
不堪回首  bù kān huí shǒu








  • 全球2008年股市不堪回首
    Global stock market in 2008 Bukanhuishou.

  • 简单的说,这是一个不堪回首的年份和财季。
    In short, it was a year, and a financial quarter, to forget.

  • 又是一个悲伤的结局,又是一段不堪回首的记忆。
    Is also a sad ending, but also was a bitterly painful memories.

  • 青春里拥有难以忘怀的篇目,也有不堪回首的章节。
    Youth, with unforgettable Titles, but also Bukanhuishou chapters.

  • 这个主题也许会令你重温美梦,也许会让你不堪回首
    This topic may stimulate in you a lot of dreams, good and/ or bad.

  • 那些往事对他几乎是不堪回首的,他已有那么多年不去想它了。
    These memories were almost intolerable to him, it was so long since they had recurred to him.

  • 不堪回首的圣诞节,不堪回首的生日,用泪水和安定药迎接新年。
    The worst Christmases, the worst birthdays, New Year's Eves brought by tears and Valium.

  • 我刚经历了一段不堪回首的感情,我不希望太过着急开始另一段恋情。
    I've just gotten out of a bad relationship and I don't want to start anything too hastily.

  • 我刚经历了一段不堪回首的感情,我不希望太过着急开始另一段恋情。
    I've just gotten out of a bad re lati**hip and I don't want to start anything too hastily.

  • 她就像一个背负欺辱的受害者,始终在一种不堪回首的状态中存在着。
    The palace was like a victim that had been bullied, and all along it has existed as something that you could hardly bear to look at.

  • 春花秋月何时了?往事知多少。小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中。
    when would flowers in spring or moon in autumn be past?

  • 那段不堪回首不可忘却的战争岁月,使得很多热血青年誓言,“决不去日本”。
    Those unforgettable moments make many youths in china claim that never go to Japan.

  • 我在回忆,所有的青涩年代留下的是什么,那是一段一辈子都不堪回首的记忆…
    All of a sudden i'm afraid to face time…always remember some people some thing some memory…

  • 我不希望过去那些不堪回首,让人心酸的往事又在你身上重演,我只是想你快乐。
    I don't hope passing by those cans not bear to recall, let the public sour things of the past repeat on your body again, I just miss your happiness.

  • 中华文明历经沧桑,数千年一路走来,带走了不堪回首的过往,留下了太多的辉煌。
    The China civilization experiences successively a vicissitudes of life, which walks all the way for thousands of years and took away the recalls of rise and fall, left too many brilliancy.

  • 一位有着不堪回首的过去的警官回到家里,帮助联邦调查局追踪一名**的幕后指使…
    A police officer with a painful past returns home to help the FBI track down a mastermind assassin.

  • 她像一只毛茸茸的粉红手榴弹炸进了我们的生活,搅起浑水,带来了不堪回首的记忆。
    She exploded into our lives like a fluffy pink grenade, churning up the murky water, bringing to the surface a sludge of sloughed-off memories.

  • 比如‘朋友我当你一世朋友,奇怪过去再不堪回首,怀缅时时其实还有’(《最佳损友》)。
    For instance 'friend I, when a your th friend, the strange past found it unbearable to recall again, cherished Burma also to have ' ("Best Friend who is a bad influence" actually at times).

  • 在成为一个农业大国和主要的蛋白质生产国的过程中,中国克服了不堪回首的历史遗留问 题。
    In becoming an agricultural powerhouse, and a leading protein producer, China is overcoming a bitter historical legacy.

  • 有美好的回忆,有不堪回首的往事,时刻在脑子里回荡,毕竟是过去了,时间永是流逝,我们无法抗拒。
    There are happy memories, memories of past events, moments in the brain of reverberation, after all, is passed, the time never was passed, we can not resist.

  • 对于小乔来说,那段日子真的是不堪回首。看到他又回到球场真好,特别是还有一个进球作为‘开场白’。
    It was a difficult time for the boy and it was nice to see him back on the pitch, especially with a goal.

  • 对各大地产商来说,今年上半年肯定是最不堪回首的,基本上是在政府各项调控政策的“指挥棒”下度过的。
    Of the major property developers, the first half of this year is definitely the most horrible, largely in the control of the policy "baton" spend.

  • 的确,往事不堪回首,我真希望自己从来没有遇到过他,只是,如果没有他,我永远也不知道什么叫做爱情。
    Because of you, I am overwhelmed with all sorts of feelings. I love you, and I want to stay with you forever.

  • 但没有人在乎这个,大家更关心的是,充斥着“不堪回首”之类的2004年过去之后,房地产的明天是否会更好。
    But no one care about, we are more concerned with is that was full of "stuff" category in 2004 in the past, whether real estate will be better tomorrow.

  • 不知道这张明信片曾经经历了多远的旅行,传达了什么样的讯息,但是它却记录了那段中国最屈辱、最不堪回首的历史。
    Maybe, no one knew how long the postcard had once experienced journey, expressed what information, but it recorded the most humiliating history in China.

  • 虽说成功可以以许多不同的方式进行定义,并不是每一个移民的故事都是十分快乐的,有一些移民的经历非常曲折并不堪回首
    While success can be defined in many different ways, not every immigrant story is a completely happy one and some immigrant journeys can be very dramatic and painful.

  • 站在金边审判庭防弹玻璃后面的,是一位现年79岁、曾经是工程师的年迈力衰的老人,他在陈述S-21集中营里不堪回首的往事。
    Standing behind bulletproof glass in a courtroom in Phnom Penh, the former engineer, now a frail 79-year-old, recalled the agony of jail S21.

  • SEO有史以来,很多名网站、大网站在搜索引擎这个独立王国里,因为触犯搜索引擎制订的天条,也曾经有过一段不堪回首的过去。
    In the history of SEO, site of many large websites in the search engine an independent kingdom, for breach of the search engine developed by day, there was also a period of Bukanhuishou in the past.

  • 过去的四个月,不管是怎样的不堪回首,也不管是如同今年的中国那样命里注定多灾多难还是自己一手造成了所有的一切,都已然成为过去;
    For the past four months, however painful to look back at, whether it was doomed to be so like our country this year or it was my own doings that became my undoing, let bygones be bygones;

  • 渐近黄昏,他在麻风病人护理处停了下来。那里住着几个病人,他们还依然记得不堪回首的往日。那时,游人来此必须穿上长袍,由警察护卫。
    Toward day's end, a stop is made at the care facility where there reside some patients who remember when visitors were required to don gowns and have police escorts.

  • 不堪回首造句相关
