
愚不可及  yú bù kě jí








  • 知其不可而为之,愚不可及也。
    To know it's no use, but keep on doing it -- there can be no greater folly than this.

  • 他跟他们签合同,真是愚不可及
    He was an imbecile to sign a contract with them.

  • 他跟他们签合同,真是愚不可及
    He is an imbecile to sign a contract with them.

  • 珀莉是我见过最愚不可及的人。
    Polly is the most featherheaded person I've ever seen.

  • 珀莉是我见过最愚不可及的人。
    is the most featherheaded person I've ever seen.

  • 驾驶没有煞车的汽车确是愚不可及
    It is insanity to drive a car without any brakes.

  • 然而他也知道,这样干简直愚不可及
    But that would be shocking folly, as he well knew.

  • 才华横溢的人能变富,愚不可及的人能变富;
    intellectually brilliant people get rich, and very stupid people get rich;

  • 拜天地万物,却不拜那造物主,真是愚不可及
    How foolish to worship the creation, when the Creator is so much greater.

  • 这些行为举止,看在我的眼里都是愚不可及的。
    In my eyes, all his behaviors indicate that he is a foolish man.

  • 随着房价的下跌,大量愚不可及的错误被曝光了。
    As house prices fall, a huge amount of financial folly is being exposed.

  • 对哈利尔而言,这是非暴力手段愚不可及的迹象。
    For Mr. Halil, it was a sign that nonviolence was foolish.

  • 不过若为长久打算,再开始挥霍石油与天然气显然愚不可及
    But for America's long-term health, getting re-addicted to oil and gas guzzlers is one of the dumbest things we could do.

  • 你这回恐怕是犯了一个愚不可及的大错,你的职员都在窃笑呢。
    I am afraid you have pulled a boner this time. Your staff members are all laughing up their sleeves.

  • 迈克:我现在一定愚不可及。好吧,我谢谢你们,这么一大群。
    Mike: I must be stinking gorgeous right now. Well thank you everyone, a whole bunch.

  • 你这回恐怕是犯了一个愚不可及的大错,你的职员都在窃笑呢。
    I am afraid you have pull a boner this time. Your staff members are all laughing up their sleeves.

  • 但是如果完全复制别人,成为了他/她的“二流版本”,就愚不可及了。
    But copying a person to a point where you are the SECOND RATE of him/her is plain stupid.

  • 祂仍然期望信徒绝对顺服,即使这种行为会被人视作不可理喻,甚或愚不可及
    He still expects faithful obedience that appears unreasonable to some and even foolish to others.

  • 渴望完美是好的,但是奢望完美能够瞬间获得或者认为不犯任何错误就能达到完美,都是愚不可及的。
    It is admirable to aspire to perfection, but foolish indeed to expect that it will come quickly or without mistakes.

  • 她那脑袋瓜里,就没有哪个思想不是口号,任何愚不可及的事情,只要是党交给了她,她一律盲目接受。
    She had not a thought in her head that was not a slogan, and there was no imbecility , absolutely none that she was not capable of swallowing if the Party handed it out to her.

  • 由于我愚不可及,鲜作虔诚善举,虽然主赐予我亲自服务 祂 的机会,我却想得到物质的名望和兴旺发达。
    Because of my state of complete foolishness and paucity of pious activities, although the Lord offered me His personal service, I wanted material name, fame and prosperity.

  • 他说,有些巧舌如簧的推销员所提供的现代疗法,跟他在博物馆里收集的那些老古董一样愚不可及,毫无价值。
    Some of themodern cures offered by slick salespeople, he says, are just as empty and worthless as the old curiosities that he's collected in his museum.

  • 经理对美联社记者说:“他们走进影院,破坏了所有他们能破坏的东西,推翻了圣诞树…他们简直就愚不可及。”
    "As they ran through the complex they wrecked everything they could, the Christmas tree - they bowled everything over … just absolute fools, " he told The Associated Press.

  • 真是愚不可及!如果他想成为音乐家就让他成为音乐家,而不是折磨他把他送去念大学,要是他根本不想去的话。
    "How silly! " said Jo. "Let him be a musician if he wants to, and not plague his life out sending him to college, when he hates to go. "

  • 在所有的人都到了墓地,听了修道士的说明,且眼见这对不幸情侣的尸首后,方才悔悟彼此的争执是多麽愚不可及
    When everyone had assembled in the graveyard, heard the friar's explanation, and seen the bodies of the unfortunate young lovers, they all realized what a stupid thing their quarrel had been.

  • 比较一下产生“无赖”行径的风险和获得真金白银带来的好处,现在对主权财富基金公开表示强烈不满真是愚不可及
    And weighing the risk of such eventualities against the rewards of hard cash, on the table, right now, makes it clearly daft to raise too much of a stink.

  • 此外,国会一开始就搞糟了。议员们犯了愚不可及的错误通过为自己加薪。结果惨改。不但未能加薪,而且大伤感情。
    Besides, Congress got off to a bad start when members shot themselves in the wallets during the pay raise fiasco that led to no more money but lots of had feelings.

  • 今天我们博客的主题是接吻。如今已是2007年了,而在同志社区以外的任何地方接吻还被看成政治行为,真是愚不可及啊?
    Today we're going with a kissing theme on the blogs. It's 2007 and a kiss between two men anywhere outside a gay venue is still a political act. Stupid hey?

  • 企图通过出口补贴的方式拉动出口的做法,同样愚不可及。出口补贴以低于生产成本的价格,出售产品给外国人,补贴部分等于白送。
    An export subsidy is a clear case of giving the foreigner something for nothing, by selling him goods for less than it costs us to make them.

  • 在繁忙的现代生活中。我们已失去了劳逸的节奏。令人惊讶的是。在这个世界上有一个非常普遍但愚不可及的常用语: [我太忙了“ 。
    In our modern life. we have lost the rhythm between action and rest. Amazingly. within this world there is a universal but silly saying: [I am so busy.

  • 愚不可及造句相关
