
一言一行  yī yán yī xíng







  • 他们一言一行都代表了公司的形象。
    What they do and what they say all represent that company.

  • 他的一言一行都是想给别人造成影响。
    Everything he says and does is calculated for effect.

  • 看着她的一言一行,有我当年的影子。
    Looks that her every word and deeds, had my same year's shadow.

  • 所以,我们的一言一行都是日积月累养成的习惯。
    Therefore, our every move they make are tip of the day.

  • 所以,我们的一言一行都是日积月累养成的习惯。
    Therefore, our words and deeds are accumulated to develop the habit.

  • 那些出身贵族的人们的一言一行势必要受到公众的注意。
    Those born to the purple are destined to live in the public eye.

  • 你出身皇室,所以你的一言一行注定要受到公众的注意。
    You were born to the purple, so you are destined to live in the public eye.

  • 在你十五到十八岁之间的一言一行,就是你一生的写照。
    Everything you are and do from fifteen to eighteen is what you are and will do through life.

  • 教师的影响是微妙的,因此,教师应注意自己的一言一行
    The influence of teachers is subtle so a teacher should pay more attention to his behavior.

  • (祝福,以及心愿)您的一言一行鼓舞了这个世界上的许多人。
    You are inspiration for many people around the world.

  • 你永远不会知道,你的一言一行,一举一动会对他人的生活产生多大的影响。
    You never can tell what type of impact you may make on another's life by your actions or lack of action.

  • 事实上是有一群来自中国的黑客,很多相关部门时刻监视着他们的一言一行
    There certainly is a lot of hacking coming out of China. Any company that does security monitoring sees it all the time.

  • 尽管小说中的人物很少直接提及这次战争,它还是深深困扰着他们的一言一行
    Although the characters rarely mention the war directly, its effects haunt everything they do and say.

  • 在我们不假思索地批评责怪学生的时候,我们的一言一行不也在接受学生的评价么?
    In our critics blame the students, without hesitation, our words and deeds do not also accept the evaluation of students Mody?

  • 对核心价值观的偏执和执行,使顺驰把核心价值观贯彻在每一个人的一言一行、一举一动中。
    Stubborn implementation of the core values enables Sunco to incorporate the core values into what one does and says.

  • 具体方法就是在生活中一言一行都要根据主的话语和方法来行,且每一件是事都要向主祷告。
    The way to do that is to live according to His Word and His ways and pray to Him about everything.

  • 你永远不会知道,你的一言一行,一举一动会对他人的生活产生多大的影响。一生记住这一点吧。
    You never know that every word you say and every move you make will affect others. Please remember this for your whole life.

  • 我跟他学相声只是通过和他待在一起,看他表演,谈论表演,还有看他在日常生活中的一言一行
    I learn cross talk1 from him just by being together with him, watching his performances, talking about it and watching him in daily life.

  • 短短一个月的时间,棚户区内爱潮如涌,房产干部职工的一言一行,深深地感动着棚户区的居民。
    In a month's time, the squatter area love flows like Chung, cadres and workers of every property, deeply touched by the squatters.

  • 因为没有确凿的证据,李健没有声张,而是偷偷地关注妻子的一言一行,伺机寻找妻子出轨的证据。
    Because there is no conclusive evidence, Li Jian did not quiet, but secretly concerned about his wife's words and deeds, waiting to find evidence of his wife running off the track.

  • 我从小就一直努力培养良好的性格,注意文明礼貌和思想品德修养,对自己的一言一行都十分严格。
    Since my childhood, I've been always trying to cultivate a good character, paying attention to polite manners and noble ideas, and I am strict with myself in my speech and behavior.

  • 中国的一言一行,中国的每一分成就,都与世界息息相关,同样,世界的动向时刻对中国产生着影响。
    China's words and deeds, China's every success are important to the world. Likewise, what happens in the world affects China.

  • 但在各个小组中,谈论得最多的是有关亚历山大皇帝的事迹,众人传达他的一言一行,为之而感到高兴。
    But the chief subject of conversation in every circle was the Emperor Alexander; every word he had uttered, every gesture was described and expatiated upon with enthusiasm.

  • 我母亲为人善良,对人热情,特别乐于助人,所以在单位人缘很好,她的一言一行也一直在教导我做人的道理。
    My mother is very kind and passionate to others, particularly helpful, so she is very popular in the unit, her words have been taught me truly in my life.

  • 我母亲为人善良,对人热情,特别乐于助人,所以在单位人缘很好,她的一言一行也一直在教导我做人的道理。
    My mother was kind and ardent. She is willing to help others. She therefore has good relations with people in her workplace. Her words and action has been teaching me how to be a man.

  • 因为网络的监督,官员们充分暴露在大众的视野中,他们的一言一行处于潜在的全面监督之下,这样他们就会感受到压力。
    Because the monitoring network, officials fully exposed to public view, in their words and deeds of the potential under the overall supervision, so that they will feel the pressure.

  • 未来的路还很远,但是现在拥有科比-加索尔的二人组,还有我们很具深度的板凳,我们的一言一行都像是一支总冠军球队。
    That's too far into the future, but right now with the Kobe - Gasol duo, and how deep our bench is, we talk, walk, and act like champions.

  • 真诚地希望同学们,以《学生手册》指导自己的一言一行,迈好坚实的人生每一步,成长为身心健康、道德高尚的有用人才。
    Sincerely hope that you use the "Student Handbook" to guide your own words and behavior. Spend your life step by step and become the physical mental and healthy talents.

  • 儒家学者常以天子为传统帝国至高无上之统治者,必须以天下苍生为念,一言一行皆得考虑其对人民不能砖生风行草偃之效。
    The Confucianists thought that the emperor was the highest ruler of traditional empire, he must care about the people, even considering his words and deeds to the domestic influence.

  • 作为一个欧洲大国,英国的对欧政策不仅关系到其本身的利益,更关系到欧盟未来的发展。它一言一行的重要性决不亚于法德同盟在欧盟中所发挥的作用。
    Being a power in Europe, Britain's European policies not only influence its own interests, but also have great impacts on the development of European integration.

  • 一言一行造句相关
