
顾前不顾后  gù qián bù gù hòu







  • 你办事情要注意连贯性,顾前不
    While handling affairs, you should pay attention to consistency. Don't act rashly.

  • 杰克既笨手笨脚又粗心大意,他做事总是顾前不
    Jack was both clumsy and careless, he always drew a bow at a venture.

  • 赵壹读信皇甫规“追修好”的期待,仅作了一封复信,继续扬长而去。
    Zhao read one letter, regardless of Huangfu regulation" to recover repair before the "expectations, only made a reply, left to continue.

  • 他说他们日本人爱吃鱼,所以一往无,可他忘了,鱼还有个特性,那就是顾前不
    He said that the Japanese people like fish so they are always ahead, but he seemed to forget that fish have another character . That is, they mindlessly swim for ward, never looking back.

  • 眼下,中国船东与货主、造船与航运、钢铁与造船,为了各自利益,既,也
    At present, chinese ship-owner and consignor, shipbuilding and shipping, iron and steel and shipbuilding, for respective interest, before both neither look up, after also be being disregarded.

  • 自然,他做起事情来顾前不,有些古怪,在一个专出滑稽人物的民族当中算得一个地地道道的滑稽人物。
    His manners, it is true, are tinctured with some strange inconsistencies; and he may be justly termed a humorist in a nation of humorists.

  • 自然,他做起事情来瞻前不,有些古怪,在一个专出滑稽人物的民族当中完全称得上是一个地地道道的滑稽人物。
    His manners, it is true, are tinctured with some strange inconsistencies; and he may be justly termed a humorist in a nation of humorists.

  • 顾前不顾后造句相关
