
秀色可餐  xiù sè kě cān







  • 社会的秀色可餐太迷人了。
    Community eye candy too gets very interesting.

  • 我甩她的。现在我喜欢黑美人。真是秀色可餐
    I dumped her. Now I prefer black girls. So tasty.

  • 还有珍珠海鲜捞面的鲜味……每一道菜都是秀色可餐的。
    and pearls noodle with fresh seafood flavor … each of the dishes is rich and colorful.

  • 所以男生们宁可舍近远,跑回国找一个秀色可餐的新娘。
    So schoolboys would rather be abandoned close far, run back to a country to look for a beautiful description but the bride of eat.

  • 这位是贝尔纳的夫人伊利沙白,真是秀色可餐,让人眼前一亮。
    And that is Elizabeth, Bernard's wife, a vision of loveliness, and delight to the eye.

  • 微风里掺和着新灌木和野花的淡淡清香,整个世界都是秀色可餐了。
    There was a faint wild fragrance of sweet shrub on the breeze and the world smelled good enough to eat.

  • 无论在什么样的场合,都要好好地“烹饪”自己,使自己秀色可餐,暗香浮动。
    Regardless of in any type situation, all must "the cooking" own, cause oneself beautiful enough to eat well, dark fragrant fluctuation.

  • 无论在什么样的场合,都要好好地“烹饪”自己,使自己秀色可餐,暗香浮动。
    No matter where you are, must "cooking"yourself well. Let you more charming.

  • 不过千万不要高兴过早,天下没有免费的午餐,更不用说秀色可餐,兼得“美人”归。
    But never happy prematurely, There is no such thing as a free lunch, let alone foods, both "beauty" is.

  • 采集自世界各地的花卉植物滋养成分,使LUSUSS的护肤天然、秀色可餐,令人愉悦。
    Collected from all over the world flowering plants nourish elements, and thus LUSUSS the skin natural, eye candy, pleasing.

  • 例如,大人看到小女孩穿上可爱的公主装时,可以说︰「你穿那件衣服好漂亮,秀色可餐!」
    For example, adults might see a little girl in a really cute princess costume and say, "You are so pretty in that outfit; you look good enough to eat! ""

  • 特色而罕有的非水鱼掌莫属,重达25-30公斤的野生水鱼往往成为老饕们眼中秀色可餐的野味。
    Other than that, here also serve Soft-shelled Turtle, it weight is more than 25 to 30 kilograms.

  • 今人爱说“秀色可餐”,是说美丽的脸蛋会让人产生本能的兴奋之情,甚至于把吃饭的本能都忘掉。
    Today, people love to say " beautiful sight as a dish", which means beautiful faces will cause man's nature of excited, and even make them forget the nature of eating.

  • 美国股市3。3%的派息率虽算不得秀色可餐,却是上世纪50年代以来超过长期公债利率的第一次。
    And at 3. 3%, the dividend yield on the American stockmarket hardly seems mouthwatering, but it is higher than the long-term Treasury-bond yield for the first time since the 1950s.

  • 厨房色调的讲究,光源照度的刻意追求,使厨房不仅仅是一个繁忙的劳动场所,它还是一个秀色可餐的动人环境。
    kitchen color of stress, the deliberate pursuit of illumination light to the kitchen is a busy workplace. It is also one of the foods moving environment.

  • 在电影中这一幕是很常见:一个电脑高手挎着一个秀色可餐的美女离开嬉皮聚会,然而在现实社会中这一幕却不常见。
    WHEN a geek leaves a hip party with a gorgeous girl on his arm, it is typically in a scene from a film rather than one from the real world.

  • 正如人们看到那样,她们在梦幻一般灯光的照射下,显示出了迷人效果与秀色可餐的意境,而美丽和色情则是其中暗含的两个主题。
    As people can see, in their dreamy light irradiation, and the results show the rich and colorful and enchanting scenery. and the beauty and sex is implied that the two themes.

  • 秀色可餐造句相关
