
象煞有介事  xiàng shà yǒu jiè shì






  • 那位象煞有介事的旅舍主人从衣袋里抽出一支铅笔。
    the worthy host, Jacquin Labarre, drew a pencil from his pocket.

  • 他每天早晨起来,就要象煞有介事地拿着一只篮子到外边去捡树枝木片,以备生炉子引火用。
    Every morning he went out importantly with a basket to pick up twigs and chips to start the fires with.

  • 检察官把商马第(说冉阿让还更妥当些)的犯法行为归咎于这种邪侈文学的影响,说得也颇象煞有介事
    he attributed, not without some probability, to the influence of this perverse literature the crime of Champmathieu, or rather, to speak more correctly, of Jean Valjean.

  • 因此纸上的法律在就一个笑话,更可笑的是我们的有权者来煞有介事地胡弄外国人,说什么我们的宪法如何如何规定。
    Therefore the law in the paper as a joke, but it is ironic that our people have the right to a foreigner Hunong all apparent seriousness, we are talking about how the provisions of the Constitution.

  • 这时,新来的客人正转过背去烘火,那位象煞有介事的旅舍主人从衣袋里抽出一支铅笔,又从丢在窗台旁小桌子上的那张旧报纸上扯下一角。
    The wayfarer halted for a moment, and peeped through the window into the interior of the low-studded room of the public house, illuminated by a small lamp on a table and by a large fire on the hearth.

  • 象煞有介事造句相关
