
美人香草  měi rén xiāng cǎo








  • 他创立了“楚辞”这种文体(也就是创立了“词赋”这一文体),也开创了“香草美人”的传统。
    He started the Songs of Chu, a new style of poetry, and started a tradition of Vanilla Beauty.

  • 而且在文学上用楚辞体的形式以及香草美人的比兴手法写作词赋,辛弃疾、陆游、李纲等人便是其中的杰出代表。
    On the other hand, they studied the form of Chu Ci and metaphor skill to write Ci and Fu. Xin Qi-ji, Lu You and Li Gang were outstanding representatives among them.

  • 李商隐诗中的隐喻继承并发展了屈原“香草美人”的比兴象征传统,为我国古代诗歌抒情艺术的创新作出了新贡献。
    LI's metaphors inherit and develops QUYuan's and makes new contribution to lyrics of ancient Chinese poetry.

  • 屈原将个人身世之慨与《诗经》中的比兴手法相结合,创立了“香草美人”的比兴传统,这也成为历代咏物诗创作的圭臬;
    He combined his own experience with the Bi Xing skill of Shi Jing (Classic of Peotry) together and formed a tradition of Xiang Cao and Mei Ren, which is the standard of Yongwu Poetry.

  • 同时,西方的“象征”因其“象”与所“征”约定俗成关系,类似中国“香草美人”手法,所以同于“比”和“隐喻”而异于“兴”。
    Also, the mechanism of "Symbolism", stabilized between the symbol and the symbolized, resembles the Chinese "Xiang Cao Mei Ren" tradition and approximates "Metaphor" and "Bi" rather than "Xing".

  • 王安石“半山诗”中常用的字词和意象可体现“半山诗”的诗风清、诗味永、诗旨深等诗境特点,而诗旨深的特点又深受屈原“香草美人”骚人传统的影响。
    The features of poetic scene of Wang Anshi s baoshan poems, such as the pure poetic style, eternal poetic flavor and implicit points of the poem, can be represented by his using regularly words, e.

  • 美人香草造句相关
