
乘风破浪  chéng fēng pò làng








  • 在黄色潜水艇里我们乘风破浪
    And we live beneath the waves in our yellow submarine.

  • 让我们乘风破浪,奋勇前进。(同上)
    Let us march forward valiantly, braving all difficulties and hardships!

  • 美丽的船儿沿着多里安海岸,乘风破浪
    And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore.

  • 乘风破浪嘛,奔大海呀么,齐心协力,把船扳啦。
    Braves all hardships, rushes to the sea, works as one, pulls the ship.

  • 我要乘风破浪,和我心爱的人一同完成我们的梦想。
    I would like to brave the wind and waves, and my loved ones to complete our dream together.

  • 父亲一艘船,载着我们,乘风破浪,驶向爱的港湾!
    Father of a vessel, carrying us, brave the wind and waves toward love Harbor!

  • 它开始想象自己是一艘巨型游轮,在大海里乘风破浪
    He imagined himself large and powerful, sailing the mighty seas.

  • 扬起胜利的风帆,在奔腾的黄河中乘风破浪,驶向四海。
    The victory raised sailing in the Yellow River in the Pentium Shengfengpolang toward universal.

  • 茫茫学海中,我们要做勇敢的水手,乘风破浪、共赴前程。
    Xue-Hai vast, we have to do the brave sailors, wind and the waves, the future together.

  • 在波澜壮阔的市场经济大海中,必将“乘风破浪,昂首远航”!
    In the mammoth market economy sea, will certainly "to receive the wind broken wave, holds up the head to voyage"!

  • 中国社会主义建设的航船将乘风破浪的驶向现代化的光辉彼岸。
    a. The ship of China's socialist construction will brave the wind and waves and sail to the glorious destination of modernization.

  • “兴航”这艘巨船正在乘风破浪,扬帆远航驶向全球的每一个地方。
    Xinghang like a big fleet, is braving the wind and the waves, sail towards the bright future.

  • 乘风破浪、领导潮流、团队精神、勇敢进取”是红头船企业的最骄财富。
    "Chengfengpolang, leading the trend, teamwork, courage to forge ahead, " Red is the first ship of the arrogance of corporate wealth.

  • 牡牛奔到海岸上,跳进了海里,四蹄不沾水,象只海豚似地乘风破浪疾驰而前。
    The strand he gained, and forward he sped like a dolphin, faring with unwetted hooves over the wide waves.

  • 乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,先达峰必将傲然于塑料建材行业之巅。
    "Wind and the waves will be, the white sea Ji Yun-Fan", the first peak will proudly on top of plastic building materials industry.

  • 太平洋西北水域的鲑鱼逆流而上,乘风破浪数百英里,哪怕流血受伤,仍意志坚定。
    The Pacific Northwestern salmon beats itself bloody on its quest to travel hundreds of miles upstream against the current, with a single purpose.

  • 我们驾着皮划艇在冰川间乘风破浪,驾着雪橇冲上山峦,乘着雪上飞机降落在新雪上。
    Sea kayaking under and around glaciers, ice climbing high in the mountains, and land on fresh snow in a ski plane.

  • 戴着它,我在知识的海洋里尽情邀游,在百花园里放声歌唱,在科技王国里乘风破浪
    Explodes Wearing it, I enjoy in the sea of knowledge in the garden, invited to swim in science and technology, singing braving kingdom!

  • 对于那些喜欢乘风破浪的人来说,沿着海岸线尽情冲浪可以令你的假期变得愉快而迷人。
    A good surf along the coastline makes for a pleasant and enticing holiday for those who ride the waves.

  • 酒店的外型俨然是一艘乘风破浪的巨型帆船,27层,高达321米,是建筑史上的杰作。
    The hotel is a Chengfengpolang look like a giant yacht, 27 layers, up to 321 meters, is a masterpiece of architectural history.

  • 儿时的梦想展现了我们最初的愿望,那最初的梦想也许真的能带我们乘风破浪,造就辉煌。
    Childish dreams show our initial interest of our own, which may be developed to our fields of achievement in the future.

  • 不过很快地,玻色爱因斯坦凝聚体或许就可以在机鼻中翱翔,或是在潜舰的舰首中乘风破浪
    But before long, Bose-Einstein condensates might be flying in the noses of aircraft and floating in the bows of submarines.

  • 客家母亲园,犹如一艘航船,靠泊在城中江边、母亲间的臂弯里,等待着张帆启航,乘风破浪
    Hakka mother park, like a ship berthing at the riverside city, the mother Biwan, waiting for the departure Zhang Fan, Shengfengpolang.

  • 每年的这个时候,祝福就会象海洋涌向你,希望我的祝福象一叶轻舟,载你乘风破浪,到达成功的彼岸!
    This time of year, blessings will flock to you like the ocean, I hope my blessings like a leaf vessel containing the winds and waves you reach the other side of success!

  • 总经理是我们的舵手,总是在关键时刻把握住方向,在犹豫和失望中找到肯定,让我们乘风破浪,直至凯旋。
    Helmsman is the general manager, always grasp the direction at a critical moment in hesitation and certainly disappointed to find, Let us vigorously until the triumph.

  • 现在生活中,他每晚总免不了梦见那海岸,梦中他可以听见海涛呼啸的声音,看见土人的船只乘风破浪地驶来。
    He lived along that coast now every night and in his dreams he heard the surf roar and saw the native boats come riding through it.

  • 太平洋西北水域的鲑鱼逆流而上,乘风破浪数百英里,哪怕流血受伤,仍意志坚定。性的追求要如此,当然还有……生命。
    The Pacific Northwestern salmon beats itself bloody , on its quest to travel hundreds of miles upstream , against the current , with a single purpose. Sex, of course. Butalso……life.

  • 面向未来,圣迪人满怀自信,乘风破浪,以思维创新、管理创新、科技创新、营销创新来构造社会、客户和企业的美好未来!
    Facing the future, we are full of self-confidence to create a harmonious future for society, customers and enterprises with creativity of thinking , management , science and technology and selling.

  • 让我们高举毛泽东思想的伟大红旗,在党中央领导下,坚定不移地朝着建设社会主义现代化强国的伟大目标,乘风破浪,胜利前进!
    the leadership of the Central Committee of the Party, march unswervingly and victoriously towards the grand goal of building a modern and powerful socialist country!

  • 快船有很多的积极的因素让他们快速忘记上个赛季的伤痛,接下来最好的情况是他们快速解决商业上的问题,然后乘风破浪再次杀入季后赛。
    The Clips have a lot of positive momentum coming off of last season, the best case is they resolve their business quickly and ride the wave back into the playoffs.

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