
近水楼台先得月  jìn shuǐ lóu tái xiān dé yuè







  • 香港建筑企业可以说是近水楼台先得月
    Hong Kong construction enterprises can be said to be easier.

  • 近水楼台先得月,向阳花木早逢春。(中国谚语)
    A waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first; the flowers and trees on the sunny side meet spring earlier.

  • 哪家要卖房、哪家要出租,物业公司近水楼台先得月
    To any real, caused to rental property company gets.

  • 鸥仕春,鸥仙岳,鸥向阳:近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春!
    OuShiChun, OuXianYue, OuXiangYang :Standing near the water's up the can first see the beautiful moon. Xiangyang spring flowers easy!

  • 陶仕春,陶仙岳,陶向阳:近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春!
    TaoShiChun, TaoXianYue, TaoXiangYang :Standing near the water's up the can first see the beautiful moon. Xiangyang spring flowers easy!

  • 二环路周边的楼盘项目,自然是乐合不拢嘴,真可谓是近水楼台先得月
    Road development projects near the periphery, of course, is happy to wait.

  • 面包师的老婆可以吃面包,酿酒师的老婆可以喝大桶——近水楼台先得月
    A baker's wife may bite of a bun, a brewer's wife may bite of a tun.

  • 我总是说如果你要挨枪子的话,最好的地方还是在医院里。(近水楼台先得月
    House: I always say if you're going to get shot, do it in a hospital.

  • 北京申奥成功,面对巨大的基础设施建设投入,香港建筑企业更是近水楼台先得月
    Beijing's successful Olympic bid, in the face of huge infrastructure investment, the Hong Kong construction enterprises is evident.

  • 同时,他用“近水楼台先得月”这句话,指出了乡镇企业在开拓农村市场中的优势。
    In the meantime, he is used " the advantage of being in a favored position " this word, pointed out the town enterprise is exploiting the advantage in rural market.

  • 这从事图书出版有“近水楼台先得月”的优势,能迅速将作者资源直接转化成经济效益。
    To enjoy the benefits of a favorable position, the advantage we have can quickly transfer author resource direct into economic benefits.

  • 有一件事情,它把我留在了哈佛,那就是我可以近水楼台先得月,亲近国际经济研究局。
    One thing that keeps me at Harvard is the proximity of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

  • 因为这里紧邻首都机场,近水楼台先得月,所以这里的客源以国外旅游者和外企人士为主。
    Where immediate Capital Airport, proximity, the sources here are mainly to foreign tourists and foreign invested enterprises.

  • 正是这个在欧美国家受到推崇的理念却让作为CBD门户的朝外商圈“近水楼台先得月”。
    It is this philosophy in the United States and Europe are highly CBD as a gateway to the harbour doubts values "gets."

  • 凭着记者的身份,所以也来个近水楼台先得月滥竽充数,和路过的师兄一起种了两棵小树。
    With the identity of journalists, it also came to a proximity and easier access a good impression, and with the passing师兄planted two trees.

  • 重建中自然需要钢铁、水泥这些建材原材料,这将为近水楼台先得月的我国钢铁等建材行业提供机遇。
    Natural reconstruction needs steel, cement raw materials such building materials, the easier it will provide opportunities for China's iron and steel and other building materials industries.

  • 近水楼台先得月,几经变迁,还怎能奢望那句曾经的风景这边独好?
    The near water balcony gets a month first, Several through change, Return how can entertain wild hope that ever Is the scenery only good here?

  • 要是你碰巧住在著名的酒城,像是肯塔基州的波本、古巴的浪姆酒 ,那你尽可近水楼台先得月,喝他个一醉方休。
    If you happen to live someplace that's known for a drink, like, say, bourbon in Kentucky, or rum in Cuba–you'll get an added buzz and benefit.

  • 近水楼台先得月,2001年因“九运会”而一朝兴起的东圃天河新城,又将兴起另一波来势更猛的“造城”运动。
    Those, in 2001 for "Games" and the rise of Dongpu Milky Way once Metro, will rise another wave of challenges ahead "creates city" campaign.

  • 近水楼台先得月造句相关
