
习惯成自然  xí guàn chéng zì rán








  • 习惯是第二天性。/习惯成自然
    Custom is second nature.

  • 习惯了就容易了。(习惯成自然
    Custom makes all things easy.

  • 习惯是人的第二天性。习惯成自然
    Habit is (a) second nature. 573. Use is (a) second nature.

  • 练习那种步法直到习惯成自然
    Practise that stop until it becomes mechanical.

  • 习惯是第二个本性。(习惯成自然
    Custom is a second nature.

  • 习惯成自然的为他人喝彩,欣赏他人。
    Habit for others to applaud and appreciate others.

  • 最简单的一句,莫过于:习惯成自然
    The simplest one, than this: habit.

  • 你会让它习惯成自然的。不要失去信心。
    Mike: You'll get the hang of it . Don't lose heart .

  • 很重要的是--------习惯成自然
    highly important that habit is second nature!

  • 西方人生来喝有橡木味的酒,习惯成自然
    But Chinese people who are happy with Baijiu (white liquor) have a hard time with the oak taste "."

  • 谚语)习惯成自然
    Habit is second nature .

  • 穷困和其他事物是一样的。它可以由习惯成自然
    It is the same with wretchedness as with everything else. It ends by becoming bearable.

  • 习惯成自然呗。
    That's because habit is second nature.

  • 习惯成自然,人们就是对于重大的自然现象也是如此。
    Familiarity deadens the sensibilities, even as connected with the gravest natural phenomena.

  • 习惯成自然
    Habit is second nature .

  • 的确,习惯成自然,旧的习俗虽然不好,但至少已经适应;
    It is true that what is settled by custom, though it be not good, yet at least it is fit.

  • 习惯是一种可怕的东西。最简单的一句,莫过于:习惯成自然
    Habit is a terrible thing. The simplest one, than this: habit.

  • 汉语的语调和重读习惯简直不可思议地根深蒂固,习惯成自然
    Intonation and stress habits are incredibly ingrained and second-nature.

  • 确实,习惯成自然的东西,虽然是不好的,但至少是使人适应的。
    It is true , that what is settled by custom, though it be not good, yet at least it is fit;

  • 他的心跳得像打鼓;然而习惯成自然,他的脸上八还是漠然的一团。
    His heart was thumping like a drum, but his face, from long habit, was probably expressionless.

  • 关键看女人这样去引导了,要让男人觉得下厨房是他应该做的,习惯成自然
    The key is how to lead them, and let them know it ought to. Habit change into character.

  • 应当采取这一预防措施,因为一旦人们使用了某一名称,就会很快习惯成自然
    But apart from taking this precaution, once a name is adopted , everyone usually goes along with it.

  • 习惯成自然,从未离开过权力的价值,一旦离开,恐怕便会心慌意乱,惶惶不可终日。
    Habits into natural, never left power value, once they left, I am afraid, will be flustered distracted, a constant state of anxiety.

  • 这不是说你每次都要改变什么,只是有时候我们按照某种方法做事情只是因为习惯成自然
    That doesn't mean you need to change things all the time, but sometimes we keep doing something a certain way just because that's what we're used to doing.

  • 大多数女人当妈妈纯属意外,有些出于选择,少数迫于社会压力,有几个则是习惯成自然
    Most women become mothers by accident, some by choice, a few by social pressures, and a couple by habit.

  • 当一切都习惯成自然时,我们就可以完全从迄今为止仍然愈学愈难的英语学习中解放出来了。
    When everything becomes natural, we can free us from the harder harder English learning so far.

  • 当一切都习惯成自然时,我们就可以完全从迄今为止仍然愈学愈难的英语学习中解放出来了。
    When everything becomes natural, we can free us from the harder and harder English learning so far.

  • 随便地编派别人容易习惯成自然,妳并不希望妳所喜爱的人因为被妳轻微地伤害而绕著妳走吧。
    Offhand comments have a way of sinking into people, and you don't want people you adore walking around slightly damaged by you.

  • 随便地编派别人容易习惯成自然(?),妳并不希望妳所喜爱的人因为被妳轻微地伤害而绕著妳走吧。
    Offhand comments have a way of sinking into people, and you don't want people you adore walking around slightly damaged by you.

  • 日前发表在《欧洲社会心理学》杂志上的一项英国研究指出,人们在坚持66天之后,就会做到“习惯成自然”,形自觉为。
    UK study in the European Journal of Social Psychology suggests it takes 66 days for a "healthy" pledge to become an ingrained habit.

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