
一箭之遥  yī jiàn zhī yáo







  • 他住的地方离这里只有一箭之遥
    He lives only a stone's throw from here.

  • 他们住的地方离我们只有一箭之遥
    They live within a stone's throw of us.

  • 距离这里只是一箭之遥而已。
    It is only a stone's throw away.

  • 车站离这里只有一箭之遥
    The station is only a stone's throw away.

  • 于是我动身去找它,我想到那里去。它靠得很近…只有一箭之遥
    Yet I set out to find it, Iwanted to go to it. Itwas very near…must be within a stone's threw…

  • 我们散步的大院是她单位的所在地,她就在楼上上班,只和家里有一箭之遥
    her flat was located, she went to work in only a matter of hitting the home and away.

  • 回家后妻子给他解释:“所谓一箭之遥指的是火箭,与国际接轨指的是房价。”
    The wife after coming home gives him the explanation: "Alleged what the Yao of one arrow points to is a rocket, conform with international those who point to is house price."

  • 当他同妻子离开教堂的时候,他似乎感到那座建筑离国民议会大厅只有一箭之遥了。
    As he and his wife left the church, it seemed to him that it was only a stone's throw from that edifice to the chamber of deputies.

  • 酒店公寓位于浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区,通过仅一箭之遥的复兴路隧道便能轻松直达浦西。
    Ltd… J. Real Residence Suites Shanghai strategically located close to Pudong's financial district of Lujiazui, with easy access to Puxi via Fuxing East Road Tunnel.

  • 然而对于球员来说,更重要的是这里距离位于赛事指定酒店仅一箭之遥,步行仅五分钟。
    The players, however, is more important is that here the distance event at the designated hotel only a stone's throw, only five minutes walk.

  • 虽然我们休息的地方离罗湖桥香港那边只有一箭之遥,但我们感觉自己已经置身三千里之外。
    Although we were sitting only a stone's throw from the Hong Kong side of the bridge, it felt like we were already a million miles away.

  • 离这座暸望台一箭之遥,是安东所设计的“悬臂屋”,将室外的粗犷和室内的幽雅融合为一。
    A stone's throw away from this watchtower lies Antonio Ochoa's cantilever house, which blends the rugged outdoors and the elegant indoors.

  • 它的位置是“400步伐,东”,给予或以一箭之遥,这是一个不到30秒就乘坐了可歌可泣的安装。
    It's location is "400 paces to the east", give or take a stone's throw, which is a less than 30 second ride on an epic mount.

  • 奥巴马在距离白宫只有一箭之遥的乔治敦大学发表了上述讲话。他在表达乐观情绪的同时,也提到现实情况。
    In a speech at Georgetown University, a short drive from the White House, President Obama mixed optimism with a dose of reality.

  • 一些人很灰心地认为,这个强硬派团体不久会变成英国伊斯兰最显著的门面之一,距离2012年奥运会馆地近一箭之遥
    Some are dismayed at the thought that this hard-line group could soon become one of British Islam's most obvious faces, only a stone's throw from the site of the 2012 Olympics;

  • 珠海华骏大酒店是一座具有欧陆风格的豪华大酒店,座落在美丽的珠海市拱北夏湾,与海关联检大楼一箭之遥,是闹市中的“世外桃源”。
    Zhuhai Hotel, Hua Jun is with a European-style luxury hotel, situated in the beautiful city of Zhuhai Gongbei Summer Bay, with the Customs seized the building a stone's throw, is the city's "Xanadu."

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