
神机妙算  shén jī miào suàn








  • 他敬佩老者的神机妙算
    He admired the old man for his crafty plan.

  • 多谢大人,大人真是神机妙算
    Thank you Sir, you are really wise.

  • 起初我觉得你真是神机妙算,说穿了也没什么了不起的。
    I thought at first it was something clever, but now I see there's nothing in it, after all.

  • 阿紫道:“要打胜仗,靠的是神机妙算,岂在多所杀伤。”
    "Victories are won by clever strategy and shrewd tactics, not by wanton killings, " enlightened Violet.

  • 不过,她的神机妙算究竟造成了多大幸福,她一直到第二天早上才知道。
    Till the next morning, however, she was not aware of all the felicity of her contrivance.

  • 不是我神机妙算,而是在目前的体制下,敢于讲真话的人就要准备好付出代价。
    It's not that I planned for this to happen, but under the current system, people who dare to speak the truth must be prepared to pay the price.

  • 这是一群“善于神机妙算”的人,他们的慧眼可以识破天机,释读天书,看阅无字之书。
    This is a group of "God Machine妙算good" person, they can see through the secret of the eye, reading hieroglyphics, see reading a book without words.

  • 专业的房地产经理神机妙算、出神入化地创造了房地产的成功,这成为90年代一个奇妙的现象。
    Professional real estate managers God aircraft handling, to create a perfectly real estate success, the 1990s became a wonderful phenomenon.

  • 当一切进展顺利时,他们不认为自己只是随波逐流运气好,而满以为一切尽在自己的神机妙算之中。
    When things are going well, they don't think they're just lucky and riding a wave. They're infused with a sense that they have it all figured out.

  • 然而对神机妙算的总经理莫雷来说,只要转会截止日还没来,他就不会停止拨弄转会交易市场上的小算盘。
    However to divine strategy general manager not the thunder, so long as transfers the deadline date not to come, he will not stop provoking transfers in the trading market calculation.

  • 用手写计算完工程量计算书后,再用神机妙算软件按GB50500-2003规范编制主要的工程量清单。
    End with handwritten calculations on engineering calculations, SJMS reuse software by GB50500-2003 norms major projects inventory.

  • 在这里没有人相信我是一个脆弱的人,就如谁也想不到《三国演义》中神机妙算的诸葛亮,竟然在街亭上失算。
    No one here believe that I am a fragile person who could not think of as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in God's wise妙算machine, even in the Jieting miscalculation.

  • 在20世纪大部分时间里,大公司一直都是资本主义的代表,但到了20世纪末期,由于不堪公司侵夺者的围剿、股东的烦扰和竞争对手的神机妙算,大公司开始节节败退。
    The organisation that defined capitalism for much of the 20th century was then in retreat, attacked by corporate raiders, harassed by shareholders and outfoxed by entrepreneurs.

  • 神机妙算造句相关
