
付诸东流  fù zhū dōng liú








  • 当时情况就是那样, 他的计划只好付诸东流
    As things stood then, his whole plan had to be cast to the winds.

  • 我们之前做得好事都付诸东流了。
    All the good that we'd done was count to nothing.

  • 我不愿看见你的所有努力付诸东流
    I don't want to see all your hard work go by the wayside.

  • 我觉得我所有的辛苦工作已经付诸东流
    I just feel all my hard work has been unrewarede.

  • 坚持到底,不然我们所有的努力将会付诸东流
    Stick it out, or all our efforts will go down the drain.

  • 水哗啦哗啦的流,这一幕的所有努力也付诸东流
    The water would noisily flow, and the scene would go down the drain.

  • 她说“我对日本政府的敬重已经完全付诸东流”。
    "My esteem for the Japanese government has completely gone down the drain, " she said.

  • 经过辛苦打拼换来的一点积蓄,就这样付诸东流
    After the hard-won point toward savings, it is so lost.

  • 雨水冲走了收获的谷物,所有的付出再次付诸东流
    The gained grain drained away with the rain, all the pains were in vain again.

  • 他生病,无法参加考试,三个月的努力也就付诸东流
    He got sick and could not sit the examination. His three month efforts went down the drain.

  • 我一年的工作都付诸东流,就在被告知我的专案被取消时。
    E. g:All my work for the past year just went down the toilet  when I was told that my project was cancelled.

  • 这个主意叫所有的钱、所有的付出和辛勤劳动都付诸东流了。
    It was the idea of all that money, all that expense, all that work being thrown away.

  • 只可惜圣德太子壮志未酬身先死,其革新大业也因之付诸东流
    Unfortunately, Prince Edward St Zhuangzhiweichou first dead body, which also led to the great cause of reform in vain.

  • 谈判资料显示,如果不能立即取得进展,整个贸易回合的努力将付诸东流
    Sources close to the negotiations suggest that if progress isn't made soon, the entire trade round could collapse.

  • (电影)《垂直极限》中的美国人攀登喜马拉雅山的一切努力都付诸东流
    The Americans in Vertical Limit failed in all their attempts to climb the Himalayas ;

  • 当时我难过了几天,我想,自己这一年半以来的努力难道就这样付诸东流了吗?
    I was in deep sorrow for a few days. I thought the one and a half years' hard work will be destroyed.

  • 但是,这使得一些美国的盟友感觉他们对伊朗施加的最大压力可能会付诸东流了。
    But it left some U. S. allies feeling that their efforts to marshal maximal pressure onIranmight have come unmoored.

  • 精力充沛、满怀激情地追求梦想吧。否则你只好止步不前,眼看着梦想付诸东流
    Go after you dreams with energy an passion, or you may as well stand back and watch them wash down the drain.

  • 而且你不能真正的知道他们需要什么东西,所以无论你怎么去讨好都会付诸东流
    Besides, you can never really know what others do want, so a good deal of whatever you do in that regard will go to waste.

  • 市场的风险在于,信贷紧缩将继续是政策制定者所做的努力付诸东流并且延长了经济衰退。
    The risk is that the credit crunch continues to overwhelm the efforts of policy makers and prolong the recession.

  • 如果我们从花生酱中发现了沙门氏菌,那么我们之前因为信任所投下的赌注就全都付诸东流
    I have no idea. If we're getting salmonella from peanut butter, all bets are off.

  • 不要追求财富,财富照样会付诸东流。寻找一个使你开心的人,引发你的欢笑化解你一天的烦恼。
    Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem right.

  • 没有那种长久的注意力和努力,你很容易就走回头路,而你刚刚开始挽回的亲密感也随之付诸东流
    Without that constant attention and effort it is very easy to slip back into your old ways and lose the closeness that you are just starting to get back.

  • 此案可能会转呈新近成为保守派的最高法院,也许后者将会让大多数州和地方为了枪支管制所作的努力付诸东流
    The case will probably go to the newly conservative Supreme Court, which might end most state and local efforts at gun control.

  • 几个月的艰辛训练和满怀的希望在一刹那间付诸东流,令你沮丧,令人悲伤,但看看你用尽全力奋力拼搏的一刹那。
    Months of hard training and hopes go down the drain in a twinkling of an eye, make you depressed, sad, but tried to see if you worked hard for the moment.

  • 而美国国债收益率的上升又会推高已经下降不少的抵押贷款利率,这将令美国政府之前救助住房市场的努力付诸东流
    And the United States the rise in bond yields will have fallen a lot of pushing up mortgage rates, which would make the United States government efforts to rescue the housing market go down the drain.

  • 而今天他忽然意识到自己的努力已付诸东流,他似乎也从未在这个国度生存过。这种想法导致父亲精神上的彻底崩溃。
    And the effort that he realizes himself suddenly today already all one's efforts wasted, he seems to never also had lived in this country.

  • 所以你不能浪费任何一秒钟珍贵的时光。精力充沛,满怀激情地追求梦想吧。否则你只好止步不前,眼看着梦想付诸东流
    So you can't afford to throw away a single precious second. Go after your dreams with energy and passion, or you may as well stand back and watch them wash down the drain.

  • 世界银行警告说,肯尼亚大选后出现的社会动荡正威胁着这个东非最大的经济体,并可能使肯尼亚最近几年取得的可观的成就付诸东流
    The World Bank is warning that post-election unrest in Kenya is threatening east Africa's largest economy and could wipe out impressive gains the country has achieved in recent years.

  • 以前所做的让两家航空公司更为亲密的努力,包括在90年代时指定一个共同负责人,由于顽固不化、疑神疑鬼的管理人员和政治干预而付诸东流
    Previous efforts to bring the airlines closer together—including the appointment of a joint chairman in the 1990s—have been stymied by political interference and stubborn turf-conscious managers.

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