
一脉相传  yī mài xiāng chuán







  • 新老殖民主义是一脉相传的。
    Colonialism and neocolonialism are in the same strain.

  • 新老殖民主义是一脉相传的。
    Colonialism and neocolonialism are in the same strain .

  • 实用理性是中国传统文化和现代文化一脉相传的一种文化理念。
    Upholding utility: a kind of traditional contemporary cultural concept originating exactly from Chinese traditional culture and contemporary culture.

  • 没有一个国家像我们中国一样,从古至今就有着一脉相传的血统。
    do not have a country like ours, like China, since ancient times has a pulse on the origin of the word.

  • 俺盼着咱们那位年轻的朋友喜欢你这么一位和他一脉相传的漂亮姑娘才好。
    I hope my young friend will like such a comely sample of his own blood.

  • 即使如此,我仍然相信天地万物间存在一种一脉相传的永恒,最有价值的遗产将亘古不灭。
    Yet I believe that a thread ofpermanence runs through everything from the beginning of time, and the most valuable residue will survive.

  • 一脉相传的卡本内苏维翁红葡萄酒,深厚的红宝石色泽,成熟的果味中,带点辛香和胡椒味。
    This traditional Cabernet Sauvignon has a deep and intense ruby color and it is characterized by mature red fruit aromas with notes of spices and pepper.

  • 千百年来,生息于这片土地上的人们将其一脉相传沿习发展,并演绎出了诸多神奇传说和秘闻逸史。
    For thousands of years, live in this land of legend, it will be one of the veins along the development of the study and interpretation of a lot of magic and the secret Yishi legend.

  • 一脉相传的卡本内苏维翁白葡萄酒,酒色青绿,满有葡萄和柠檬的清新,酒身轻盈,酸度恰到好处。
    This traditional Sauvignon Blanc has a greenish yellow color. It reveals note of tropical fruit as grapefruit and citric touches in the nose. In the plate is light and fresh with a good acidity level.

  • 与之一脉相传,规划编制实施的核心层面由战略规划、品牌策划两大子系统构成,其他层面均围绕其发挥作用。
    STMDB makes strategy planning and brand scheme become the core contents, and so other sections serve the two core contents. 2.

  • 一脉相传造句相关
