
不厌其烦  bù yàn qí fán







  • 他们仍然在不厌其烦地进行调查。
    They're still plodding along with their investigation.

  • 谈起她聪明的儿子,她不厌其烦
    She is never tired of talking about her clever son.

  • 那个店员不厌其烦地满足我们的需要。
    The shop assistant went out of his way to find what we needed.

  • 他喜欢不厌其烦地给新闻记者讲述他的奇遇。
    He thoroughly enjoyed recounting his adventures to the newspaper reporters.

  • 不厌其烦细说自己家世显赫,自古就是高门贵族。
    Given an audience with President Lincoln, he discoursed at length on the high and ancient nobility of his distinguished family.

  • 许多人不厌其烦地向女佣、门卫或停车场服务员问好。
    Many people do not bother to say hello to the maid, janitor , or parking attendant.

  • 要是她朝你哭,你要不厌其烦地哄她,直到她破涕为笑!
    If she cry, you should be very patient to clamor her until she smile.

  • 要是她朝你哭,你要不厌其烦地哄她,直到她破涕为笑!
    If she cries in front of you, you would take trouble in pleasing her till she burst into laughter.

  • 噢,我亲爱的客人,假如阁下明天能不厌其烦地来加入我们的晚餐。
    Oh, and, my dear guests, if you don't mind being terribly bored again tomorrow for dinner.

  • 爱德华兹先生总是不厌其烦地提醒选民,他是一个磨坊工人的儿子。
    Mr Edwards never tires of reminding voters that he is the son of a millworker .

  • 正是我那不厌其烦的爸爸让我从不喜欢英语到喜欢英语,我很感谢他。
    It is my dad who made me like Enlish from dislike. I thank him very much.

  • 他又一遍一遍不厌其烦的提到切尔西—还有莫里尼奥—花掉了多少银子。
    And he kept repeating how much money Chelsea - and Mourinho - have spent.

  • 是什么促使这个小伙子为了不伤害一位陌生人的感情而不厌其烦地这么做呢?
    What impelled the boy to take so much trouble to spare the feelings of a stranger?

  • 澳大利亚工党政府不厌其烦地强调,该政府认为跟美国的盟友关系是不可或缺的。
    The Labor government has been at pains to point out that it considers the alliance with the U. S. to be indispensable.

  • 这条路他走得越多,就越不可能不厌其烦地去创造另一条通向同一目的地的途径。
    The more it is traveled, the less likely the person will go to the trouble of creating another path to reach the same destination.

  • 我们的女儿在课堂上听不懂而反复提问时,他们会不厌其烦耐心地给予回答和解释。
    When she cannot understand the lessons and inquired repeatedly, they took great patience to give the reply and the explanations.

  • 他重新出山后所做的广告,只不厌其烦地描述着产品的性能,以至于让人的耳朵起了茧子。
    He re-done after the mountains of advertising, only went to great pains to describe the performance of the products that make people's ears from the cocoon son.

  • 我还不知疲倦地念书给他听,不知困乏地带他去想去的地方,不厌其烦地做他想做的事情。
    Never did I weary of reading to him; never did I weary of conducting him where he wished to go: of doing for him what he wished to be done.

  • 女孩有时也很烦,她总是不厌其烦的给你打电话,让你陪她去这去那,而不管你的心情有多坏。
    However, The girl is good enough. When she returns from her travels every time, she never forget to bring a little something for you .

  • 只有我还活着,在每一个夜晚睡去,在每一个白天醒来,高兴不高兴,都要一天天不厌其烦的活。
    I will live --sleep at every night, wake up at every morning. Happy or not, I will live as if I will never get tired.

  • 在打了无数次电话和来回折腾后,那个改变我套餐的家伙不厌其烦将我原先的所有功能都重新开通。
    After countless calls and tinkering back and forth turns out the guy that changed my plan, didn't bother to reactivate all the features I had before.

  • 那到底为什么只有人类每天不厌其烦的用双腿行走呢?有一种解释说是,直立行走是伸手取物的结果。
    How did it come about that we do every day what nobody else does? Well, one theory says that standing up is the result of reaching up.

  • 永远不要嫌弃你的父母学不会电脑,因为你永远不会知道在你小的时候他们是如何不厌其烦地教你认字。
    Never mind your parents - not the computer, because you never know when your small how they like to teach you literate.

  • 但美国官员不厌其烦地强调,与印度这个全球人口最多民主国家之间的关系,对于华盛顿具有长期的重要性。
    But US officials have been at pains to emphasise the long-term importance to Washington of its relationship with India, the world's largest democracy.

  • 换一个角度来看,人们之所以对灵魂不厌其烦地讨论、争辩,也说明它在我们的精神世界里有着不可忽略的存在价值。
    From another point of view, the reason why people have taken these problems to discuss shows soul has a value that can not be ignored at our spiritual world.

  • 我们还渴望其它方面的爱,要不厌其烦的让战争离开我们,带来好的东西,这个意思就是说这才是真爱直到无能为力
    We all thirst for the love of others, that they go out of their way to avoid harming us and to do good to us. This is the meaning of true love, to give until it hurts.

  • 很多人都表明,他们决定把选票投给这个不厌其烦提醒投票者是谁救济了他们的尤多约诺,主要的原因是这项现金支付。
    Many cite the payments as their main reason for deciding to vote for Mr Yudhoyono, who never tires of reminding voters who introduced them.

  • 我之所以这样不厌其烦的告诉你关于这颗小行星的琐事,还把它的编号写出来给你看,是为了顺从大人们的品位和行为方式。
    I have told you these details about the asteroid, and made a note of its number for you, it is on accout of the grown-ups and their ways.

  • 同样地,坠入爱河时我们总不厌其烦地问自己:这是合乎名誉的还是违背名誉的,明智的还是愚蠢的,这份爱在通往何处,等等。
    In the same way, when we are in love we are never tired of asking ourselves questions:whether it is honourable or dishonourable, sensible or stupid, what this love is leading up to, and so on.

  • 小公司,大品牌,所有的一切都来源于消费者对品牌超越忠诚的挚爱,而品牌又拿什么来汇报消费者的爱呢?每一天,不厌其烦的讲述品牌的故事,每一个细节,精雕细作地打造品牌的形象。
    My biggest tips for creating a strong brand are: Plan to stay in the game for the long term, don't take shortcuts even with the smallest details, and tell your brand's story every day.

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