
一命呜呼  yī mìng wū hū







  • 猛推他到墙上直至他一命呜呼
    Slam him into a wall until he croaks.

  • 几个小时后他就一命呜呼
    And in a few hours he was dead.

  • 用鸟喙啄了几下就让这条蛇一命呜呼了。
    killing it with a few blows of its beak.

  • 用鸟喙啄了几下就让这条蛇一命呜呼了。
    This bird employs its beak as a weapon.

  • 如果当时真打中他们,他们可能全都一命呜呼
    If it had hit them, they could have all been killed.

  • 令人可怕的轰隆一声,巨人坠落到地上,就此一命呜呼
    Down came the giant with a terrible crash, and that was the end of him.

  • 任何想要杀死这陌生人的企图都会以卡斯库一命呜呼而告终。
    any attempt to slay the stranger would end up with Casco the dead party.

  • 今日兴致好,明日进棺材。(今日饮酒作乐,明日一命呜呼。)
    Today at good cheer, tomorrow on the bier.

  • 我把她绑在床上,如果她因流血过多而一命呜呼,那能怪我吗?
    I'll tie her to the bed. If she bleeds to death, is that my fault?

  • 如果二者一致,那么电脑会用激光瞄准,并把它炸到一命呜呼
    If it is, then the computer trains a laser onto the insect and blasts it into oblivion.

  • 当心那个瓶子,那是氰化物。只要喝上一口,就会叫人一命呜呼
    Be careful with that bottle. It's cyanide. One swallow of that and you'd be dead as a doornail .

  • 突然间,他的脸上出现了奇怪的表情,随即就倒下来一命呜呼了。
    Suddenly, he had a strange look on his face and fell down dead.

  • 一些英国士兵在旁看见,以为那搭便车的傢伙会从车顶上滚下来一命呜呼
    Some watching British soldiers waited to see the passenger fall dead from his perch.

  • 是的,不过从另一方面看,你也可能还来不及享受你的积蓄就一命呜呼了。
    Yes, but another way of looking at it will be that you may die before you can enjoy your savings.

  • 最后,他在像公众和爱人面前忏悔以后,一命呜呼了。上帝什么都知道的。
    She protects her love at the cost of being charged with adultery.

  • 高浓度的汞蒸汽一旦被人体吸入,轻则肌肉瘫痪、精神失常,重则一命呜呼
    High concentrations of mercury vapour inhaled once been human, either muscular paralysis, mental disorders, stress is little.

  • 还有些同学一打就是几十个回合,可我还没有接到球就已经一命呜呼,沉入海底。
    Some students are also dozens of a dozen rounds, but I have not yet received the ball had already kick in. , submerged by the sea.

  • 他做了班克斯岛人的俘虏,由于在滩头交战时中了一箭,颚骨慢慢坏死,后来才一命呜呼
    The Banks Islanders held him prisoner, and he was dying of necrosis of the jawbone, caused by an arrow wound in the fight on the beach.

  • 18立竿网馀下的网子就弃置在潮间带,不幸的鱼、虾、蟹、贝可能会被缠住,一命呜呼
    The nets of the rod net are left in the intertidal zone. Unfortunately, the fish, shrimps, crabs and shells might be trapped by the nets and thus lose their lives.

  • 他心里一直备受煎熬。最后,他在像公众和爱人面前忏悔以后,一命呜呼了。上帝什么都知道的。
    He has been suffering from psychological distress. In the end, he died after confessing to the public and his love. God has his choice.

  • 他心里一直备受煎熬。最后,他在像公众和爱人面前忏悔以后,一命呜呼了。上帝什么都知道的。
    Sherry: He has been suffering from psychological distress. In the end, he died after confessing to the public and his love. God has his choice.

  • 就在她现在终于一命呜呼的一刹那,他同她一起摔倒在地---一个死人,一个死于自己的恐惧的人。
    And in the moment of her now final death, he fell with her to the floor -a dead man, killed by his own terror.

  • 一个身份不明的男子,把一支猎枪当棍子去砸他前女友的汽车挡风镜,结果由于猎枪走火被击穿,一命呜呼
    An unidentified man, using a shotgun like a club to break a former girlfriends windshield, accidentally shot himself to death when the gun discharged, blowing a hole in his gut.

  • 迈克尔一听,像是轻度触电似的浑身发麻。他意识到他们谈的“他”就是鲍里-嘎吐:小鲍里已经一命呜呼了。
    With a slight electric shock, Michael realized they were talking about Paulie Gatto and that little Paulie was dead, murdered by that jolly wedding dance, Clemenza.

  • 其实我的名字和清道夫是无关的。这只怪我的主人,她是第一次养龙猫,怕不懂得照顾我,会累得我一命呜呼
    Well, I am Jola's first chinchilla. She was afraid that I would die on her because it was her first time taking care of one of my kind.

  • 我当时是左右为难了。如果我把吉姆丢下;他也许会死去,可是,如果我不前去求救,我们两个人大概都得一命呜呼
    I was on the horns of dilemma. If I left Jim alone he might die, yet if I didn't go and try to find help, we both might die.

  • 一天,吉塔与她无数情人中的一个手挽着手散步时,我偷偷地从背后捅了她一刀子,她当即就一命呜呼了,她的情人则逃之夭夭了。
    One day, as Geeta was walking hand in hand with one of her numerous lovers, I stole from behind and stabbed her with a knife. She died instantly. Her lover escaped.

  • 「我不希望他死在狱中,」67岁的周天喜(译音)向《新海峡时报》泣诉,并说她41岁的儿子沈昌迈(译音)若不能按时服药,就会一命呜呼
    "I don't want him to die in jail, " a tearful Chew Ten Hee, 67, told the New Straits Times newspaper, adding that her son, Sim Chung Mine, 41, would die if he did not get his medication regularly.

  • 这位老兄已经有些气喘吁吁,上气不接下气了,弄得我还以为如果我继续迫使他以这样的速度奔跑,折磨我的这位老兄怕是当时就会一命呜呼在那儿了。
    The man was huffing and puffing and gasping so that I thought, if I continued to force him to run at that speed, 髆y tormented would drop dead right then and there[7].

  • “他充其量只有四万军队。”魏罗特尔说,他面露微笑,巫婆向医生指示医疗方法时医生也会露出同样的微笑。“在这种场合,只要他等待我们的进攻,他就要一命呜呼。”
    "I doubt if he has as much as forty thousand troops, " answered Weierother with the smile of a doctor to whom the sick-nurse is trying to expound her own method of treatment.

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