
一股脑儿  yī gǔ nǎo er






  • 好!一股脑儿告诉你罢。
    All right, I'll tell you everything.

  • 将所有的情感一股脑儿的呐喊出来的欲望。
    The desire to pour out our emotion completely and immediately .

  • 她兴奋得很,把要讲的话一股脑儿都倒出来了。
    She got so excited that she poured out all she had to say at once.

  • 他和我走到车上,将桔子一股脑儿放在我的皮大衣上。
    Both of us were outside. He put the oranges inside my leather shirt so it wouldn't bruise.

  • 他和我走到车上,将桔子一股脑儿放在我的皮大衣上。
    He and I went to the train and put the oranges peremptorily on my fur coat .

  • 你把过去一股脑儿都挖了出来,那可都是见不得人的。
    You dig up the past, all you get is dirty.

  • 秋天的凉爽,让酷热中酝酿的计划一股脑儿迸发了出来。
    autumn cool for the hot Chinese brewing plans jump with both feet abuse burst out of them.

  • “咕咚咕咚”一股脑儿把身边一瓶“农夫山泉”喝了个底朝天。
    " children around a bottle of the "spring the farmer, " a drink at the end of the air.

  • 直到被人一股脑儿丢进开水锅里,煮死,然后那些美丽的丝,成了没有生命的嫁衣。
    Those beautiful silk will be made into brides' wedding suit after the death of the silkworm.

  • 如果你像我一样的话,工作、家庭、朋友、日常琐事会一股脑儿充斥进我的思维空间里。
    If you are like me, work, family, friends, and the daily grind often times takes a hefty toll on your creative side.

  • 皮埃尔是他敢于倾吐心情的唯一的人,于是他便把他心里要讲的话向他一股脑儿说出来。
    Pierre was the only person to whom he could have brought himself to speak quite openly; but to him he did reveal all that was in his heart.

  • 许多推销员在促销其产品时,习惯于将他们手边所有产品一股脑儿地全介绍给顾客知道。
    Many salespeople get into the habit of promoting by introducing products through the presenting their all whole product line and demonstrating or describing all of their product features and service.

  • 我也盛了一点,饭放入口中,淡淡的,没味道,我一股脑儿把饭吐了出来,原来没放盐啊!
    I sung a little rice into the mouth, insidious, no taste, I peremptorily spit out the rice, the original no salt ah!

  • 帕奎奥再次跳到里那雷斯身边,一股脑儿快拳暴打,充满锐气的里那雷斯再次被逼到边绳。
    Pacquiao jumped back in close with Linares and let go with a series of rapid-fire blows that forced the sharp-shooter into the ropes once more.

  • 他的草帽掉在脑后,当他才刚感觉到鱼转动时,就一股脑儿地被绳子的拉力拖倒在船头上。
    His straw hat was far on the back of his head and he sank down into the bow with the pull of the line as he felt the fish turn.

  • 我想告诉你的是,做爱归做爱,可别把自己一股脑儿地全献出去,女人必须要有所保留!!
    Don't think for a minute that I'm telling you not to have sex or whatever physical intimacy you want, just don't give your total being along with the sex.

  • 如果你买上两个、十个或是三百个瓜,这些数字干脆一股脑儿取代了冠词,让你彻底解放。
    Ask for two or ten or three hundred melons, and the number lets you off the hook by replacing the article altogether.

  • 然后他们又给了她一辆自行车,她连车身带轱辘一股脑儿放进嘴里,嘎吱嘎吱地嚼成一个小球!
    Then they gave her a bike and she gnashed it up into a little ball, tires and all!

  • 吉诺曼先生抓起那黑带、匣子和衣服,一股脑儿丢在客厅中间的地上,说道:“把这些破烂拿回去。”
    M. Gillenormand took the ribbon, the case, and the coat, flung them all on the floor in the middle of the room, and said:-- "Carry those duds away."

  • 加州大学伯克利分校校长罗伯特·伯达尔则担心说,学校一股脑儿地涌上互联网并不能实现办学初衷。
    Robert Berdahl, 2)Chancellor of the University of California at Berkeley, worries that schools jumping onto the Internet bandwagon may not like where it takes them.

  • 千万不能将桌面计算机的术语和习惯不假思索地一股脑儿地扔给相对简单的设备,比如照相机或者微波炉。
    The last thing that you want to do is bring all the baggage—the idioms and terminology—of the desktop computer world with you to a "simple" device like a camera or microwave oven.

  • 一些男性把情绪闷在心里,以致于最后会一股脑儿爆发出来(这很不健康),或是疏远自己的伴侣或朋友。
    Some men keep their emotions so pent up that they eventually burst in an unhealthy fit of anger or alienate their partners or friends.

  • 一些男性把情绪闷在心里,以致于最后会一股脑儿爆发出来(这很不健康),或是疏远自己的伴侣或朋友。
    Some warcraft gold men keep their emotions so pent up that they eventually burst in an unhealthy fit of anger or alienate their partners or friends.

  • 一定要这样试才行。光图片看看是很难决定的。偶当时也是在店里一股脑儿的看了很久犹豫了很久也决定不下来。
    Maybe I should try that too. I did take picture of all knobs, but still can't really decide by pictures. mm is so sweet. thanks.

  • 原先,他从她那挥手的姿态所想象的勇敢,坦率,深情,在看到她和听到她冷冷的声音后,刹那间一股脑儿消失了。
    All the brave freedom, the warmth and the affection that he had red into her gesture, vanished in the moment that he saw her and heard her unfriendly tongue.

  • 他和我走到车上,将橘子一股脑儿放在我的皮大衣上。于是扑扑衣上的泥土,心里很轻松似的,过一会说,“我走了;
    After boarding the train with me, he laid all the tangerines on my overcoat, and patting the dirt off his clothes, he looked somewhat relieved and said after a while, "I must be going now."

  • 所以,别把自己一股脑儿地给出去,先把你的50%给他,剩下的以后每次给一点,不过要记得永远把10%留给自己。
    Instead of giving 100% of your self to a man, give him 50% and save the rest to dole out a little at a time. Always save 10% for yourself.

  • 中国有时似乎喜欢将所有最好的事情一股脑儿垄断:最大,最快,最便宜,最棒——不管是说到经济增长还是谈到奥运盛况。
    Sometimes China seems to have cornered the market for superlatives: the biggest, the fastest, the cheapest, the best – whether the subject is economic growth or Olympic pageantry.

  • 但发生在该地的操作方法却是:把有限的资金一股脑儿投入厂房建设,待厂房建完才发现过于庞大,而购置设备的费用却出现短缺。
    The method of operation is the limited capital investment in plant construction brought the factory finish found too large, and the purchase of equipment costs there is a shortage.

  • 从上一次我们聚在英语角畅谈以来,已经过了大约有半个月。所以这一次,同学们一股脑儿都赶来继续进行这一个奇妙的英语之旅。
    It has been almost half a month since we enjoyed talking freely at the EngCnr last time, so this once, "wazoos" of students came to continue the fantastic journey with English.

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