
粉墨登场  fěn mò dēng chǎng








  • 与持同时,藏独,疆独粉墨登场
    At the same time, other split firces embark upon a political venture.

  • 与此同时,疆独、藏独亦粉墨登场
    At the same time, other slit force embark upon a political venture.

  • 与此同时,疆独、藏独亦粉墨登场
    At the same time, other sprite forces embark upon a political venture.

  • 与此同时,疆独``藏独亦粉墨登场
    At the same time, other split forces embark upon a political venture.

  • 与此同时,新疆独立,西藏独亦粉墨登场
    At the same time, other split forces embark upon a political venture.

  • 俺们滴飞行员同志终于粉墨登场了,在和教练交谈。
    Finally, here is our pilot talking to his coach.

  • 继葡萄酒之后,白酒市场的年份酒又开始粉墨登场
    After afterwards bishop, the wine of a particular year of liquor market begins embark upon a political venture again.

  • 苹果:假如此时怒火还依旧高涨,则苹果要粉墨登场了。
    Apple: If right now fury still upsurges as before, criterion the apple wants embark upon a political venture.

  • 作为“吃光式分红”的杰出代表,双汇发展昨日粉墨登场
    As "eat-style dividend" outstanding representative of Shuanghui development stage yesterday.

  • 大家才知道房子原来可以这样卖,从此房产策划粉墨登场
    We only know the original house could sell, then embarked on her estate planning.

  • 我在自由中得到快乐,阳光的我粉墨登场,书写我的犁园春秋。
    I am happy to be in a free, sunny stage I, to write my plow Spring and Autumn Park.

  • 我们觉得自己仿佛在作者所描绘的舞台上和他们一起粉墨登场
    and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe.

  • 很快,与这经济飞跃相映成趣的最后修饰就将粉墨登场:宜家家居。
    So, soon, will the final adornment of any upwardly mobile city: an IKEA.

  • 我们觉得有点象是在作者所描绘的人生舞台上跟他们一起粉墨登场了。
    we feel as if we were in a measure actor with them in the scenes which they describe.

  • 而10月4日,该特别篇终于粉墨登场,但结果却是令观众大失所望。
    And on October 4, the last chapter of the Special stage, but the result was disappointing the audience.

  • 只是默默地看着、听着、想着人类在历史舞台上怎样一个个粉墨登场
    Just watched in silence, listening, thinking about the history of mankind how to stage a stage.

  • 在经过一番策划后,张某买来了大量的假皮包和假酒开始粉墨登场了。
    After undergoing a plan, Zhang bought the massive false handbags and the adulterated liquor starts to enter the political arena.

  • (海外论坛·北京) 美元终于再次粉墨登场----而且可能还要持续些许时日。
    The dollar is finally back in play again -- and possibly for some time to come.

  • 当其他文学形式还在“磨磨蹭蹭”的时候,诗歌早已“粉墨登场”投入“战斗”了。
    While other literary forms are still "dallying" when the poem has long been "on stage" input "battle" of the.

  • 但在工商银行的上市完成后,预计大概在11月份,另一类型的国有资产将粉墨登场
    But with the completion of the ICBC offering, probably in November, a different type of state-owned asset will come up for auction.

  • 年届九十多岁的葡萄牙电影大师曼劳迪奥利菲拉在片中粉墨登场,以哲理阐述电影本质。
    Guest appearance by legendary Portuguese filmmaker, the nonagenarian Manoel de Oliveira who philosophies on the nature of cinema.

  • 而今天在深圳“第三类住宅”只不过是罩上了一层美丽与时髦的外衣,重新粉墨登场而已。
    Today in Shenzhen, "the third category of residential" is the shadow of a beautiful and fashionable jackets, re-enter the political arena.

  • 今回,三位教师及五名同学,连同十四位业馀票友艺术家粉墨登场,吸引了200名与会者。
    This time three CFSS teaching staff and five students together with 14 amateur artists performed in the concert, which attracted 200 participants, including 50 staff and students.

  • 这些电影中的女人们穿着她们的裙子,下摆比十年前短了几英寸,她们粉墨登场突显她们新做的短发。
    Women in these movies wore their hem lines a few inches shorter than the decade before them and they wore cosmetics to accentuate their new bobbed haircuts .

  • “地产泡沫论”粉墨登场也许并不奇怪,在对中国房价高涨进行质疑之后,“地产泡沫论”粉墨登场
    "real estate bubble theory, " made up beautifully perhaps not surprising, in a challenge to China's surging housing prices, "real estate bubble theory, " made up beautifully.

  • 不过,像以往一样,在正面典型休养生息时,中国足协再次粉墨登场,开始重新吸引媒体和看客的眼球。
    However, in the past, the typical recuperate in a positive, the China Football Association once again stage and began to re-attract the attention of the media and spectators.

  • 他们的感受成为我们自己的感受,我们觉得有点象是在作者所描绘的人生舞台上跟他们一起粉墨登场了。
    we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure (in some degree ) actors with them in the scenes which they describe.

  • 从2003年第1期开始,重点栏目“本刊策划”粉墨登场,全面关注粮食行业的重点、难点、热点问题。
    From 2003 the 1st period begin, key column " this print is engineered " embark upon a political venture, pay close attention to problem of the key of food industry, difficulty, heat in the round.

  • 夜晚降临,一个大多数男人只能于梦中才能见到的世界,在街灯的阴影里、公共休息室的小隔间里、昂贵的公寓里粉墨登场
    At night, a world comes to life in the shadows of streetlamps, in the stalls of public restrooms, in the apartments of the well-to-do. Thisis a world most guys only dream about.

  • 但是,整个洋基球场中的人都很明白;这场比赛的前七局是属于谁的比赛:王建民。他在大联盟初登板的精彩表现,让每个人都痴痴地期待著他的下一次粉墨登场
    But there was little question at Yankee Stadium to whom the first seven acts belonged: Chien-Ming Wang, whose Major League debut left everyone begging, and waiting, for an encore.

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