • 经过这次事件,小王不得不承认还是老马识途,自己有很多地方要向老林学习。
    Xiao Wang has to acknowledge after this incident that he still needs to learn from Lao Lin, who really knows his onions.

  • 人们根据这个故事引申出“老马识途”这句成语,比喻很有经验的人,熟悉情况,遇事能起主导作用。
    The term "an old horse knows the way" is used to describe one with experience or who, being familiar with a situation, has the ability to lead in a crisis.

  • 以冷静的讽刺语气,风格化的对话和充分刻画的角色,老粉丝看「布莱德彼特之即刻毁灭」将有老马识途之感,如同回到柯恩兄弟的「怪咖国度」。
    With its coldly satirical tone, stylized dialogue and broadly drawn characters, "Burn" will feel like familiar territory for longtime fans, a return to Coen Country for Odd Men.

  • 老马识途造句相关
