
秘而不宣  mì ér bù xuān








  • 政府间的关系常常是秘而不宣的。
    Relations between governments are often swathed in secrecy.

  • 关于他们的度假计划他们秘而不宣
    They're being very mysterious about their vacation plans.

  • 两国之间的关系常常秘而不宣
    Relations between governments are often wrapped in secrecy.

  • 这些花费都是秘而不宣的。
    The cost of these is secret.

  • 当局对此事秘而不宣,以免引起公众抗议。
    The government hushed the affair up to avoid a public outcry .

  • 整个事件依旧秘而不宣
    The whole affair is still shrouded in secrecy.

  • 不过因男方个性低调,迫使她对婚事秘而不宣
    However because of the groom's family individuality low key, forces her to keep secret to the wedding.

  • 但又补充,因顾及国家安全,有两三段秘而不宣
    The White House said that perhaps two or three paragraphs had been omitted in the interest of national security.

  • 许多无神论者选择了秘而不宣,除了对最亲密的朋友。
    Many atheists opt to remain in the closet, except perhaps with their closest friends.

  • 为此,该公司为这项技术申请了专利,且对何处下其针秘而不宣
    the company has applied for patent, but would not tell where should the needle be acupointed.

  • 秘而不宣的西斯教团只能靠师父死亡,徒弟上位的方式来自我延续。
    The secretive Sith order counted upon the death of a master and the rise of an apprentice to further itself.

  • 多萝茜心里明白,自己最大的一个毛病,就是爱揣度别人秘而不宣的动机。
    Dorothy knew that one of her worst faults was to suspect ulterior motives in others.

  • 考虑到他们一直都对这段感情秘而不宣,这次同走红毯算是前进了巨大的一步。
    This is a HUGE step for them since they both are so secretive about their relationship.

  • 赞成安乐死的人说,安乐死早就是西方文明社会的一种特征,只是秘而不宣而已。
    Pro-euthanasia supporters say that mercy killing has long been a feature of Western societies but has been kept secret.

  • 诺斯替教秘而不宣,然而,对于少数理解它的思想的人来说,它依然是灵感的源泉。
    Gnosticism remained a source of inspiration, however, for the few who knew of its ideas, which were kept secret.

  • 它包括我们可以从电视中看到的激烈的空袭,以及甚至连成果都秘而不宣的隐蔽行动。
    It may include dramatic strikes, visible on television, and covert operations, secret even in success.

  • 内贾德本人因其否认大屠杀是事实和秘而不宣的打算要血洗以色列而成为了众矢之的。
    Most take a dim view of Mr Ahmadinejad, who denies that the Holocaust happened but makes veiled threats to unleash another one on Israel.

  • 本来是要保密,叫人大吃一惊的嘛,一个男人就没有权利对自己订婚的计划秘而不宣吗?
    It was supposed to be a secret and a surprise, and a man's got a right to keep his own engagement quiet, hasn't he?

  • 博纳提自己本身也不知道为什么自己在探险队里的作用会被忽略,而且似乎被秘而不宣了。
    Bonatti himself could find no reason to why his part of the expedition was overlooked and, it seemed, hushed down.

  • 但是整个行业对客户付的费用和经纪人把投资者引到高费用的基金公司所得的奖金一直秘而不宣
    But the industry long has been opaque about *the fees customers pay and *the bonuses brokers receive for steering investors into high-expense funds.

  • 记者们不得不考虑中宣部关于食品安全问题报道的命令。这些命令虽然长期实施,大部分却秘而不宣
    Journalists had to be mindful of long-standing, but mostly secret, orders from the Propaganda Department about reporting food-safety issues.

  • 当然,任何人都会有一些秘而不宣的事情,但是如果你发现你隐藏的秘密越来越多,你们差不多就完了。
    You should be able to trust your man. There are some secrets that everyone keeps to themselves but if you find yourself keeping more and more things closer to the vest.

  • “这个状况绝对不碍事。”豪瑟说,前提是相异之处不是秘而不宣,而且两人要用社和双方的方式理财。
    "That completely works, " said Holzer, as long as the differences are out in the open and money's managed in a way that works for both parties.

  • 方便与否即成为你的潜在标准——我们都知道,秘而不宣的潜规则为虚伪和否认的滋长提供了大片的沃土。
    Convenience would become your unspoken standard — and as we all know, unspoken standards provide huge tracts of fertile ground for hypocrisy and denial to grow.

  • 不仅是在华经营的外国公司越来越小心,对核心技术秘而不宣,中国企业与企业、企业与大学之间也极少进行合作。
    Not only are foreign companies operating in China increasingly careful to keep core technologies to themselves but Chinese companies collaborate little with each other or with universities.

  • 秘而不宣的原因是人们担心为流感而设的鸡蛋养殖场可能会成为恐怖袭击的目标,还可能受到鸡类致死性病原体的侵袭。
    The secrecy is owing to worries that flu-related egg farms could be targeted for terrorist attacks or struck by chicken-killing pathogens.

  • 这一点过去常让我感到困惑,但如今我明白,我们完成这些最美妙的事情却秘而不宣,实质上是暗地里预见未来更美好的生活。
    But now I realize that by their very nature, these finest things we do and then cannot talk about are a sort of, well, secret preview of a better life to come.

  • 随即上台的是一位女生,她以自己为例讲述了女生对于恋爱的态度,波波师兄也向大家透露了自己许久以来秘而不宣的一段恋爱故事。
    The chairman Liuyang showed his views on loving. The next was a girl, she showed the girl's attitude about loving using herself for example. Brother Bobo also talked about his story.

  • 愿光荣归于天主,他有能力坚固你们,使你们合乎我所传布的福音,和所宣讲的耶稣基督,并合乎所启示的奥秘──这奥秘从永远以来,就是秘而不宣的。
    Now to him that is able to establish you, according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret from eternity.

  • 这次的买家并没有向往常一样秘而不宣,是生意遍及大陆和港澳的地产大亨刘銮雄。对于这种不寻常的情况,其中一个解释是,刘銮雄正打算做一个买卖,即向那些不愿透露自己身份的人卖飞机。
    One possible explanation for the announcement is that Mr Lau is thought to have plans for a business providing jets to Asian clients who, in the order of things, want to stay private.

  • 秘而不宣造句相关
