
付之东流  fù zhī dōng liú








  • 我担心我的全部努力会付之东流
    I'm afraid all my efforts were in vain.

  • 过去两年的一切努力将付之东流
    The efforts within the past two years were in vain.

  • 放弃将会使所有的努力付之东流
    Quit does render all the effort meaningless.

  • 过去两年的一切努力将付之东流
    All the efforts of the continue two ages will be blown away.

  • 很可惜我们所有的努力都付之东流
    It's a pity that all our efforts were in vain.

  • 我的意思是,我的全部社交活动将付之东流
    I mean, it would be my whole social life down the drain.

  • 只要发生一个错误,全部的时间和金钱就将付之东流
    A single mistake and all that time and money would go down the drain.

  • 过去想将衍生产品在交易所交易的努力尝试会付之东流
    Past attempts to trade credit derivatives on bourses have flopped.

  • 2009年重启世贸组织多哈回合谈判的努力将会付之东流
    In 2009 efforts to revive the Doha round at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) will fail.

  • 收获的稻谷都被雨水冲走了,所有的付出又再一次的付之东流
    The gained grain drained away with the rain, all the pains were in vain again.

  • 当贝克汉姆错过了那个罚球后,整个球队的优势就付之东流了。
    When Beckham missed the penalty kick, his team's advantage went down the drain.

  • 我们强调说布什政府不会使我们近几年所取得的进展付之东流
    We stressed that a Bush administration could not roll back any of the progress made in recent years.

  • 我料想这两个孩子会大哭,为他们的艰苦努力付之东流而伤心不已。
    I expected the children to burst into tears, devastated by what had happened to all their hard work.

  • 他们担心出现预料不到的反对意见,使辛辛苦苦作出的调整付之东流
    They feared that some unforeseen objection would sweep away all the painful adjustments.

  • 显而易见,如果不对它们采取有效措施,此次救市的努力将付之东流
    Obviously, if does not take the effective action to them, this time will rescue the city to have all efforts wasted diligently.

  • 会谈漫长得没完没了。而且I小时之后。我们的一切努力最后都付之东流
    The meetings were long and drawn out, and in the end, after I hours, all the trouble we went to proved futile.

  • 会谈漫长得没完没了。而且AND小时之后。我们的一切努力最后都付之东流
    The meetings were long and drawn out, and in the end, after AND hours, all the trouble we went to proved futile.

  • 最糟糕的问题是用户想点击提交却误点了重置,他们填写的信息将一下子付之东流
    The worst problem about Reset is that users click the button by mistake when they wanted to click Submit. Bang - all your work is gone!

  • 他说,毕竟这种破坏、人员伤亡和无家可归的局面显然使我们之前所有努力都付之东流
    'After all the destruction, the homelessness, the loss of life I have seen, it's obviously devastating to all the efforts that were taking place.

  • 环保和狩猎团体警告说,几年来的进展可能很快付之东流,尤其是中西部北部的大草原。
    Environmental and hunting groups are warning that years of progress could soon be lost, particularly with the native prairie in the Upper Midwest.

  • 尽管国际上并没有抵制奥运的趋势,运动员们还是比较担心自己多年的努力会付之东流
    Even though there is no momentum internationally for a boycott of the entire games, athletes are concerned their years of toil could go to waste.

  • 如果我们陷入当前的局面太久,联合国驻科索沃(临时管理)使团的心血可能付之东流
    If we remain stuck in the present position for too long, Unmik's good efforts could unravel.

  • 随着时间的推移,我对弹扬琴的感觉,就像五松先生一样付之东流,流入了哪一望无垠的大海。
    Over time, I feel Yangqin shells, just five have been in vain, like Mr. Song, which entered the oasis in the sea.

  • 笔者认为,调控房地产政策如果继续放松下去,房地产投资的冲劲还会触发,调控的效果会付之东流
    In my view, if the regulation of real estate policies to continue to ease, the momentum will trigger real estate investments, the effects of regulation will be lost.

  • 然而如果仅希望添加个别少数语言中的相册信息的话,你的努力很有可能因繁冗的语言下拉列表而付之东流
    However, if you only plan to add album information in a few of the many supported languages, your effort could be buried in the crowded languages drop list.

  • 珊瑚的暗淡前景提醒我们,如果放任气候变化不管的话,我们在上个世纪所做的一切保护野生动物的工作将付之东流
    The depressing fate of the coral could be a reminder that climate change has the power to undo all the work of wildlife conservation over the past century —if we let it.

  • 本案于本周一开庭审理,如果诉讼在高两个级别的最高法院遭驳回,那么在州法院争取同性婚姻权利的努力将付之东流
    A loss in the top court, two ranks above the action in the case which began on Monday, would seriously undermine efforts to win gay marriage rights in state courts.

  • 如果你不把追求快乐放在你生活中的前列,其他一些事情将会取而代之,这样你为了追求快乐所做的努力也将付之东流
    If happiness is not at the top of your list then other things will take precedence. If other things take precedence, they may well interfere with your efforts to feel good.

  • 周日的比赛中,杰拉德下半场的进球让27分钟莱斯科特的进球付之东流,也正是这场平局让红军不得不跨越斯坦利公园来到埃弗顿的主场重赛。
    The Reds face a trip across Stanley Park for an FA Cup fourth round replay after Steven Gerrard's second-half strike cancelled out Joleon Lescott's 27th minute opener at Anfield on Sunday.

  • 如果美国的下一任总统因为在竞选中束缚住自己,而在伊拉克问题上犯了错误,最近的所有成果都可能付之东流,伊拉克会迅速重回悲惨和绝望的深渊。
    If America's next president gets Iraq wrong because he has boxed himself in during the campaign, all the recent gains may be squandered and Iraq will slide swiftly back into misery and despair.

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