
举世无双  jǔ shì wú shuāng








  • 他表演的冰上舞蹈真是举世无双
    His ice dancing performance is matchless.

  • 我们有举世无双的 人力 资源。
    We have unparalleled human resources.

  • 你是举世无双,无人可以代替。
    You are unique. Nothing can replace YOU.

  • 中国有很多举世无双的古建筑。
    Many ancient Buildings in China are matchless in the world.

  • 欢迎莅临香港,一个举世无双的城市。
    Welcome to HongKong, a peerless city in entire world.

  • 举世无双,无人可以代替。
    You are unique. Nothing can replace you.

  • 博物馆里展出了许多举世无双的展品。
    Many unique things were displayed in the museum.

  • 没错,第二把可以说是“举世无双”的独门兵器!
    Right, the second one can be considered as a unique weapon on the world!

  • 事实上,它直直盯著哈洛看并简短地说:我举世无双
    In fact, it looked Harold directly in the eye and very plainly stated: I rock.

  • 我会成功,我会成为伟大的推销员,因为我举世无双
    I will win, and I will become a great salesman, for I am unique.

  • 在无穷无尽的宇宙中,你是举世无双的!!!阅读全文…
    You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity!

  • 一流的建筑,三流的设施,九流的管理,举世无双!!!
    First world construction, Third world facility, nineth world management. First in the world! ! !

  • 这一类卑鄙下流之辈非但不是举世无双,而且还大有人在。
    Unfortunately, these despicable and low-class individuals are not a rarity, but common.

  • 很快,他就表达出他想把她举世无双的美画出来的强烈欲望。
    And soon he expressed his great desire to put her rare beauty on canvas.

  • 也指引我们一代又一代的劳动人民建设了举世无双的工业经济国家。
    It is what led generations of American workers to build an industrial economy unrivalled around the world.

  • 而我国人民因为有这种主动性和创造性已发展成举世无双的伟大人民。
    It would have meant the undermining of the individual initiative and enterprise through which our people have grown to unparalleled greatness…

  • 这样吧,我给你一副举世无双的漂亮外壳,你现在回去追求你的幸福吧。
    If so, I'll give you a pair of beautiful shell unmatched, you go back now pursuing your happiness.

  • 但是,最引人注目、最可颂扬且举世无双的特性还要数你宽宏大量的公民观。
    But the most notable and praiseworthy feature of all, a thing unparalleled, is your magnanimous conception of citizenship.

  • 一些举世无双的山光水色可在这绵延500公里长的南阿尔卑斯山脉之间欣赏到。
    Some of the world's best mountain scenery is available within the 500-kilometer long chain of the Southern Alps.

  • 在该公司位于广东省的庞大总部里,没有什么表面迹象表明比亚迪是举世无双者。
    At the company's sprawling headquarters in Guangdong province, there is little outward sign that BYD is a world beater.

  • 下船后,我们来到了仙人洞,看起来真像百亩良田,堪称世界地质绝景,举世无双
    Getting off the boat, we came into the immortal cave looking like a good field of a hundred mu, which is peerless in the field of geology.

  • 问题是:为什么新成立的欧洲高科技公司却一再无法成为规模如微软那样举世无双的公司?
    The question is this: why is it that nascent European technology companies have repeatedly failed to become world-beaters on the scale of a Microsoft?

  • 《今日美国》的体育新闻有这么一句话,形容某某人取得了“举世无双的1300-183记录”。
    When I was reading the sports news on USA Today, I came across a line in which somebody was described as having achieved "an unrivaled 1, 300-183 record."

  • 真是举世无双,威尼斯的水域和河岸相得益彰。站在里亚托桥上,我看着威尼斯人的夜间生活悄然展开。
    Like no other city in the world, Venice balances on both land and water. From the Rialto Bridge, I watch the activity of the Venetian nightlife unfold.

  • 美国的文学史家,也许把他们国家里的景象看得过于偏狭了,很容易把自己的特点误认为举世无双的东西。
    American literary historians are perhaps prone to view their own national scene too narrowly, mistaking prominence for uniqueness.

  • 人的幸福往往不是由一些难得出现的举世无双所产生的,而是由日常点滴裨益积累而成的。——富兰克林。
    Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantage that occur every day. -- Benjamin Franklin.

  • 来自世界不同国家,拥有不同信仰的人民纷至沓来,只为欣赏其举世无双之美,尤其是那在日光下被光晕着了色般的玻璃。
    People of all faiths are known to seek out the Cathedral for it's beauty, especially the stained glass that explodes with color in the sunlight.

  • 万圣节前夜的前几天,凯先生除了带给观众他那举世无双的滑稽表演外,还利用他短暂的巡回演出,向年轻人提出严肃的要求。
    Along with his unique tomfoolery, Mr. Kaye makes a serious appeal to youngsters in his whistle-stop tour just before Halloween.

  • 以它那可以说是举世无双的转化性和启迪性,想像力成了赋予我们产生同情心的力量,去同情那些我们自已不曾有过那种遭遇的人们。
    In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared.

  • 一切诗歌的韵律 都比不上你的音响, 一切书本的知识 都比不上你的宝藏, 地面的蔑视者啊, 你的诗艺举世无双
    Better than all measures Of delightful sound, Better than all treasures That in books are found, Thy skill to poet were, thou scorner of the ground!

  • 举世无双造句相关
