
悬而未决  xuán ér wèi jué






  • 那个悬而未决的问题应让更多的人来讨论。
    The pending debate should be placed before a larger audience.

  • 经过调查后,约有5%的报告仍旧悬而未决
    After investigation, around 5 per cent of reports remain unexplained.

  • 花费一些时间去解决那些悬而未决的事情吧。
    Take the time to close deals that have been up in the air.

  • 他们的知识对解决悬而未决的问题大有裨益。
    Their knowledge is a great aid and advantage in conquering unsolved problems.

  • 然而到底谁给了谁好处,这是个悬而未决的问题。
    But it is a moot question who exactly is subsidising whom.

  • 那一问题成了两国之间所有悬而未决的问题的核心。
    That issue formed the core of all the problems pending between the two countries.

  • 民间文学兿术的保护是著作权法上的悬而未决的难题。
    The protection of folklore is an unresolved issue in copyright law.

  • 第六讲“进化”与“进步”——悬而未决?(圆桌讨论)
    "Evolution" and "progress": A Pending Question? (Roundtable Discussion.

  • 钓鱼群岛问题,是中日之间悬而未决的领土主权争议问题。
    The Diao Yu archipelago is a suspending issue of sovereignty between China and Japan.

  • 或有损失的一个例子是公司的悬而未决诉讼的可能导致的损失。
    An example of a loss contingency is the possible loss relating to a lawsuit pending against a company.

  • 你是否有悬而未决或对过去的外汇、期货或证券账户有过投诉?
    Do you have a pending or past complaint complaint regarding a past forex, futures or securities account?

  • 但<等待戈多>总是一样,没有什麽答案,只有悬而未决的疑问。
    But Waiting for Godot is always the same, there are few answers, just lingering questions.

  • 但是国际农贸也是导致去年世界贸易组织谈判悬而未决的主要原因。
    But international farm trade was also the main issue that led to the suspension of world trade organization talks last year.

  • 控辩双方在最新审理过程中激烈周旋,诉讼已进行了一个月,至今悬而未决
    But those proceedings have been suspended for a month while prosecution and defence grapple with the latest allegations.

  • 共和党推动通过前一年的悬而未决的预算为对抗克林顿总统的对该预算的否决。
    Republicans pushed the year's last and biggest spending bill through Congress toward a sure veto by President Clinton.

  • 同时,在韩国,因在数周内重新进口美国无骨牛肉遭少数派的反对而悬而未决
    Meanwhile in South Korea, U. S. boneless beef imports are due to resume within weeks, pending resolution of some minor disagreements.

  • 和勒布朗一样,休斯明年夏天也将成为自由球员,但他的将来,目前仍悬而未决
    Like LeBron, Hughes will also become a free agent next summer, but his future and present for that matter remain unsettled.

  • 更荒谬的是此后的婚姻出现问题,也多是由于和母亲之间一些悬而未决的问题导致的。
    The more absurd one is the problem followed, which caused by pending contradictions between mothers and sons.

  • 委托管理人被指派来接收并计算到期钱款的负责监管悬而未决的诉讼中他人的财产和资金。
    A person appointed by a court administrator to take into custody the property or funds of others, pending litigation.

  • 常见的错误是为了让电路能够侦测出「悬而未决」的亚稳状态,而将仲裁者推向特别的决定。
    A common error involves a circuit that notices the "hung" meta-stable state and pushes the Arbiter toward a particular decision.

  • 虽然白宫管理和预算部门规定了如何衡量联邦贫困,国会悬而未决的立法需要利用国家研究院的途径。
    Although the White House Office of Management and Budget dictates how federal poverty is measured, legislation pending in Congress would require use of the National Academy approach.

  • 的条款是公平和远优于治疗贸易债权人通常能在破产案,并提供一个机制,迅速解决所有悬而未决的问题。
    The terms are fair and far better than the treatment trade creditors usually get in a bankruptcy case and provide a mechanism for quick resolution of all open issues.

  • 我们可以确定球员所关心的事情近期还是悬而未决且还在与FIFA的调查之中。”FIFA的一个发言人说。
    'We can confirm that the matter concerning the player is currently pending and under investigation within FIFA, ' said a Fifa spokesman.

  • 直到这期《经济学人》出版,参议院的领导权都一直处于混乱状态,会议厅处于僵局并且所有法案都悬而未决
    As The Economist went to press, the Senate leadership is in chaos, the chamber is deadlocked and all legislation is in limbo.

  • 但是这只是暂时的,特别是一个更大的问题悬而未决:是什么原因使得飞行员决定降落在浓雾弥漫的斯摩棱斯克?
    But that won't last, especially when an even bigger question is in the air: what made the pilot decide to try to land at fog-bound Smolensk?

  • 目前存在的悬而未决的问题包括边界争端、石油生产的立法,而我的工作是设法帮助那些协议适应那个地区的情况。
    There's unresolved issues from boundary disputes to the oil law and my job is to try to help accommodate that region and those agreements.

  • 但是梦工厂一直在业界有着“极端自信”的称号,弄不好梦工厂一个“热情激动”让这个仍是悬而未决的合作泡汤。
    But DreamWorks has been in the industry has "extreme confidence" in the title, DreamWorks fix a "warm and excited, " so that this cooperation is still pending wasted.

  • 另外一个悬而未决的问题是沙龙离开后谁将担任党的领导人。不过,民调显示,很多以色列人支持奥尔默特出任新的党魁。
    Still unresolved is who will lead the party following Mr. Sharon's departure, but polls show many Israelis would support Ehud Olmert as a new party leader.

  • 利普斯基表示,介入这样的事务与IMF的指导原则不符。“乌克兰与俄罗斯之间悬而未决的纠纷是商业问题,”他表示。
    Mr Lipsky said it would be against IMF guidelines to get involved. "The ongoing disputes between Ukraine and Russia are commercial issues, " he said.

  • 值得注意的是,为解决这些长期以来悬而未决的问题和探索水文合作的新领域,索兹也探讨了早日举行两国专家级协调机制会议的可能性。
    Significantly, Soz also sought an early meeting of the bilateral expert level joint mechanism to address the long pending issues and also explore new areas of cooperation in the field of hydrology.

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