
人情冷暖  rén qíng lěng nuǎn








  • 一厢情愿?还是人情冷暖
    someone is digging a hole.

  • 读书,不是弃绝红尘,哀叹人情冷暖
    Reading, not a renunciation of Red Dust, lamented that human well-being;

  • 一直相信很多事情可以转圈,比如人情冷暖
    I believe that many things can always head, such as human well-being.

  • 到现在感慨着人情冷暖沧海桑田的变化无常!
    Now sigh passage of the human well-being of the volatility!

  • 家境的贫寒,使我体验到生活中人情冷暖
    The family circumstances poverty, causes me to experience in the life the human sentiment changes in temperature.

  • 就像树木和动物一样,坚韧面对黑夜风暴,人情冷暖
    To confront night , storms, hunger, ridicule, accidents, Rebuffs, as the trees and animals do.

  • 见过太多人情冷暖,我的那一份情感是那么的微不足道。
    ve Seen too many human well-being, my feelings of that one is so insignificant.

  • 以为自己已经十分老练,懂得人情冷暖,但原来都会碰壁。
    They think they are already very sophisticated, know how to human well-being, but in fact it will run into a brick wall.

  • 而中国人比较看重的是人情冷暖,尤其是对于亲情特别看重。
    The Chinese are more important that human well-being, especially for family preference.

  • 虽经历生离死别人情冷暖,但上帝的应许是何等安慰我们的心,减轻我们的痛苦。
    But see how the pain of that sad death was alleviated! They had a promise that the living God would visit them.

  • 华仔感慨一些大机构对是次筹款反应冷淡,其父母却自掏腰包撑场,令他体会到人情冷暖
    But Wah Zai regretted that reaction from large organizations not good. His parents bought the tickets for supporting him.

  • 读书,不是弃绝红尘,哀叹人情冷暖;不是消沉,怨恨命途坎坷,而是不断前进,不断行路。
    Reading, not a renunciation of Red Dust, lamented that human well-being; is not a depression, resentment Ming Tu bumpy, but continually advance the road.

  • 为了实现心中的梦想,不畏生活的艰难与世间的人情冷暖,只留下一路迈向成功的坚实足迹。
    To realize the dream in the heart, not the hardship that Wei lives and worldly favor changes in temperature, stay to march toward successful solid footmark all the way only.

  • 也许这部影片很私人,只是为了用影像留存自己的记忆,不过观者也能从中感受到丝丝人情冷暖
    This is a very personal film, my aim is just to record it for memory. But I am sure the audience can feel the humanity in it.

  • 就好像女性写作不足以呈现思想的伟大、人情冷暖、诙谐睿智的生动笔墨以及酣畅到位的语言表达?!
    As if the writing of women did not display the greatest powers of mind, knowledge of human nature, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour and the best-chosen language imaginable?

  • 我已认识到所有人类关系的易变性,知道如何把自己与人情冷暖隔开来,因此能确保人际关系的平衡。
    I have come to know the mutability of all human relations and learned to isolate myself from heat and cold so that the temperature balance is finely well assured.

  • 幽幽的歌声,伴我回到那个纷争的岁月,体会世间的人情冷暖……同时,也因为这首歌,让我认识了苏打绿。
    Faint singing, I went back to that dispute with the years, experience of human well-being of this world … but also because this song, let me know soda green.

  • 等到上了中、高年级时,我们就可以与司马迁、高尔基等著名作家交谈,这样,我们就可以掌握更多的历史知识,阅历人情世故,懂得社会的冷暖
    after entering middle and high school , we can talk with some famous writers as Si Maqian and Gorky , get more knowledge about the history , know about the way of the world.

  • 人情冷暖造句相关
