
空谷幽兰  kōng gǔ yōu lán







  • 现在的她仿佛空谷幽兰一般。
    She now seems Vacant Valley Orchids in general.

  • 空谷幽香志清意远--深深地吸一口气,我能闻到那幽兰的清香……
    Spatial valley delicate fragrance, clear will sense far. Take a deep breathe, I can smell the neat fragrance of the quiet orchid…

  • 纵然受尽风刀霜剑,依然劲挺不屈,哪怕是空谷幽兰,照样年年芬芳。
    even if the wind suffered knife sword cream is still pretty strong unyielding, even Valley Orchids, the same fragrance every year.

  • 一如我爱那空谷幽兰、四季美景,爱它,却不能揽它入怀,只能任之行色匆匆,悄然逝去。
    I love it as Orchids Valley, Four Seasons beauty, love it, but it can not get into the pregnant, the only non , quietly passing away.

  • 所以,我们常常称美丽的,隐逸的少女,或隐居山中,鄙视名利权势的大学者为“空谷幽兰”。
    Hence we often speak of a beautiful secluded maiden, or a great scholar living away in the mountains with contempt for power and fame, as "a secluded orchid in a deserted valley."

  • 在阿加莎·克里斯蒂的小说《空谷幽兰》中,亨里埃塔对去参加一个充满活力的家庭舞会的一位既害羞又不聪明、与众不甚相称的妇女显示了惊人的善意。
    In the Agatha Christie novel The Hollow, Henrietta displays remarkable kindness towards a shy, unintellectual woman who isn't fitting in to a sparkling house party.

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