
形影相随  xíng yǐng xiāng suí






  • 教育批评从来都和教育形影相随
    Educational criticism connects with education all along.

  • 高失业率和高犯罪率经常形影相随
    High unemployment and high crime often go hand in hand.

  • 在校内兄弟俩总是形影相随
    The two brothers always stick together at school.

  • 爱情无须形影相随、却要求心心相印。
    Love does not need always together, actually to request to have mutual affinity.

  • 荣誉与美德总是形影相随
    Honor is the shadow of virtue.

  • 肮脏和疾病是形影相随的。
    Dirt and disease go hand in hand.

  • 这只狗与你形影相随
    The dog is your shadow.

  • 战争和苦难形影相随
    War and suffering go hand in hand.

  • 客户的满意是企业生存之本,产品服务形影相随
    Customer satisfaction is the enterprise survival, products and services in northwestern hand in hand.

  • 一个腊肠的主人是永远不会孤单的,他们会在家里和主人长时间的形影相随
    Dachshund's master is never alone - they have a long, low shadow following them everywhere around the house.

  • 庞得贝先生和他那个形影相随的人并没有站在攀着她父亲膀子的露意莎的附近。
    Mr Bounderby and his shadow had not stood near Louisa, who held her father's arm.

  • 在整个克隆人战争期间,欧比万和阿纳金常常形影相随,被一同调往各地前线。
    Throughout the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin were rarely far apart, being dispatched as a team to various battlefronts.

  • 生活教会我们昨天就是昨天,一去不复返,可过去带给我们的忧郁和回忆却会和我们形影相随
    o, what life does to me? i really dont know, and hope i can understand someday.

  • 医生以一个教民随身份与他形影相随,并且想战胜他天性中的含蓄和敏感,来赢得他的友谊和信任。
    he attached himself to him as a parishioner, and sought to win a friendly regard and confidence from his naturally reserved sensibility.

  • 成群的小鲦鱼悠悠游过,每一条都投下纤细的瘦影,形影相随,在阳光照映下,亮晃晃的,那么耀眼。
    A school of minnows swam by, each minnow with its small, individual shadow, doubling the attendance, so clear and sharp in the sunlight.

  • 高额回报使商铺投资天生就具有十足的魅力,不过,高回报与高风险始终是一对孪生姐妹,形影相随
    High investment returns to the shops on a full charm born, but high returns and high risk is always one pair of twin sisters, the Great Lakes region.

  • 由体虱传播的流行性斑疹伤寒是最严重的一型,为人类史上的一大灾难,与拥挤、肮脏的人们形影相随
    Epidemic typhus, spread by the Body louse, is the most severe. It is one of the great scourges of history, associated with crowded, filthy conditions.

  • 哥白尼理论系统令人不解的疑点之一就是:地球绕着太阳飞快转动,还带着月球形影相随,实在没有道理。
    Now one of the reasons people worried about the Copernican system was it seemed awfully silly that the earth could be whizzing around the sun and yet carry the moon and not have the moon get lost.

  • 其实,我只是在等你,等你唤醒我期盼你多年的梦,在每一个晨昏,只想与你形影相随,用我全部的爱恋。
    In fact, I am just waiting for you, you wake up I look forward to many years of your dream, in every twilight, you just want to quest with all my love.

  • 绳与带自古以来就与人类的生产生活密不可分,在服装上的应用有着悠远的历史,同服装的诞生与发展形影相随
    The rope and the belt live since the ancient times with humanity's production inseparable, has the distant history on clothing's application, with clothing's birth and development always together.

  • 绳与带自古以来就与人类的生产生活密不可分,在服装上的应用有着悠远的历史,同服装的诞生与发展形影相随
    Since ancient times, on the ropes and with the production and human life are inseparable, in the clothing on the application of a distant history, with the birth and development of clothing形影quest.

  • 因此,正确来说,「毕业」指的是「释放」的过程,释放那最根本的秘密协定,释放羞愧与罪咎,以及与之形影相随的惩罚。
    Graduation , literally , is the process by which you do release that fundamental mutual agreement , and the shame , guilt , and associated penalties which are inherent in it .

  • 曾经的生活让我无语,现实的残酷让人心酸,期盼因你的出现让我走出阴暗,无须雍荣华贵,但求平淡,形影相随,坦诚相待。
    I have the silent life, the cruel reality of people sad, because you look forward to the emergence of let me out of the dark, Yong need your splendor, but rather plain, hand in hand Xing Ying, frank.

  • 翻译差不多翻译成:蓝天之上,天国里斗转星移。你当身置更高的地方,不要与我形影相随,我曾归属地球[大地],且永远也是。
    Above the blue , Wherethe tides of heaven flow, You are destined for higher ground, Not to linger with me , to the earth I am ever bound , Eternally.

  • 他们把 当作一个内心的罗盘,我甚至可以说,他们也把 当作一位朋友,因为 会安慰、鼓励、出谋献策, 始终与我们形影相随
    They experience Him like an inner compass, I would almost say, as a friend, who comforts, advises, supports, who is simply always there.

  • 有一种东西,它会在某个夏天的夜晚象风一样突然袭来,让你措不及防,无法安宁,与你形影相随,挥之不去,我不知道那是什么,只能称它为爱情。
    There is something that comes suddenly like a wind on a warm summer's evening. It takes you off guard. , and leaves you …

  • 有一种东西,它会在某个夏天的夜晚像风一样突然袭来,让你措不及方,无法安宁,与你形影相随,挥之不去,我不知道那是什么,只能称它为爱情。
    There is something, that comes suddenly like a wind on a warm summer's evening. It takes you off guard, and lea…

  • 过去,我是你们的学生,现在,是你们的统帅,我曾无数次褒奖过你们。我们形影相随、亲密无间,迎战那支官、兵互不相识的军队,必能长驱破敌。
    I who was the pupil of you all before I became your commander, will march out in battle array against those who are unknown to and ignorant of each other.

  • 在在座亲朋的见证下,我可以确信这对年轻的爱侣彼此相亲相爱,我非常荣幸地宣布他们结为夫妇。希望你们在未来的百岁年月中,能够形影相随举案齐眉
    In Denmark I would have wished you a lot of kids, but I know that's not possible in China, so I wish you at least one healthy child.

  • 有一种东西,它会在某个夏天的夜晚像风一样突然袭来,让你措不及防,无法安宁,与你形影相随,挥之不去,我不知道那是什么,只能称它为爱情。——余虹日记。
    There is something that comes suddenly like a wind on a warm summer's evening. It takes you off guard, and leaves you without peace. It follows you l…

  • 形影相随造句相关
