
扭转乾坤  niǔ zhuǎn qián kūn






  • 我祝大家保有一颗热切的心来扭转乾坤
    I wish all of you have a bullish heart to turn things right.

  • 现在,中国正扭转乾坤
    Now, China is turning the tables.

  • 在现今社会,知识是非常重要,有扭转乾坤的能力。
    In present society, knowledge is very important, the ability to put things going the right way.

  • 我常想,一个人的存在,是否真能领袖群纶,扭转乾坤
    Books are a triviality , Life alone is great .

  • 别人运营多年都无法经营好,您凭什麽坚信可以扭转乾坤呢?
    If those people who have been running those factories for years cannot do it, what made you so special to think you can turn it around?

  • 这片语“扭转乾坤”是指改变局面,将颓势变成优势的意思。
    The phrase "TURN THE TABLES" means to reverse a dire situation or unfavorable condition to one's advantage.

  • 后来他想到一个办法,扭转乾坤,把自己的顾客和生意抢回来。
    But then he thought of a way to turn things around and win his customers and business back.

  • 应积极引进企业管理方式,聘请管理人才为报社把脉,俾扭转乾坤
    Finally, apply the proper management and appoint the right manager for the newspaper.

  • 在这样的情况下,厂商都绞尽脑汁,试图让其它的配件能够扭转乾坤
    Below such circumstance, manufacturer cudgel one's brains for, the fittings that tries to allow other can turn round heaven and earth.

  • 而且,如果这世界正朝错误的方向前进,那你们就有责任来扭转乾坤
    And if the world is moving in the wrong direction, then you have the obligation to help turn things around.

  • 在忍受了最近几年联赛中所受的挫折之后,我觉得现在是扭转乾坤的伟大时机。
    It would give us a great opportunity to put things right after the frustration we've had to put up with in the league these last few years.

  • 成功只等于成品,有的运动员认为,只有扭转乾坤的壮举,才算是成功的举动。
    The success only is equal to the end product, some athletes believed, only then changes the course of events the magnificent feat, is the successful action.

  • 在竞选时,奥巴马展现了扭转乾坤的非凡才能,看来今年夏天他需要再次亮出绝技。
    On the campaign trail Mr Obama showed an impressive ability to change gears. He needs to do so again this summer.

  • 可是,等到奥巴马总统意识到他必须扭转乾坤的时候,他的政治资本或许早已耗尽。
    And by the time Mr. Obama realizes that he needs to change course, his political capital may be gone.

  • 在竞选时,奥巴马展现了扭转乾坤的非凡才能,看来今年夏天他将需要再次亮出绝技。
    On the campaign trail Mr Obama showed an impressive ability to change gears. He needs to do so again this summer.

  • 这是因为已发生的事都已发生了,如果我们无法扭转乾坤,那么怀念过去将是浪费时间。
    That's because what has happened has happened and if we can't do anything about it, it's already a waste of time to dwell on the past.

  • 面对混乱的局势,持续的僵局或政变,要想扭转乾坤,最好的办法便是回归到和平协定上去。
    The best way to avert chaos, continued stalemate or a coup is to returnto the peace agreement.

  • 在自由的渴望如岩浆喷发的非常时期,谁代表了民意,谁就获得了呼风唤雨扭转乾坤的力量。
    In that critical moment, the public desire for freedom was volcanic. The person representing the will of the people would have gained the power to turn the world around.

  • 不是每个人生来都要作些惊天动地、扭转乾坤的事业,只要能作出些小小的改变,就很足够了。
    Not everyone is here to change the world. Making a difference is good enough.

  • 有的则恍然大悟,喜出望外,露出了会心的微笑,吁了一口气,仿佛千斤重,又好像已经扭转乾坤
    others came, a pleasant surprise, showing a knowing smile, called a sigh of relief, as if heavy weight, it would seem that the course of events has been reversed;

  • 幸好他是遇见了我,让我看出了扭转乾坤之道,先前杜塞生机的,今天看起来已经有松动的可能了。
    He is lucky to meet me and I have found the way to turn the adversity. Yesterday his life was blocked; however, today I see it loose possibly.

  • 它们能够创造传奇故事使得整个职场文化都可以塑造起来,而且它们有足够的力量扫除障碍扭转乾坤
    They can create legends that an entire workplace culture can build upon, and they have the power to break down barriers and turn a bad situation into a good one.

  • 但现在恐怖即将降临,并且考验他们的友谊和异能,四位好朋友当中将会有牺牲,但亦有人能扭转乾坤,把地球拯救过来!
    But now a horrific entity is putting their friendship and powers to the test, and some of the four will die. And some will save the world from a menace unlike anything ever seen.

  • 伫立在大东海之滨,眺望着宁静而辽阔的海景,人们会感到才思阔朗、神清气满,,甚至还会有感到浑身有扭转乾坤山气概。
    Stands in the East China Sea coast, overlooks a serene and vast sea, people will feel Caisi wide Lang, God-Man gas, and even that body will have a reverse Qian Kun Shan mettle.

  • (回答每个人的第一个问题没有我从未脱发)。另外还有在约翰霍普金斯大学做的疫苗治疗:我不期望它扭转乾坤但总是有益无害。
    One additional treatment is a vaccine done at Johns Hopkins: I don't expect it will change my odds much but it can't hurt.

  • 而睿智女人们则因我作出此抉择而未经她们同意整日困扰着我,对她们来说这简直是浪费金钱,但是我深知那些野蛮人能够扭转乾坤
    The wise women, who are already upset with me for making this deal without their consent, feel it's a waste of money, but I know these Barbarians are capable of turning the tide of battle.

  • 没有比迎难而上,扭转乾坤,解民倒悬,但行好事助人为乐,更有具体意义的事情啦,这样重要的大事,您能够做得比较漂亮,出色!
    There is no more than the difficulties, to turn things around, relieve hung upside down, but the line of good pleasure in helping others, more specific meaning of the things.

  • (回答每个人的第一个问题,没有,我从未脱发)。另外还有在约翰霍普金斯大学做的疫苗治疗:我不期望它扭转乾坤,但总是有益无害。
    One additional treatment is a vaccine done at Johns Hopkins: I don't expect it will change my odds much, but it can't hurt.

  • 他甚至借麦卡恩的“与恐怖分子过从甚密”的言论来扭转乾坤,声称与自己过从甚密的还有在经济金融领域呼风唤雨的保尔。沃尔克和沃伦。巴菲特。
    He even turned Mr McCain's assertion that he associated with Mr Ayers to his advantage, claiming that the people he associates with, on economic issues, are Paul Volcker and Warren Buffett.

  • 例句:在民主党提名竞选过程中,欧巴马的票数遥遥领先,希拉蕊克林顿已很难超越,处于下锋的前第一夫人希拉蕊,能否“扭转乾坤”,将欧巴马击败呢?
    Example: Barack Obama has an almost insurmountable lead over Hillary Clinton in the Democrats' Nomination, can the former First Lady turn the tables on Obama?

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