
任人唯亲  rèn rén wéi qīn







  • 贪污腐败及任人唯亲之风盛行。
    Corruption and nepotism are pervasive.

  • 任人唯亲是为了稳定,任人唯贤是为了发展。
    The employment of family members is for stability; the employment of competent persons are for growth.

  • 批评家认为,政府任人唯亲,向公司配备难以胜任的官吏。
    Critics say that the government restaffed the firm with incompetent cronies and placeman.

  • 许多小镇的市长和大城市的官员都有任人唯亲的行为。
    Many small town mayor and city official practice cronyism.

  • 不客气地讲,任人唯贤还是任人唯亲这个问题并没有解决好。
    To put it bluntly, the question of whether people are appointed on their merits or by favouritism has not been settled satisfactorily.

  • 例如:「许多人都说彼得之所以能有今天,就是因为他任人唯亲」。
    For example, "Many say Peter got to where he is today because of nepotism."

  • 你不会从他那里得到工作,除非他早就认识你,这完全是任人唯亲
    You won't get any work off him unless he already knows you; it's strictly jobs for the boys.

  • 任人唯亲和贿赂成风已经败坏了先前以纪律严明著称的部队的素质。
    Nepotism and bribery had rotted the moral fiber of units once famous for their discipline.

  • 还有,小区外包项目不经过公开招标,任人唯亲,严重侵害业主权益。
    Also, small outsourcing projects without open bidding, nepotism, serious violations of the rights of property owners.

  • 让反对党轮值似乎是对布什政府的不胜任、任人唯亲和极端主义行径的惩罚。
    A spell in opposition seemed apt punishment for the incompetence, cronyism and extremism of the Bush presidency.

  • 足够的历史证据表明政府控制银行的借贷会导致任人唯亲以及存款的错误分配。
    There is ample historical evidence that government control over banks' lending can breed cronyism and misallocation of funds.

  • 反对派意欲借此惩戒布什任内,共和党所推行的简单粗暴任人唯亲且极端主义的政策。
    A spell in opposition seemed apt punishment for the incompetence, cronyism and extremism of the Bush presidency.

  • 但是亚洲不少国家一度迅速增长之时,任人唯亲也很普遍,包括印尼和南韩当时都是如此。
    But several countries in Asia have grown rapidly at a time when cronyism was common, including Indonesia and South Korea in their time.

  • 当他们告诉我老板的侄子取得了那个职位时,我不禁说道:“明白了,任人唯亲,不是吗?”
    If Mrs Smith could possibly see the way to letting us stay on it really would be just the job.

  • 甚至现在,任人唯亲、任人唯派的恶劣作风,在有些地区、有些部门、有些单位,还没有得到纠正。
    This situation became very serious. Even now, the abominable practice of appointing people through favouritism and factionalism continues unchecked in some regions, departments and units.

  • 与许多民营企业的老板一样,尹明善是家族企业的维护者:任人唯亲是为了稳定,任人唯贤是为了发展。
    Like a lot of owners of private enterprises, Mr Yin is the protector of the family enterprise: employing family members are for stability, employing competent employee is for growth.

  • 这是为什么君主登基之后都要大肆进行血缘分封,而地方官员也要任人唯亲,甚至封建割据盛行的主要原因。
    This was why when a new emperor was enthroned, he would confer titles and territories to his kinsmen. Such feudal practices were also common among regional government officials.

  • 后来她发现原因在于管理不善和任人唯亲,接着她那份全手写的详细的报告神秘地消失了,而她也遭到解雇。
    When her findings pointed to mismanagement and cronyism, her detailed handwritten report mysteriously vanished and she was sent packing.

  • 这种情况将成熟的政治,任人唯亲,但幸运的,你将能够看到别人的动机很清楚,因为一切都将被列在公开化。
    This situation will be ripe for political favoritism, but fortunately you will be able to see others' motives quite clearly as everything will be out in the open.

  • 哈奇森夫人宣称在裴瑞先生的任期内,该州的教育系统死气沉沉、州政府机关的管理不当、任人唯亲的情况严重。
    Mrs Hutchison claimed that during Mr Perry's tenure the state's education system has stagnated, state agencies have been mismanaged and cronyism has flourished.

  • 虽然没有与地震有关的腐败丑闻透露出来,但帐篷和其他临时房屋的帐篷,导致频繁的(对官员)任人唯亲的指控。
    While no major quake-related corruption scandals have been revealed, shortages of tents and other temporary housing have led to frequent allegations of favoritism.

  • 与此同时,希腊最严重的恶习——如强征国有资产,任人唯亲,公职人员滥用职权,掌权者逃避责罚——愈演愈烈。
    At the same time Greece's worst habits—the plundering of state coffers, the hiring of cronies, the abuse of public office, impunity for the powerful—were multiplying.

  • 在委内瑞拉这个以石油财富作为推动力的国家,人们认为该公司基本不存在席卷全国的贪污腐败和任人唯亲等弊病。
    The company was thought to be relatively free from the corruption and cronyism that had spread through Venezuela, fuelled by oil wealth.

  • 他们通过希姆莱的帮助爬到了高级指挥官的位子,而这种任人唯亲行为是“不能碰得的”,就算他们确是一无是处。
    They found their way into senior command posts through Himmler's patronage, and because of this nepotism were considered "untouchable", even if they proved to be totally incompetent.

  • 这次革命是前革命者的自作自受,总统任人唯亲,高级官员腐败程度愈演愈烈,比起前政权更为变本加厉,让民众忍无可忍。
    That was painful in itself and made the nepotism of President Bakiyev and the increasing scale of corruption by senior officials—worse than under the previous leadership—much harder to bear.

  • 这些本身就让人苦不堪言,再加上总统任人唯亲,高级官员腐败程度愈演愈烈,比起前政权更为变本加厉,让民众忍无可忍。
    That was painful in itself and made the nepotism of President Bakiyev and the increasing scale of corruption by senior officials—worse than under the previous leadership—much harder to bear.

  • 卡钦斯基兄弟想要驱使这种任人唯亲的旧体制从他们的权利职责中消失,但他们却往往重用自己的亲信,而不是对政治不感兴趣的专业人士。
    The Kaczynskis want to drive the old regime's cronies out of their powerful jobs. But they have often brought in their own chums, rather than apolitical experts.

  • 李陵精兵报国的理想追求与汉武帝的极权意志、李陵“以少击众”的军事思想与汉武帝“任人唯亲”军事路线的冲突是酿成李陵军事悲剧的根源。
    The roots of his millitary tragedy lie in the conflicts between his ideal, pursuit and millitary ideas and the temporal emperors totalitarian will and millitary line.

  • 该国的经济虽然盘子比十年前大了不少,但是却是较依托石油、天然气的发展的。这个行业完全掌握在一群任人唯亲的国家官员和前克格勃成员。
    Its economy, although much bigger than a decade ago, is even more dependent on oil and gas, an industry now controlled by a small group of kleptocratic courtiers and former spies.

  • 我坚持进公司的人应该有一个工程学或类似专业的优等学位,不想让任何一个恃娇而宠的家族成员进入公司,我反对裙带作风和任人唯亲的做法。
    I insisted on an honors degree in engineering or similar degrees related to our industry. I didn't want any molly-coddled sibling coming in. I didn't want nepotism, cronyism and all that stuff.

  • 任人唯亲造句相关
