
不可一世  bù kě yī shì








  • 希特勒曾是一个不可一世的家伙。
    Hitler was once as proud as a peacock.

  • 你始终还是那个偏执的少年。不可一世
    You are still paranoid that the juvenile. Insufferably arrogant.

  • 乔这几天很不可一世,正应了那句“猫不在家,耗子成精”
    Joe seems to be on his high horse these days. This is "When the cat's away, the mice will play".

  • 乔这几天很不可一世。正应了那句“猫不在家。耗子成精”
    Joe seems to be on his high hourse these days . This is "When the cat's away , the mice will play. ""

  • 他们奋起推翻不可一世的船长,创立了全新的海上作业方式。
    They mutinied against their tyrannical captains - and created a different way of working on the seas.

  • 美国足球队以2比0击败不可一世的西班牙队,挤身联合会杯决赛。
    The U. S. soccer team is in the final of the Conderations Cup, beating mighty Spain 2-0.

  • 虽然高档却不媚俗,超凡脱俗的,没有丝毫暴发户的炫耀与不可一世
    While not high-end kitsch, Step beyond the ordinary, and there is no way to show off the rich and powerful;

  • 在这幅画里,象征主义表露无遗:肖像中的人物君临天下,不可一世
    this is a portrait of monarchy itself, invincibility in its purest form.

  • 大家都看见了曼联正在苦苦挣扎,认为这不是那支曾经不可一世的红魔。
    People see that they have struggled a little bit, and say that they aren't the team they were.

  • 烟花照亮了整座城市,照亮我自以为不可一世却一直懵懂无知的十九岁。
    Fireworks lit up the whole city, I thought I was not always all ignorant of 19 years old.

  • 我就是要骄傲的不可一世。只有这样,才不会把伤口袒露出来,让人察觉。
    I just want to be proud of insufferably arrogant. Only in this way will not bare the wound out, people notice.

  • 蛮族首领不可一世地狂笑,似乎对这场与斯巴达首领久违的战斗期待已久。
    The Barbarian King laughs feverishly, seemingly enthusiastic about the battle that is to come with the Spartan captain that he once knew.

  • 我们的成功使安迪觉得自己不可一世,因为这个计划的草案来自他的推测和预感。
    Andy was especial inroaded by self-esteem at our success, the rudiments of the scheme having originated in his own surmises and premonitions.

  • 那位曾经不可一世的伊拉克统治者被我们从一个洞里找出来,现在正被关在监牢里。
    The once all-powerful ruler of Iraq was found in a hole, and now sits in a prison cell.

  • 那个曾经不可一世的政权由于内斗而人心涣散,新共和国乘虚而入,控制其大片领土。
    Infighting fragmented the once powerful regime, allowing the New Republic to take control of its dwindling territories.

  • 自从约翰在考试中得了个最高分以后,他就不可一世起来,好像我们都赶不上他一样。
    Since John got the highest grades in the exam he always puts his nose in the air and acts like he's better than all of us.

  • 那时候,他是我们至高无上的元首:一个高高在上、令重如山、不可一世的军事首脑。
    Then he was still our all masterful FUHRER: a remote, demanding, difficult warlord .

  • 自由干涉主义花言巧语十分诱人,会一直引导着其自愿的伙伴走向不可一世和灭顶之灾。
    Hishle seductive though the rhetoric og liberal interventionism may be, it is always towards hubris and disaster that if leads its willing partners.

  • 不可一世、击败了北方多民族联军、并且屠杀了数不清游牧民族的魏过军队就这样完蛋了。
    Thus the invincible Wei army which crushed the multiple collisions of the north and slaughtered countless nomads was finally brought to a close.

  • 精神病学家的悲剧在于他们使病人觉得自己只是被一群不可一世的白大褂用来化学修补的物体。
    The tragedy of psychiatry is that it makes patients feel that they are objects to be chemically tinkered with by a bunch of arrogant people in suits.

  • 凤尾竹高大修长,枝叶婆娑,从不轻易低下树叶,像一个高傲的人,给我的感觉有时是不可一世
    Multiplex tall slender, branches and leaves whirling and never easily lower leaves, as a supercilious person, I get the impression sometimes is all-powerful.

  • 祂们的悲惨命运,从不可一世的神明变成了无家可归者。神像上的笑容不免也显示出落寞与哀伤。
    Aware of their miserable fate, from worshipped spirits to wretched homeless, the unwavering smiles of the deities seem to reveal signs of sadness and worry.

  • 听了渔夫的问话,魔鬼马上转悲为喜,不可一世地说:“我要杀了你,不过死法可以让你选择。”
    Hearing the fisherman's words, the devil immediately turned sadness into happiness. He said extremely arrogantly: "I will kill you, but you can choose the way how you die. ""

  • 他的老师如今可是如日中天,号令天下的皇帝,做学生的当然也是鸡犬升天不可一世的一方权贵。
    To have a teacher as the incumbent emperor, Yi Erzi naturally became an extremely arrogant dignitary.

  • 歌咏侠义精神和侠客风采是李白诗篇中的重要一类,这类作品反映了李白个人不可一世的胸怀和气度。
    Ode to knighthood is an important component of Li Bai's locus. The works reflect Li Bai's peerless personality.

  • 本周日,他将和另一位小将法布雷加斯搭档面对他足球生涯中最重要的挑战——与不可一世的切尔西的比赛。
    But on Sunday, he will face the biggest test of his career when he is paired with Cesc Fabregas in the centre of midfield against Jose Mourinho's rampant Chelsea.

  • 公元350年,汉族将军冉闵推翻了残暴不可一世的羯赵帝国,即皇帝位,定都邺城,年号永兴,国号大魏,史称冉魏。
    AD 350, Ran General Han Min overthrew the brutal insufferably arrogant Jie Zhao Empire, the emperor bit, Ye its capital city, Nianhao Yongxing, the country, Dawei, Shichenranwei.

  • 她是一个聪明的女人,可是对于自己高贵的出身总是感到不可一世,因此她的尾巴上老戴着一打的牡蛎——其余的显贵只能每人戴上半打。
    She was a very wise woman, and exceedingly proud of her high birth; on that account she wore twelve oysters on her tail; while others, also of high rank, were only allowed to wear six.

  • 第二点我想要指出的是——能源问题。因为他们输出石油赚来的金钱,俄罗斯部分地复活了(苏联的力量),普京感觉不可一世,正如麦凯恩议员所提到的。
    The second point I want to make is -- is the issue of energy. Russia is in part resurgent and Putin is feeling powerful because of petrodollars, as Senator McCain mentioned.

  • 天空中的云继续飘浮着,大的,小的,一朵,两朵,飘向它们应该飘向的地方,一会儿昂首向前不可一世,一会儿形容萎谢消散无踪,或许这就是它们的命运吧。
    Other clouds follow: big and little and tiny on their march toward whereness. Wisps of them lead or droop because there must always be leading and drooping.

  • 不可一世造句相关
