
稳扎稳打  wěn zhā wěn dǎ







  • 慢而稳才能赢。/稳扎稳打必得胜。
    Slow and steady win the race.

  • 稳扎稳打…很高兴听到所有鸡就快售完了…
    Slow and steady… glad to hear almost all the chickens sold…

  • 没有并购者紧逼其后,他们可以稳扎稳打
    Without predators breathing down their necks, these firms could play it safe.

  • 那不是我要做的工作,我打算在生活中稳扎稳打
    That's not for me: I am going to play it safe in life.

  • 即使在生产能力具备的情况下,企业为了稳扎稳打,…
    Although be below the case that productivity has, enterprise for slow and steady, …

  • 警察不慌不忙、稳扎稳打的办法终于使他们抓住了窃贼。
    The slow methods of the police ground on until the thieves were caught.

  • 也许是由于我的成长背景,我是属于那种稳扎稳打型的人。
    Maybe it's because of my upbringing, I am the type who usually plays it safe.

  • 速度和隐蔽有其作用,但我更倾向稳扎稳打,步步为营地推进。
    Speed and stealth is good, but I prefer a more consistent and methodical approach.

  • 他补充道,其他经济学家应该“一砖一石”、稳扎稳打地构筑知识。
    Every other economist, he added, should be content to build knowledge by steadily laying "stone on stone".

  • 身处飞速增长的互联网行业,陈一舟却更愿意学习股神巴菲特稳扎稳打的作风。
    Handle the Internet trade of flying growth personally, chen Yizhou is willing to learn a god more however Buffett slow and steady style.

  • 这个故事告诉我们“稳扎稳打才能赢得比赛”或者“不要对你的能力评价太高。”
    This story tells us "Slow and steady wins the race" or "Don't overestimate your ability".

  • 然而,在这以前,他已经稳扎稳打地获得了声望,曾与世界最著名的主要乐队演出。
    However, even before that time, he had steadily gained fame, and had performed with most of the world's major orchestras.

  • 龟兔赛跑这个故事就是一则寓言,它向我们阐述了稳扎稳打最终战胜骄傲自满的信条。
    The story of the tortoise and the hare is an allegory, expressing the belief that the slow and steady will always defeat the quick and prideful in the end.

  • 他的商业模式证明了一项公理“稳扎稳打才能赢”——这也同样适用在信息高速公路上。
    His business model proved the axiom "slow and steady wins the race" -- even on the information superhighway.

  • 从星期三到星期五,你会稳扎稳打地有步骤地凭着直觉和极佳的敏感度去接近你周围的人。
    Then, from Wednesday until sometime Friday, a slow and steady approach is in order, with self-awareness coupled with extra sensitivity to those around you.

  • 主持人:李先生一直是稳扎稳打,而且基本都是盈利的,我们2006年会不会有新的动作?
    Moderator : Mr. Lee has been moving steadily, but the profits are essential, we will have 2006 new moves?

  • 即便是在十一黄金周这样的大力度促销季,也努力稳扎稳打送实惠,以维护自身的品牌形象。
    Even in the 11 Golden Week this season's big promotion efforts, but also a steady effort Give benefits in order to protect their brand image.

  • 这之后周训书稳扎稳打,后九洞的成绩一直在低于标准杆一杆直到最后两洞的柏忌和双柏忌。
    Zhou settled down after that, and was playing 1-under on the back nine until finishing bogey, double bogey.

  • 金证顾问表示,近期大盘的走势仍然牢牢掌控在多方手中,大盘延续稳扎稳打的阵地式进攻。
    Gold card consultants said that the recent market trend is still firmly in control in the multi-hands steady market extension of the assault position.

  • 龙发装饰不管在在业界人眼中还是给装修业主的感觉,一直都是很传统的形象,稳扎稳打的步伐。
    Long hair decoration, whether in the eyes of the people in the industry or decoration to the owners of feeling has always been very traditional image of a steady pace.

  • 编首语:装饰不管在在业界人眼中还是给业主的感觉,一直都是很传统的形象,稳扎稳打的步伐。
    For the first language: No matter in the decoration industry in the eyes of the people or to the owners of feeling has always been very traditional image of a steady pace.

  • 不过,首盘的失利并没有影响孙甜甜的心情,第二盘她稳扎稳打,很快以6:4的比分扳回了一盘。
    However, the first unfavorable situation has not affected Sun Tiantian's mood, second she fights steadily, has drawn one very quickly by 6:4 score.

  • 我们需要乘工业化的发展把气温上升趋势做得稳扎稳打,但是这些倒霉蛋有的却打起了自己的小九九。
    We needed to show a steady rise as industrialisation proceeded, but some of these unfortunates had other ideas.

  • 那是一种非凡的力量——足够地忍耐,稳扎稳打,毫不留情——就如遥远的航天中心的公告牌所展示的。
    The very power -- patient, measured and implacable -- that is suggested by the proclamation on the faraway space center billboard.

  • 波兰车手库比卡利用发车乱局以及整场比赛的稳扎稳打,最终收获日本站亚军,赛后他对这个比赛成绩感到满意。
    Polish driver Kubica use of the chaotic start of the game as a whole, as well as a steady and eventually harvest stands runner-up Japan, after the game he was satisfied with the result.

  • 丑年生人,做事谨慎小心,脚踏实地,有稳扎稳打的作风。不轻易受他人或环境的影响,依照自己意念和能力做事。
    Those born in Chou years are prudent and careful, earnest, firm and steady, and doing things on their own ideas ir abilities, not easily disturbed by others or the environment.

  • 武汉维珍医药科技有限责任公司以在“深思熟虑中尝试,稳扎稳打中成功”的心态,恭请业内同行分享成功的喜悦。
    Wuhan Virgin medical technology company with limited liability in the "careful consideration in the attempt, Wenzhawenda success" mentality, Gongqing industry peers to share the joy of success.

  • 来到热火队以后,威廉姆斯在场上稳扎稳打,成为在后场的得力助手,在2006赛季热队夺取总冠军过程中功不可没。
    After arriving at Heat, Williams fights steadily on the field, becomes in the wings primary assistant, in 2006 season hot teams capture in the total champion process to have lasting achievements.

  • 除了几处细微的改动,时下小提琴的基本样式依然不变,高质量小提琴的制作方法也依旧:手工打造、精心呵护、稳扎稳打
    Apart from a few minor modifications introduced since, the basic design remains much the same today, and so does the way a high-quality instrument is made: by hand, slowly and with loving care.

  • 但是,看到星期二晚上在大联盟的球场上,修斯的转变,替洋基做了很大的活广告!在往后可见的未来,洋基正需要他稳扎稳打,替代受伤中的王建民。
    But watching it translate on a big-league field Tuesday night proved to be a great boost for the Yankees, who need Hughes to step in for the injured Chien-Ming Wang for the foreseeable future.

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