
不谋而合  bù móu ér hé








  • 在这一问题上, 他与你不谋而合
    He happened to coincide with you on this point.

  • 世博会的宗旨与众多国际机构的目标不谋而合
    The World Expo shares commons goals with many international organizations.

  • 作者尖锐的自我批评事实上与黄的观点不谋而合
    This writer's harsh self-criticism actually coincides with the views of Huang Zhaohui.

  • 有了房子,就想车子,老百姓想法和银行不谋而合
    People would like to dream about cars after they have houses which is the same thinking of banks.

  • 有了房子,就想车子,老百姓想法和银行不谋而合
    After having a house, they just want a car. That's just what the Chinese banks want.

  • 而这些发现也与过去技术移转和派外管理文献之说法不谋而合
    Theses findings seem to confirm our early thoughts that influential factors would come from both technology transfer and management expatriate literature.

  • 这首歌里带著强烈正面的积极能量,歌词也跟我的理念不谋而合
    There is such a positive energy in the song and lyric that I connect with completely.

  • 他说,这项观察和范围较广、显示脑部情感不对称的研究不谋而合
    It fits with a large body of research showing emotional asymmetry in the brain, he said.

  • 新兴市场出现的新贵们和150年前英国的中产阶级的品味不谋而合
    The newly affluent in emerging markets echo the tastes of the English middle class 150 years ago.

  • 这项发现一旦经确认属实,将与火星表面下存在产甲烷菌的说法不谋而合
    If verified, this finding would be consistent with having methanogens living below the surface of Mars.

  • 这种诗学观与中国传统诗学中所提倡的以无我之心观察万事万物不谋而合
    It shares common belief with Chinese traditional poetics which also advocates observing the whole world with the absence of subject.

  • 当我们把这种追求与男性精神相比较时,会发现现代性与男性精神不谋而合
    When we compare this kind of pursuit with male spirit, we find that the modernity is consistent with male spirit.

  • 这个发现和二月份联合国政府间的气候变化座谈会所证实的环境改变不谋而合
    The discovery appears to support environmental changes confirmed by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in February.

  • 杰克逊说,“他是一个很好合作的人,他的运作跟我的系统往往会不谋而合。”
    He's been very cooperative in working together as far as a collusion of ideas in this system that I run.

  • 该种成人形象的玩偶与罗丝意念中的玩偶不谋而合,于是她购买了3个莉莉玩偶。
    The adult-figured doll was exactly what Handler had in mind, so she bought 3 of them.

  • 我的感受与许嘉璐同志不谋而合,他说出了我想要说的话。不过他的概括更有高度。
    I feel coincides with Comrade Xu, he had to say I want to say. However, he summed up the more highly.

  • 虽然卡尔德有时候会与新共和国不谋而合,但他还是决定在银河政局突变时保持中立。
    Though Karrde's activities occasionally overlapped with those of the New Republic, he was determined to stay neutral in the seismic changes wracking galactic government.

  • 布什总统称,到目前为止增兵伊拉克的决定与开始减少巴格达宗派暴力的愿望不谋而合
    President Bush says his decision to send more American soldiers to Iraq is so far meeting expectations by beginning to reduce sectarian violence in the capital.

  • 这项新的计划的公布跟欧盟委员会发表的一份关于世界粮食价格上涨的研究报告不谋而合
    The proposals coincide with a new study by the European Commission looking into reasons for the recent world food price rises.

  • 此观点与博•罗斯坦的观点不谋而合,但博•罗斯坦并没有解决民众信任从何而来的难题。
    This coincides with Royston point of view. But he does not solve the problem where the populace trusts come from.

  • 他认为这个品牌极富创意、活力无限、个性鲜明——这些特征与香港独特魅力正好不谋而合
    He describes the brand as being alive with originality, dynamic and personable – all attributes that could equally describe Hong Kong's own personality.

  • 诸多理念与新起点英语不谋而合,遂加盟新起点英语,立志做阳朔英语口语培训改革先行者。
    She thinks that New Start will be a good fit for her as they have the same goal that is to be the pioneer of Yangshuo's English education.

  • 当代教育学、美学都不谋而合地将“主体”作为研究的核心,并且提至一个前所未有的高度。
    Contemporary pedagogy , aesthetics all regard " subject " as the core. in agreement without previous consultation, and propose it to an unprecedented height.

  • 爱因斯坦的科学哲学思想代表了西方正统哲学在现代科学中的发展,而与胡塞尔的现象学不谋而合
    Einstein's scientific philosophy symbolizes the development of the orthodox Western philosophy in modern science, which happens to coincide with Husserl's phenomenology.

  • 世上难的是找一位良师与你的育儿经不谋而合,既能教好你的孩子,又能对你的孩子在生活上呵护有加。
    It's hard to find a person who will teach and care for your child exactly the way you'd like it done.

  • 这点与有人认为亚欧已与美国“经济脱离”不谋而合。尽管彼此之间的国际贸易与金融一体化日益增强。
    This is consistent with the idea that Asia and Europe have become "decoupled" from America, despite the growth of international trade and financial integration.

  • 或奥斯卡提名的作曲家托马斯纽曼,确切点说,正是他折中的,有些空灵的风格与影片水底的背景不谋而合
    Academy Award-nominate composer Thomas Newman, to be exact , and his eclectic , slightly ethereal style is an inspired match for the film's aquatic setting.

  • 今天被发表在在线刊物《科学》上的这个发现与二月发表在某刊物上的有关格林兰迅速消失的冰层的调查不谋而合
    The finding, reported today by the online edition of the journal Science, closely agrees with another study on the rapid wasting of Greenland's glaciers published in the journal in February.

  • 中国提出的“和谐世界”的构想,不仅是中国国内政策的延续,也符合世界发展潮流,与当今世界流行的“全球治理”观念不谋而合
    The concept of "a harmonious world" put forward by Chinese is not only the extension of China's domestic policies in the world, but also adapts to development trends in the world.

  • 这正与本人的作文教学理念不谋而合,故请领航的学员认真对照暑期班、冲刺班,尤其是预测班关于*社会的范文结构,就会发现有惊人的相似。
    For one thing, the government should make law to ban the false media hype about idols For another, we should spare no effort to bring home to people the fact: the idol is man, not god.

  • 不谋而合造句相关
