
花红柳绿  huā hóng liǔ lǜ








  • 游览区地势开阔,有山有湖,花红柳绿
    Resort open terrain, mountains and lakes, bonuses Liulv;

  • 微风吹拂,花红柳绿。呼市的秋天冷么?
    Mild wind with trees and flowers everywhere. Is it cold in autumn in Huhhot?

  • 阳光灿烂,花红柳绿,一个晴朗的春天。
    Sunshine is beautiful, peach flowers are red and willows are green, spring day is fine.

  • 春天是万物复苏的季节,和风吹拂,草长莺飞,花红柳绿
    Spring is the season that everythings on earth anabiosises, zephyr is swayed, careless long warbler flies, hua Gongliu is green.

  • 这里没有让人眼花缭乱的花红柳绿,却有让人寻求安逸的林荫小路;
    here is no dazzling profusion of garden flowers, but here exits cozy alleys;

  • 若说只消将男人打扮得花红柳绿的,天下就太平了,那当然是笑话。
    But if you really think that peace can come to mankind by encouraging men to doll themselves up, then you are in for a big laugh.

  • 我知道,窗外已经是春天了,花红柳绿,小草又舞动翩翩的裙角,无声无息漫天铺展。
    I know that the window is a spring, bonuses , elegant dancing and of Xiaocaohu , quietly spreading all over the sky.

  • 如同我那突然被爱刺痛的心,春天呼唤他们摘去面纱,在色彩缤纷的花红柳绿中尽兴而欢。
    Like my heart's pain at love's sudden touch, they change their veil at the spring's call and come out in the carnival of colours, in flowers and leaves.

  • 游览区地势开阔,有山有湖,花红柳绿;娱乐区内有游艺场,备有各种现代化的游乐设施。
    Resort open terrain, mountains and lakes, bonuses Liulv; entertainment district entertainment market, with all the modern recreational facilities.

  • 我们随着拥护的人群来到西湖边,一幅美景映入眼帘,到处花红柳绿,一派生机勃勃的景象。
    With the support of the people we came to West Lake, a beautiful thing eye everywhere onus, one vibrant picture.

  • 走进华坪,清涟濯翠的鲤鱼河唱着欢快的乐曲奔向远方。河畔花红柳绿,草木葳蕤,楼房栉比,幽径通衢。
    Riverside spends red Liu Lu, the wood hangs down in clusters, the building placeds closely side by side, quiet means is connected thoroughfare.

  • 春天,这里的冰雪迟迟不化,到了初夏时节,阴沟内尚堆积着残留冰雪,而阳坡上则花红柳绿、姹紫嫣红。
    Spring, where the delay of snow and ice, to the summer season, and drains within the residual ice and snow still piled up, while the sunny, while in bonuses Liulv, Colorful.

  • 河畔花红柳绿,草木葳蕤,楼房栉比,幽径通衢。人如潮,车如流,新姿丽貌,风采焯焯,婉然繁华都市。
    If the person is wet, if the car flows, xin Zili appearance, elegant demeanour scald, beautiful like that flourishing city.

  • 难得的一个雨过天晴的午后,慵懒的阳光让人心收不下,约好几个女伴坐拥在花红柳绿的户外茶楼一起享受这样的春光。
    On a precious sunny afternoon after rain, the lazy sunshine was luring the people to go out. I invited several female friends to enjoy the spring in the open air amidst red flowers and green trees.

  • 春日,素有“中国最美乡村”美誉的江西婺源县,到处花红柳绿,油菜花开遍地金黄,山村田野茶园自然风光美不胜收。
    Spring, known as the most beautiful villages in China Jiangxi Wuyuan reputation everywhere bonus willow green, yellow rape flowers open everywhere, village scenery beautiful tea fields.

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