
从中作梗  cóng zhōng zuò gěng







  • 但美国可能会从中作梗
    However, the United States could learn to block.

  • 要不是老板娘从中作梗,事情早就办成了。
    The boss's wife keeps interfering, or the matter would already have been settled.

  • 妻子已经知道了所有的事,似乎在从中作梗
    She knows everything and seems to be taking it in her stride.

  • 但它会让你觉得伊朗政府爱从中作梗挑起事端。
    But it gives you a sense of the narrative that the Iranian government would love to play into.

  • 材到医院探望诗,但因山从中作梗而未能接近她。
    JICAI visits RUOSHI at the hospital but is stopped by SHAN.

  • 系统破坏它自己的霸权, 没有必要左派从中作梗
    Systematic destruction of its own hegemony, there is no need for the left to obstruct.

  • 男人和女人当不成朋友,因为性这部分会从中作梗
    Men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.

  • 另外还有一种并不是很重要的假设,是国米从中作梗
    And then there is an other hypothesis, not less important: and if there were Fc Inter?

  • 吴和刘不愿意看到别人拿到钱,于是从中作梗,搞一些小动作。
    Neither Wu nor Liu want to see anyone else get money, so they always erect some obstacles.

  • 正当看来没有什么东西可以阻挡我直上青云时,命运从中作梗了。
    Just as it seemed that nothing could stop me, fate intervened.

  • 为了阻止他赢得竞选,他的对手试图通过一些肮脏的广告从中作梗
    To stop his from winning the election, his opponents tried to fix his wagon with some dirty ads.

  • 由于联邦政府拥有部落托管的土地,相关部门可能会对项目从中作梗
    Because the federal government holds tribal lands in trust, projects can be choked by bureaucracy.

  • 为了阻止他赢得竞选,他的对手使用一些不好的宣传广告来从中作梗
    To stop him from winning the election , his opponents tried to fix his wagon with some dirty ads.

  • 为了阻止他赢得竞选,他的对手使用一些不好的宣传广告来从中作梗
    To stop him from winning the election, his opponents tried to fix his wagon with some dirty ads.

  • 然而天候状况再度从中作梗,令救援团队不禁怀疑这艘船到底能否抢救成功。
    However, the weather causes problems again, and the team wonders if the ship can actually be saved at all.

  • 来推行自己的基本规划,但是,反对这样做的势力也相当大,这些人会从中作梗
    We had enough support to put through our basic program but its opponents were sufficiently powerful to emasculate it.

  • ON公司在二月末提出了更高,更优惠的出价以来,西班牙政府就在伺机从中作梗
    ON stepped in at the end of February with a bigger and better offer, the government has manoeuvred to frustrate it.

  • 最后梅妈提及前晚纪念会有大量吉位,是因为有人从中作梗,排队走大量门票而不入场。
    Finally Mui Ma mentioned that there were empty seats at the memorial concert, it was because there were people who came to get lots of tickets but didn't show up.

  • 雅虎阵营称微软从来就没有全盘收购计划,而微软阵营则埋怨雅虎创始人杨致远从中作梗
    Yahoo's camp said Microsoft has never been a comprehensive acquisition plan, while Microsoft camp is blaming co-founder Jerry Yang from Yahoo Zuogeng.

  • 为了调查是否是钱在“从中作梗”,政府在调查罪案后都会向人们提供“阻止犯罪薪酬”。
    To work out whether this was money well spent, the authors surveyed the public to put a cash value on each crime prevented.

  • 雅虎阵营称,微软从来就没有全盘收购计划,而微软阵营则埋怨雅虎创始人杨致远从中作梗
    Yahoo's camp said that Microsoft has never been a comprehensive acquisition plan, while Microsoft camp is blaming co-founder Jerry Yang from Yahoo Zuogeng.

  • 我们有足够的后援来推行自己的基本规划,但是,反对这样做的势力也相当大,这些人会从中作梗
    We had enough support to put through our basic program but its opponents were sufficiently powerful to emasculate it.

  • 本周早些时候,由于组内两名共和党人查尔斯·格拉斯利和麦克·恩兹疑似从中作梗,“六人组”的工作略显不济。
    Earlier this week that effort seemed to be flagging, as two of the Republicans in the gang, Charles Grassley and Mike Enzi, appeared to be undermining its efforts.

  • 本周早些时候,由于组内两名共和党人查尔斯·格拉斯利和麦克·恩兹疑似从中作梗,“六人组”的工作似乎开始疲软。
    Earlier this week that effort seemed to be flagging, as two of the Republicans in the gang, Charles Grassley and Mike Enzi, appeared to be undermining its efforts.

  • 迄今,所有的成就全都是由美国人民的传统性格完成的,而且,假如政府不曾从中作梗的话,本来还会取得更大的成就。
    The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way.

  • 然而这个组织与其前身一样也只是徒有虚名,因南非从中作梗,人权委员会总是在压制对那些最恶劣的独裁者们谴责的声音。
    But that body has proved as ineffectual as its predecessor, stifling—with South Africa's help—criticism of the world's worst tyrants.

  • 如果主管当局不认同这种理念,还要从中作梗,我们就要和他们抗争,但以和平的方式,向他们展示我们可以用盆栽完成使命。
    And if the authorities want to get in the way of that logic, then we will fight them -- but peace-fully -- through showing them what we can achieve with plants.

  • 每一集中都会有这样的场景:坏人在被“捉拿归案”时总会说,“要不是这帮讨厌的孩子从中作梗”,他们的邪恶计划本该成功的。
    And inevitably, the villain would say, as they were led away, that they would have succeeded in their evil efforts "if it weren't for those pesky kids".

  • 同样,共和党人也会被指责在耍玩世不恭的游戏。他们明知法案会通过,但为了显得节约行事而不冒被指责从中作梗的风险,他们还是投了反对票。
    The Republicans could equally be accused of playing a cynical game, voting against a package they know will pass in order to appear thrifty yet not risk being accused of sabotage.

  • 孟加拉国北部Shibganj村MohammadIlisasuddin说,“我的祖先就是这么耕种,”可现在“老天对我们传统耕作方式好像老是从中作梗。”
    "That is what my forefathers have been doing, " says Mohammad Ilisasuddin in Shibganj, in northern Bangladesh, but now "the weather does not seem right for what we have done traditionally.

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