
九泉之下  jiǔ quán zhī xià








  • 她死去的父亲,在九泉之下为她祈祷。
    Her father died, to pray for her in heaven.

  • 吾居九泉之下遥闻汝哭声,当哭相和也。
    I shall weep too on hearing you crying when I am in the other world.

  • 九泉之下,兄弟俩是否梦见了父亲温暖的手?
    In the afterworld, have the two brothers dreamed of the warm hands of their father?

  • 我父亲知道的话在九泉之下也会不得安宁的。
    My father would turn in his grave if he knew.

  • 我拿了这些钱,丈夫在九泉之下也会怪罪我的。
    I will take these money, the husband will also have blamed me in next world.

  • 他的行为会令他死去的父母在九泉之下不得安宁的。
    His behavior will make his parents turn in their grave.

  • 毛主席要听到他今天的话,在九泉之下也要吐血了。
    I guess if our Mao would hear this statement, he would definitely throw up blood.

  • 他的行为会令他死去的父母在九泉之下不得安宁的。
    His behavior would make his parents turn in their graves.

  • 要是他父亲九泉之下知道他把房子卖了,一定不会瞑目的。
    If his father knew that he sold the house, he would turn in his grave.

  • 但马上我就明白了,这套行头将非常适合九泉之下的朱迪。
    And in that instant I know that the outfit will suit Judy down to the ground.

  • 英语的那种用法就是九泉之下的莎士比亚也会坚持反对的。
    That use of English would make Shakespeare turn in his grave.

  • 你不能做那样的事,它会使你爷爷在九泉之下都难以瞑目的。
    You can't do anything like that. It's enough to make your grandfather turn in his grave.

  • 这瀑布也因九泉之下不忘救子的母亲的喊声得名为大乘瀑布。
    Following the myth, the waterfall became to be called Daeseung because of the mothers voice that saved her sons life.

  • 你父亲决不会喜欢你干这件事的,这足以使他在九泉之下不能安宁。
    Your father wouldn't have liked you to do this. It's enough to make his turn over in his grave!

  • 要是你祖母听到你那样咒人的话,我相信她在九泉之下也不得安宁的。
    If your grandmother heard you swearing like that, I'm sure she would turn in her grave.

  • 晚上潜入牙买加教堂墓地,拜访一下九泉之下的亲朋好友——最好是某人的母亲。
    Sneak into a Jamaican churchyard at night and visit the grave of a friend or relative--one's mother would be the most suitable.

  • 有一天,父子俩无电影〖梁祝〗回来,明明问:“爸爸,电影里的人常说要到九泉之下会面,这九泉是什么地方呀?”
    One day, father and son two come back without 〗 of film 〖 Liang Zhu, ask obviously: "Father, the person in the film often says to want in the nether regions meeting, where is this the nether world?"

  • 九泉之下的老人绝不会想到,自己生前没有在房屋承租问题上给子女一个明白的交待,致使他们在法庭上演了一场“窝里斗”。
    Cried the elderly will never imagined that he was not in the issue of housing for the children of a single clear explanation, leaving them in court staged a "Wolidou."

  • 九泉之下造句相关
