
管中窥豹  guǎn zhōng kuī bào








  • 管中窥豹可见一斑。让看看全图不…
    It has a limited view. Why not post the full pics…

  • 这从他的几个人生片断,可以管中窥豹
    From his life several clips can act.

  • 管中窥豹,但感觉好!
    Ab uno disce omnes, but it feels good!

  • 管中窥豹,北京市基层民主选举可见一斑。
    From this, one can get a rough picture of a democratic election at the lower levels of Beijing city.

  • 管中窥豹,昆明的“城市病”严重,浪费巨大。
    tube, Kunming "urban disease" severe wasting enormous.

  • 仅其面积达1。7平方米的全景五天窗设计便可管中窥豹
    The only area of 1. 7 square meters of five panoramic sunroof can be designed Guanzhongkuibao.

  • (伟大的风景可通过一个小孔见到)管中窥豹,可见一斑。
    A great landscape can be seen through a small hole.

  • 台湾版《故宫生活〉,能管中窥豹啊,绝不逊色于各国长兵器。
    in Taiwan edition that can obtain a lot by limited information and is not surely inferior to long weapon in each countries.

  • 当然,这些例子有管中窥豹之嫌,因为我们知道熊市肯定会结束。
    Of course, those examples are cherry-picked, in the knowledge that bear markets did come to an end.

  • 虽然职业炒房人的理论来自房产第一线,但有时也难免有管中窥豹之嫌。
    While vocational Real property from the first line theory, but sometimes it seems a piece.

  • 仅据今年一份很有影响的刊物上的一篇文章,虽管中窥豹,亦可见一斑。
    Occupy only this year an article on a very influential journal, although have a restricted view of sth, yi Ke sees one spot.

  • 不仅仅是网吧面临这样的情况,这样的情况在其他行业也可管中窥豹见一斑。
    It is the Internet bar faces such situation not just, such circumstance is in other industry also but have a restricted view of sth sees one spot.

  • 技术之于我们恰如大海之于鱼,我们对其发展细节的预测,也仅是管中窥豹
    We live in technology as fish live in the sea, and we have only a little better chance of forecasting the details of its changes.

  • 换言之,像当下这些电信业者那样仅凭科技的发展来预测未来,只是管中窥豹
    Predicting the future on the basis of technological progress alone, in other words, as the telecoms industry tends to, gives only part of the story.

  • 从视觉上看,由于苹果将一切都隐藏在其顶级的外部设计之下,你只是管中窥豹
    Though by looking, you couldn't tell thanks to Apple concealing it all under a top shell design.

  • 所谓具有代表性,就是该商品在居民消费支出中占有较大权重,据此可以“管中窥豹”。
    The so-called representative, is the commodity in consumer expenditures account for a large weight, which can be "big."

  • 需要拍摄的东西实在是太多太多了,而我们所拍摄到的只不过是管中窥豹,微乎其微的皮毛罢了。
    It is too much that needs to be included in the photos. Yet, the photos we have taken are just a limited view of Italy.

  • 由于我与该企业同在一个城市,并且也是同行,仅以一种管中窥豹式的方式对“十大”评选做出一种解读。
    Since I in a city with the same enterprise, but also peer, the only way for a piece of "X" and make a selection interpretation.

  • 笔者以信托财产入手,从其独立性的制度构造展开研究,管中窥豹,期望能够有助于我国信托法制的完善。
    So the author studied trust property and emphasized its independence, and also hopes to perfect our trust law system.

  • 2001年发生在江苏省宿迁市的高中教育市场化改革就是其中的典型代表,古人云:管中窥豹,可见一斑。
    In 2001, the market-oriented reform of Suqian's high school educates is a typical representative. Our forefathers said if we see a point, we can See completely.

  • 因此研究清代内蒙古地区商业贸易的发展情况,应该以这一地区作为切入点,以求“管中窥豹,可见一斑”。
    Therefore we should start from the city of Guihua if we want to study the development of commercial trade in Inner Mongolian areas.

  • 很难说中国还存在学术界,教育改革的恶果已经遍布社会的各个角落了,一个垃圾焚烧问题也是只管中窥豹
    It's hard to say if academia is still existing in China. The bad result of the educational reform is now spread everywhere. The issue of burning rubbish is just a very limited part of the big problem.

  • 有的是“管中窥豹”,有的是“横看成岭侧成峰”,而要达到“一览众山小”的层次,可能更需要智慧和勇气。
    Many are just looking at the leopard through a bamboo tube, only obtaining one part of the truth. We need more courage and wisdom to obtain a broader view of the whole fact.

  • 您这照片是用手机拍的?!怎地如此之小?管中窥豹啊!还得断代!非高手高高手不能矣……各位大侠上吧,小弟闪先。
    Is this pic taken by mobile phone?! Why is it so small?How can I date! Come on other superiors, I can't date and leave first.

  • 本文试图剖析女扮男装模式的渊源与拓展,从而管中窥豹,从一个侧面来探寻女性文学的发展轨迹以及思想蜕变的多彩光芒。
    In this paper, I attempt to analyze the origin and development of the mode"woman disguised as man", and explore the pathway of female literature and the grace of the ideological transformation.

  • 作者在书中以管中窥豹式的描述讲述了现代宇宙学家们为了让人们认识宇宙而做出的巨大努力。这本书一出世就成了科技类书籍的畅销书之一。
    A fly-on-the-wall account of modern cosmologists' epic struggle to make sense of the Universe, that book ranks as one of the best popular science books ever written.

  • 本文拟就这次教改的意义、作用、存在问题等作一点管中窥豹的探讨,并从深化教改的角度,对目前做法的利弊、将来的教改设想提出若干探讨性的看法。
    Based on improving teach reform, this paper discusses as far as the function, significance and existing problems of teach innovation, putting forward the viewpoints toward teach reform for the future.

  • 本文从人大代表与议会议员这一代议制度的组成细胞入手,通过分析代议制下我国人大代表与西方议会议员的差异,管中窥豹,力透中西代议制度的差异。
    This paper start with the cell of the representative system-deputies and assemblyman, though analyse the difference of the representative system of China and western countries.

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