
太岁头上动土  tài suì tóu shàng dòng tǔ







  • 不过,还是有人敢在“太岁头上动土
    However, people still dare "Phi Thai" groundbreaking head.

  • 在波士顿攻击这位候选人,真好比是在太岁头上动土
    Attacking this candidate in Boston is like bearing the lion in his den.

  • 小老鼠居然敢在太岁头上动土,今天俺就让你们死无葬身之地!
    NND, small mice even dare Phi Thai head groundbreaking God, today you die without Let the bodies!

  • 这是确定一定以及肯定的,911之后再也没有恐怖分子敢在太岁头上动土了!
    This is ascertained. Since 911 for certain, since 9/11, there has not been another terrorist attack on American soil.

  • 真想不到你跟我来这一套,」恶狼失控地大叫:「你知道你是在太岁头上动土?」
    I can't believe you did that to me, " the wolf screamed wildly. "Don't you know you're skating on thin ice?

  • 咬猫尾巴的老鼠自寻毁灭。这句让我想起“在太岁头上动土”,或者是“鸡蛋碰石头”?
    A rat who gnaws at a cat's tail invites destruction­n.

  • 南水北调西线工程区的地质构造非常复杂,可以说这项工程相当于在“太岁头上动土”。
    Geological formations are very complicated in the West Line area of South-North Water Transfer Project. So the project presents complex technical challenges.

  • 可是偏偏给可恶的老鼠们发现了,既然他们胆敢在太岁头上动土,各位玩家,可别手软哦!
    But just abhorrent to the rats found, as they dared in Asuittojodongdo, you usually should not be soft!

  • 有鉴于美国为保卫自己的能源供应可以不惜真刀真枪大打一仗的架势,世界上恐怕没有一个国家敢在太岁头上动土,同美国争夺油气资源。
    Given the open willingness of the U. S. to resort to force to protect its energy supplies, there is probably not a country in the world that dares challenge the Americans over oil and gas resources.

  • 太岁头上动土造句相关
