
乔装打扮  qiáo zhuāng dǎ bàn







  • 人们在万圣节前夜通常乔装打扮
    People usually in costumes at Halloween.

  • 乔装打扮了一下就混进了舞厅。
    He went into the ballroom in disguise.

  • 格林先生有时乔装打扮穿上红色外衣。
    Mr. Green sometimes dressed up in a red coat.

  • 人们猜测他是乔装打扮成女人逃跑的。
    People guess he disguises oneself to run away into woman.

  • 他们乔装打扮穿得古里古怪地去吓唬人。
    They dress up and try to frighten people.

  • 开那车没人认识我,我乔装打扮了一番。
    No, no. You know, I'm antipathetic and not a funny person.

  • 他在圣诞节那天乔装打扮
    He dressed up on Christmas Day.

  • 我可以乔装打扮一下。
    I can make up and disguise myself here.

  • 那不是世界末日,而往往是机遇———乔装打扮
    That's not the end of the world, however, that's blessing in disguise.

  • 痛快地玩一场就意味着尽情地吃、喝、乔装打扮
    Having fun meant eating, drinking and dressing up.

  • 万圣节前夜。小孩子通常都乔装打扮。玩得很开心。
    Young kids often dress up and have fun at Halloween.

  • 不管怎样给帝国乔装打扮,涂脂抹粉,也无法改变事实。
    b. Dressing Empire in seductive colors and calling it Commonwealth cannot alter the facts.

  • 他们很年轻的时候格林先生有时穿一件红大衣乔装打扮
    When they were very young, Mr. Green sometimes dressed up in a red coat.

  • 小孩们乔装打扮好后就带着纸袋或篮子四处敲邻居们的门。
    Small kids get dressed up?, then walk around with paper bags or baskets knocking on their neighbor's doors.

  • 命运是一个乔装打扮的人物,没有比这张脸更会欺骗人的了。
    Fortune is a disguised person. No face is more cheating than this face .

  • 前罗马尼亚王后玛丽曾乔装打扮成一个男孩,几乎骗过警卫。
    Ex-queen Mary of Romania once disguised herself as a boy and almost succeeded in deceiving the guards.

  • 任何乔装打扮鱼目混珠的东西,在科学实验室里都会原形毕露。
    Any disguised or fake things will show their true features when they are put to the test in the laboratory.

  • 这只不过是用一种拐弯抹角、乔装打扮的方式来为毒资产的购买进行补贴。
    It's just an indirect, disguised way to subsidize purchases of bad assets.

  • 劳拉:一些没生小孩的成年人会举办一个大的派对,当然也要乔装打扮了。
    Laura:Usually the adults who don't have kids have a big party and get dressed up too.

  • 因此,那些被遗弃令人耻辱的回忆会以其他方式呈现,乔装打扮,寻求其他释放的途径。
    So, therefore, those memories that are discarded, shamed, somehow they may come back in different ways — disguised, perhaps seeking another outlet.

  • 这一天人们可以逃避现实,可以乔装打扮,扮成别人,花上50美元甚至更少找点乐子。
    It's a day of escapism -- you can still dress up, be someone else and have fun for 50 dollars or less.

  • 合同里定的是高价的装饰材料,实际用的却是价低普通材料,还乔装打扮一番,让人难以发现。
    The contract will be expensive decorative materials, the actual use of ordinary materials is low price, but also posing as a dress, so difficult to detect.

  • 邻居们送给孩子们零食的时候,不仅会为孩子的乔装打扮表示惊讶还会猜猜乔装之下是哪家的孩子!
    When they give each child a treat, they not only exclaim over the costumes but also try to guess who is under the masks.

  • 进步不是宣言,也不是空谈。进步不是乔装打扮,也不是玩弄偏见。进步不是扰乱一个感情激动的民族,也不是提出某种承诺。
    Progress is not proclamation nor palaver. It is not pretense nor play on prejudice. It is not the perturbation of a people passion-wrought nor a promise proposed.

  • 苏联曾流行这样一个笑话。一天晚上,斯大林想要知道自己是不是真如自己的亲信所言万众敬仰。于是他乔装打扮去了一家莫斯科电影院。
    ONE evening, a Soviet joke relates, Stalin decided to see if he was as beloved as his cronies insisted, so went to a Moscow cinema in disguise.

  • 据《每日电讯报》报道,日前,美国一名男子乔装打扮成肯德基创始人桑德士上校(俗称肯德基爷爷),成功混入位于纽约的联合国总部。
    An American man impersonating KFC founder Colonel Harland Sanders, who died in 1980, managed to dupe his way into UN headquarters in New York, the Daily Telegraph reported.

  • 在圣地亚哥会展中心举行的第40届漫画节会展上,化妆艺术家正在给一位男子的脸乔装打扮,让他在观看的人群面前展现出一个疯狂的样子。
    A make-up artist works on a man's face, turning him into a scary character for the watching crowd, while attending the 40th annual Comic Con conference in San Diego.

  • 他下楼去到厨房要给自己弄一杯咖啡,让他惊讶的是,他看见自己的妻子爱丽丝就坐在那里,从头到脚都经过了乔装打扮,杰克问她:你(这样)是准备干嘛去?
    He walks down to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, and to his surprise he finds his wife, Alice, sitting there, fully dressed in camouflage. Jake asks her, "What are you up to?"

  • 更令人瞠目结舌的是,乔装打扮的汤普森还和第64届联合国大会主席、来自利比亚的外交官阿里‧图利基握手合影。随后,警铃声响起,汤普森被赶到的安保人员撵出大楼。
    More surprisingly, the impersonating Thompson also shook hands with Ali Treki, president of the 64th UN General Assembly, a diplomat from Liberia, before the alarm was raised and he was ejected.

  • 在儿童电视动画节目中有一个人物叫“本先生”,他经常光顾一家化妆商店,每天都会乔装打扮,以不同的面目出现在街上。除了这个人物,我想不出有任何人能像萨尔科齐这样变化频繁。
    Apart from the children's TV character Mr Benn, who regularly visited a dressing up shop and became a different person each day, I can think of no-one who reinvents himself so frequently.

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