
短小精悍  duǎn xiǎo jīng hàn








  • 谢谢分享~这机场的频都短小精悍的很…
    Thank you for sharing it. I am glad even if short!

  • 好一个短小精悍的人!。
    What a dapper little man! .

  • 亨利爵士长得短小精悍,身体健康,体态结实。
    Sir Henry was a small, healthy, wellbuilt man.

  • 中国小姐:短小精悍,但却可以工作到九十岁。
    Ms China: Short and hard working, but can work until 90.

  • 使用FLTK设计的界面,短小精悍而且美观。
    use FLTK interface design, short and pithy aesthetically pleasing.

  • 半透明窗口,短小精悍,使用方便,操作简单!
    translucent window, small and easy to use, simple!

  • 姚明挺会闹腾的。这是亚洲式的幽默,短小精悍
    Yao is hilarious. That's Asian humor for you. Short and to the point.

  • 作业工具要短小精悍,全部装备不得超过十公斤。
    Tools to dapper, all equipment shall not be more than ten kilograms.

  • 有人会说这叫短小精悍,也会有人说这是懒惰的体现。
    One might call them pithy. Or one might also call them lazy.

  • 尽可能多的短小精悍的句子,多的破折号,便于快速阅读。
    Lots of text breaks - short sentences - lots of dashes - something that reads quickly.

  • 在2010年,这种风格会摆脱花哨的导航变得更加短小精悍
    In 2010, this trend will move away from the quirky navigation and become more minimal in its approach.

  • 我国新疆地区流传的阿凡提故事,形式短小精悍,内容风趣幽默。
    Afanti stories which spread in Xinjiang , China have short and pithy form , charming and witty content.

  • 本书是一本短小精悍的入门书,介绍了英语风格的某些主要特征。
    This book offers a short guide to some of the main features of English style.

  • 用一个短小精悍的类库生成ZIP文件,这个主意听起来怎么样呢?
    How about a small JavaScript library capable of generating ZIP files on the fly?

  • 金得龙现在的后勤团队架构短小精悍,支持着整个亚太区的医疗业务。
    Kinder Dragon now logistics team, short and concise framework, supporting the entire Asia-Pacific region's medical business.

  • 重构是个好主意,但你应该养成第一次就写出更短小精悍代码的习惯。
    Refactoring is a great idea, but you should develop the habit of writing shorter, more focused methods the first time.

  • 神奇记录软件:可以制作支持宏的演示程序,短小精悍,非常有参考价值。
    magical record software : Acer can be produced to support the demonstration program, the small and very valuable reference.

  • “短”主要体现在课文短小精悍,语法点解释简明扼要,适用于短期汉语教学;
    "Short" means the texts are short, with clear explanations of grammar points, making the book suit for the short-term Chinese language teaching.

  • 我们让一切都短小精悍,来帮助大家增进神经肌肉的活动性,以便更好的准备比赛。
    We try to make everything short and sharp and to help improve the neuromuscular activity so the players are ready.

  • 报纸药品广告的标题多为短小精悍型,并配以引人注目的字体,基本符合注意力规律;
    The title of the newspaper drug advertising is often short and can fit in with the principle of attention, especially cooperating with noticeable letterform.

  • 使用了一些底层的API函数,程序短小精悍,适用于破解、自动获得内存数据的场合。
    The use of a number of the underlying API function, dapper procedures applicable to crack, automatic access to memory data occasions.

  • 专家建议收发文本短信一天之内不要超过一个半小时,这样一来,要诀是短信要短小精悍
    Experts suggest that text-messaging take no more than an hour and a half a day. The key is to keep messages short.

  • 格罗夫购物中心的老板叫瑞克•卡鲁索,他外表短小精悍,在南加利福尼亚拥有8座购物商城,还有三座正在建设中。
    The Grove was built by Rick Caruso (below), a dapper man who owns eight shopping centres in southern California and has three more under way.

  • 周日剧式:周六的表演将包括观众最喜爱的即兴小短剧,所有短剧都将基于观众的各种建议给出。剧式短小精悍,灵活多样。
    For Sun Show: Our show today will take audience suggestions to play our most popular impro games in a Short-form free-for-all format.

  • 理想的做法是联合国建立一支短小精悍、训练有素、常备不懈的快速反应部队,一旦某地发生动乱,而安理会决定干预,即可派上用场。
    Ideally the U. N. should have a small elite standing rapid-deployment force…trained and ready to go at once to a trouble spot that the Security Council has decided to become involved in.

  • 理想的做法是联合国建立一支短小精悍、训练有素、常备不懈的快速反应部队,一旦某地发生动乱,而安理会决定干预,即可派上用场。
    Ideally, the U. N. should have a small, elite, standing rapid-development force … trained and ready to go at once to a trouble spot that the Security Council has decided to become involved in.

  • 一些女士们定期在科隆博物馆的咖啡厅里聚会。她们不闲谈八卦,而是直接切入正题探讨俳句——一种从日本风靡至全球的短小精悍的诗体。
    The ladies who meet regularly in a museum cafe in Cologne skip the gossip and get straight down to haiku, an ultra-brief poetry style that has spread from Japan around the globe.

  • 在德国科隆,夫人们常常在东亚艺术博物馆的咖啡厅里小聚,闲聊了一阵之后便开始秀起俳句—一种极为短小精悍的诗歌样式,从日本传遍了全世界。
    The ladies who meet regularly in a museum cafe in Cologne skip the gossip and get straight down to haiku, an ultra-brief poetry style that has spread from Japan around the globe.

  • 曼塔压气机公司的IV型卧式涡轮喷气引擎短小精悍,装甲严密,使得他有能力在更脆弱的对手中间撞出一条路来,但是此车其他的性能数据就基本平平了。
    The blocky and well-armored Manta RamAir Mark IV Flat Twin Turbojets gave him the power to muscle past frailer opponents, but the rest of the craft's performance data was largely mediocre.

  • 本刀是由劈、挂、扫、撩、砍、刺、缠头衷脑等动作组成,它直接击打对方的头、身、颈、胸等要害部位,由于它的短小精悍,运用起来雷厉风行,使对方防不胜防。
    It heats directly the vital part , such as head , body . neck and chest etc . It acts so speedily and vigorously that the enemies are impossible to defend .

  • 短小精悍造句相关
