
眼不见为净  yǎn bù jiàn wéi jìng






  • 眼不见,心不烦。/眼不见为净
    Far from eye, far from heart.

  • 眼不见,心不烦。(眼不见为净
    Out of sight, out of mind.

  • “我想,他们是眼不见为净吧。”她说。
    "It gets them out of their hair, I think, " she said.

  • 他们送他去美国,只是图个眼不见为净
    They sent him to America, just to get him out of their hair.

  • 我选择了亲来见证,而不是眼不见为净
    I chose to see for myself rather than not to see.

  • 眼不见,心不烦。呵呵~其实就是眼不见为净
    What the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve over.

  • 用“眼不见为净”这句老话来战胜自己的食欲吧。
    Win with the old slogan: Out of sight, out of mind.

  • 光顾熟食摊,虽说眼不见为净,但心中依然惴惴;
    Patronize food vendors, although there is a net eyes, but his heart still Zhuizhui;

  • 但亦可能是不想见到自己过胖的肚腩,眼不见为净
    Dan Yike can be the abdomen Nan that does not want to see he is too fat, the eye disappears for clean.

  • 日本有句谚语:“要是闻着发臭,那就盖上盖子。”(眼不见为净。)
    In Japan there is a proverb, 'If it stinks, put a lid on it.

  • 可能这就是“超脱尘世”吧,不想一些生活上琐碎的事而烦恼,我选择眼不见为净
    Perhaps this is the "other worldliness" it, do not want to for some trivial things in life to worry about, I chose out of sight of the net.

  • 不忍见大好河山断送在奸佞之手,却又无力回天,何不一死了之,换个眼不见为净
    because it can not bear to see the great mountains and rivers and ruined in the hands of Jian Ning, yet unable to turn things around, why not one to commit suicide, a change in sight for the net?

  • 世界上所有的人都希欢被尊爱的感觉,在某种意义上我们都非常关心他人对自己的想法,除非眼不见为净
    We all want a certain image of ourselves out there, and at some point we all do really care what other people think or we wouldn't be here.

  • 不管你长相如何,嫁给和自己年龄相仿的男人是明智之举。随着你的风华渐褪,他的视力也渐褪。(眼不见为净。)
    Whatever you may look like, it's wise to marry a man your own age. As your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.

  • 直到今天,我们连一些远距离的「视觉污染」也需要消灭,透过向区议员投诉,由其他人赶走他,总之眼不见为
    Now we want to eradicate "visual pollution" even though they are in a distance by filing complaints to district council.

  • 眼不见为净造句相关
