
一针一线  yī zhēn yī xiàn







  • 不拿群众一针一线,这是党的纪律。
    Never take any property from the masses, this is the party's discipline.

  • 友谊编制的时候一针一线,小心而漫长;
    when the needle from the preparation of friendship, be careful and lengthy;

  • 据悉,演唱会所有服装均由张叔平一针一线手工缝制。
    It is learned that all the concert by William Chang stitch hand-sewn garments.

  • 天下父母之爱,其实都在一针一线、一封家书、一件小事之中。
    Parental love, in fact, in stitch, a letter, a small being.

  • 大娘说:“你可别说什么不拿群众一针一线啊!大娘的鸡啊,是做定了!”
    The big Niang say:"You don't say what don't take crowd's one needle a glimmer of! The chicken of big Niang, is to do to settle! ""

  • 那些共同拥有的想法和情感,那些温暖的话语都编织在衣服的一针一线里。
    Memories of those shared thoughts and emotions, the warming words we spoke, all are interwoven in the fabric of the clothes I wore that day.

  • 二百多个世纪中一代一代的干百万桩细事就是这样一针一线地组成了历史。
    Millions of such stitches in each of these 200 generations is the fabric of this history woven.

  • 4深夜里,母亲一针一线地做衣服,密密麻麻的针脚里缝进了对儿子深深的爱。
    Late at night, the mother spun much yarn and worked with deep affection to make clothes for him.

  • 平寨妇女所做的手绣工艺品,所用的布料、绣花都是自己亲手一针一线地织出来。
    All the cloth used in needlework is woven by themselves. The women get the cotton thread with different colours from market.

  • 两个人之间的感情就像织毛衣建立的时候一针一线小心而漫长拆除的时候只要轻轻一拉­。
    Love between couples is like knitting a sweater, when building, needle by needle, carefully and endlessly, however, when broking, just lightly and softly drawing it.

  • 沙巴还是一个多族群的居住区,闻名于世的鲜艳服装是他们唯一用手工一针一线亲自缝制出来的。
    The Sabah region is also home to many ethnic groups known for their colorful clothing and unique hand-made items.

  • 本素服饰公司拥有大型的生产基地,先进的生产设备和完善的工艺控制,一针一线是其完美的体现。
    Bensu has a large sized production base, advanced equipments for production and fully developed control technology, each piece of needlework is showing its perfection.

  • 一针一线绣出的艺术品,不管是送给家人,还是送给店庆开业、乔迁新居的朋友,都是别具特色的。
    A glimmer of art, embroiders, or whether to give to family members to store opened, igawa moved into the new friend, are unique.

  • 在华夏的大地上历代传承着古老的绣花鞋技艺,一针一线地述说着各个时期的审美观念、传统文化与时尚价值。
    In the land of ancient Chinese tradition with the ancient art embroidered shoes, stitch in recounting the aesthetic ideas of each period, the value of traditional culture and fashion.

  • 小动物们会像磁铁般吸引着它们的小主人,产品由很软的纺织品做成,是我们的职员用手一针一线缝制出来的。
    Puppies attach to their nursing mother with magnets. To be made from ultra-soft contrasting fabrics with hand-stitched details.

  • 那段时间,我常看见妈妈镇日在缝纫,一针一线都细心无比,虽说缝纫是她的兴趣,但我知道,妈妈是替我着想才会如此辛苦。
    During that period of time, Isaw my mother sewing the pencil case everyday, each stitch was sewing with care, although sewing is her hobby, but I knew my mother was doing this hard work for me.

  • 一九二九年以后,毛泽东又将三大纪律中的第二条改为“不拿群众一针一线”;第三条改为“筹款要归公”,后来又改为“一切缴获要归公”。
    changes: Rule 2 became "Don't take a single needle or piece of thread from the masses", and Rule 3 was changed first to "Turn in all money raised" and then to "Turn in everything captured".

  • 那时候,家里的经济情况不怎么样,于是我每年过冬的棉衣棉裤都是外婆一针一线密密缝制,穿在身上,厚厚的暖暖的,那是蕴涵着外婆对我的爱啊。
    At that time, my family's economic situation is not good. So, every year, my cotton clothes was made by grandma who did them hardly. The clothes was very warm because the love was involved in it.

  • 一针一线地剔解一大堆诱惑人的(主要是字词上的)谬误,揭示各式各样藏在其后的动机——在某个意义上,经这番操作之后,我们仍留在我们的起点。
    one by one, a mass of seductive (mainly verbal) fallacies, of exposing a wide variety of concealed motives--an operation which leaves us, in a sense, just where we began.

  • 记忆里,妈妈总是在灯光下纳鞋底,那个时候集体干活,没有专门的闲工做布鞋。妈妈就利用晚上的时间坐在煤油灯下一针一线地纳鞋底,撩鞋帮,上鞋子。
    Mom uses the time in the evening to sit in sole of accept of ground of a gleam of of the stitch below kerosene lamp, hold up upper, sole a shoe child.

  • 协利织造秉承“超越自我,追求完美”的精创文化,坚持“至精至美、诚信创新”的核心价值观,推行“关注细节,执行到位”的管理理念,一针一线打造行业精品。
    HS Lee weaving adhering to the "beyond self, the pursuit of perfection, " the essence of a culture, and adherence to the "to the fine to the United States, integrity innovation"

  • 我坐在书屋里,望着深红色的木箱中,整整洁齐地放着四双半布鞋。眼前不禁浮现出外婆戴着老花镜在昏暗的煤油灯下一针一线纳鞋底的情形。小时上学,正值“文革”。
    Can't help emerging at the moment the state that gives grandmother to wearing presbyopic glasses to issue sole of accept of stitch a gleam of in dim kerosene lamp.

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