
一窍不通  yī qiào bù tōng








  • 我对原子核物理学一窍不通
    I'm out of my depth when it comes nuclear physics.

  • 当然,他们对经济学也是一窍不通
    Of course, they also know nothing about economy.

  • 虽然我全力指点,她还是一窍不通
    For all my advice she was never the wiser.

  • 她信奉的这些观念我一窍不通
    The ideas she espoused were incomprehensible to me.

  • 我对计算机硬件一窍不通
    I know nothing about computer hardware.

  • 我对军事史实在一窍不通
    Military history is really outside my domain.

  • 历史是他一窍不通的科目。
    History is one of his blind spots.

  • 创作圆舞曲我是一窍不通
    I'm hopeless how to indite a waltz.

  • 我对统计学一窍不通
    I'm a stranger to statistics.

  • 刚到美国时,有些孩子对英语几乎一窍不通
    A few teenagers arrive in the United States with little command of English.

  • 我哥哥主修心理学,他看的那些书我一窍不通
    My brother majors in psychology. The books he reads are all Greek to me.

  • 她不过是假充内行罢了,实际上对艺术一窍不通
    She said nothing was stolen, but that's just a cover-up.

  • 我们对代数和几何一窍不通,更谈不上微积分了。
    We do not know algebra or geometry, to say / mention nothing of calculus.

  • 他指责那些批评他的作品的人是对艺术一窍不通
    He accused those who criticized his work of being philistines .

  • 她对汽车一窍不通,推销员实在是占了她的便宜。
    She knows very little about cars and the salesman really took advantage of her.

  • 即使对英语文法一窍不通,你肯定还是可以藉由不断的学习而进步。
    Being all thumbs with English grammar, you can definitely make progress by constant learning. (?

  • 我对计算机的修理一窍不通,可老板却突然让我负责计算机修理工作。
    The boss suddenly put me in charge of a computer repairing job when I know nothing about it.

  • 我对蕨类植物一窍不通,我会很感谢有谁可以协助指出它们的名字的。
    I do not know anything about ferns and if you can assist to ID their names, I shall be very appreciative.

  • 动物园里的那个家伙滔滔不绝地讲着各种动物的习性,但显然他一窍不通
    This chap at the zoo was holding forth about the habits of various animals, but he obviously knew very little.

  • 我不明白。我对电脑修理一窍不通,可老板却突然让我负责电脑维修工作。
    I don't get it. The boss suddenly put me in charge of a computer repairing job when I know nothing about it.

  • 我对园艺一窍不通,但是你要建假山的话,我还是可以为你干些体力活的。
    I don't know anything about gardening, but I could do the donkey work for you if want to make a rockery .

  • 在我加入舒适堡之前,对健身可以说是一窍不通,甚至从来就没进过健身房。
    I've never been to the gym before I signed up with the fitness club.

  • 一有空,艾伦一定要教我击剑,因为我这方面实在一窍不通,这使他大为苦恼。
    In any by-time Alan must teach me to use my sword, for my ignorance had much distressed him.

  • 如果有人说他们对做某些事情一窍不通就表示他们在此领域连最基本的常识都没有。
    If someone says they don't know the first thing about something, they do not have even an elementary knowledge of the subject.

  • 我也对贴墙纸一窍不通。不过,贴之前好象总得把墙纸弄直了。否则,墙纸的花样怎么对得起来呢!
    LL: Right. When I was wallpapering my apartment, I didn't get the pieces perfectly straight before I put them on, and now the pattern doesn't line up.

  • 陆飞本是个老实呆板的游戏设计师,对爱情一窍不通近乎有点“爱冷淡”,对冉静的用心更是一无所知。
    Lu Fei honest this is a dull game designers, almost a little bit of love know nothing about "love cool", and the intention is Ranjing ignorant.

  • 我也对贴墙纸一窍不通耶。不过啊,贴之前你好像总得把墙纸弄直了。否则,墙纸的花样怎麽对得起来呢!
    Right. When I was wallpapering my apartment, I didn't get the pieces perfectly straight before I put them on, and now the pattern doesn't line up.

  • “我也一窍不通”我说。之后两人大笑不已,我们装做很懂的样子聊得热火朝天而实际上两人都不知道自己在说什么。
    "I haen't a clue, " I said. We laughed at the idea that we had been speaking as if we knew what we were talking about.

  • 你的老板是一个大喊大叫的人、是什么都管、还是一窍不通?会把侮辱的话写在同事们都能看见的备忘录里吗?扔东西吗?
    Is your boss a yeller, a micro manager or clueless? Does he put insulting notes on memos that co-workers can see? Does he throw things?

  • 二人在广告中打桌球打得有板有眼,但其实却对桌球一窍不通,所以广告商请来香港桌球公开赛冠军叶蕴妍到场作出专业指导。
    They play at打桌球ads in rhythmic, but in fact know nothing about table tennis, so advertisers have invited the Hong Kong Open champion table tennis Yan Yun-leaf professional guidance to make the scene.

  • 一窍不通造句相关
