
隔行如隔山  gé háng rú gé shān







  • 俗话说的好,隔行如隔山
    As the saying goes good, someone.

  • 谁不欣赏谁都不重要,隔行如隔山,只管研究自己的专业就是了。
    Whom who does not appreciate important , difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart, just study it is exactly self special field.

  • 那么,何才能买到一双货真价实的好鞋呢?俗话说:隔行如隔山
    So, how can you just buy a pair of all wool and a yard wide good shoes?

  • 她更多的还是警示后来者:“隔行如隔山,网络并没有想象的那么简单。”
    She more returning is caution successor: "Difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart, what the network did not imagine is so simple."

  • 画里有自我表达的东西,画画隔行如隔山嘛,那我尽量告诉人家我想画什么东西,为什么这么做。
    The painting contains things I want to express, but I need to try my best to tell people what I want to paint, and why.

  • 我没有卖化妆品之前,也认为全世界只要是一个牌子的化妆品护肤品都应该是一样的,自己做这一行才知道什么是隔行如隔山
    Before I did not sell cosmetics, but also believe that the world as long as a brand of cosmetics, skin care products should be the same, myself know what this line.

  • 隔行如隔山造句相关
