
无巧不成书  wú qiǎo bù chéng shū







  • 她说,这只能用“无巧不成书”来解释。
    She said that it can "incidentally" to explain.

  • 有时候你不得不相信一句话:无巧不成书
    Sometimes, you have no choice but believe an old saying: without coincidence there would be no stories.

  • 无巧不成书,真是“刚挑剃头担,便遇疤痢汉”。
    Not incidentally, is "just pick shaved Tam, we met Han scar dysentery."

  • 面对田亮的问题,周继红用“无巧不成书”来解释。
    In the face of Tian Liang, Zhou Jihong with "incidentally" to explain.

  • 真是无巧不成书,我的顶头上司就是被我在街上撞倒的那个人。
    What a coincidence: My immediate superior was the man I had knocked down on the street.

  • 无巧不成书”这话已成了中国叙事性文学情节艺术的高度总结。
    "Without do not become a book opportunely " the high summary that this word already became art of clue of literature of Chinese narrative sex.

  • 哈哈,真是没想到,还有这么巧的事,世界真是小啊!无巧不成书
    The loftiest realm of love is to tell the beloved to treasure the happiness, whomever it came from.

  • 罗:哦,你啊,你想听听什么叫无巧不成书吗?猜猜谁也要去洗衣服?
    Ross: Oh, you uh, you wanna hear a freaky coincidence? Guess who's doing laundry there too?

  • 我们的爱情故事充满了巧合,这正印证了一句著名的谚语:“无巧不成书。”
    Our love story is full of coincidences, which just confirms the famous saying:"No coincidences, no stories."

  • 他送了一束给他的帝王——维多利亚女王,无巧不成书,女王着迷于报春花。
    He gave bouquets of them to his monarch, Queen Victoria, who probably not co incidentally, found him quite charming.

  • 俗话说的好,无巧不成书。妈妈给我买了一双新鞋,刚穿了一天,褡扣就被弄坏了。
    Mom bought a pair of new shoes to me, just wore a day, da is buckled by bang up.

  • 无巧不成书,三个MBA开完了会返回A城市时,和三个工程师在火车站又一次相遇。
    Have no Qiao don't become a book, when three MBA finished open a meeting to return to A city, meet with three engineer in another train station.

  • 哦,算是“无巧不成书”,我们在去的路上发生了一起相当严重的车祸,好在无人受伤。
    Oh, and in the "never a dull moment" category, we had a pretty serious car accident on the drive up, but everybody was okay.

  • 无巧不成书的是内塔尼亚胡相信他最大的反对党TsipiLivni前进党,有7名成员将推出加入他的联合政府。
    It just so happens that Mr Netanyahu believes that seven members of Tsipi Livni's Kadima, the main opposition party, may secede and join his coalition.

  • 无巧不成书,正是高额的坏账,让人们从两家银行的业绩中看到了最乐观的迹象,在汇丰的美国消费借贷分支机构中更是如此。
    Oddly though, it is bad-debt levels that provide the most optimistic sign from the two banks' results, specifically those in HSBC's American consumer-credit arm.

  • 真是无巧不成书,一九三八年蒋介石决堤的时候,我正和他的部队在一起,一九四七年“黄河归故”的时候,我恰好在共产党的地区。
    By a curious coincidence, I was with Chiang's troops when he broke the dikes in 1938 and I was in Communist territory when the river was sent back again in 1947.

  • 商人:没想到啊,真是无巧不成书,这样吧,都有缘哪,这样,我来请客,呆会要个车子来,我送你们母子赶回家过母亲节。(众欣喜交加)。
    Businessman: What a happy coincidence we're Acquaintances! So I will invite you a dinner. Then I will rend a car to take you back to home.

  • 无巧不成书造句相关
