
意气相投  yì qì xiāng tóu







  • 他是一个和我意气相投的人。
    I found in him a congenial temper.

  • 相互吸引或意气相投;融洽关系。
    Mutual attraction or sympathy; rapport.

  • 赛车的人都有一种意气相投的感觉。
    There's a sort of freemasonry among people who race in cars.

  • 意气相投的室友们经常争吵。
    The uncongenial roommates were always fighting.

  • 我在那个城市没有遇到几个意气相投的。
    I met few people congenial to me in that city.

  • 这两个男孩子的意气相投是众所周知的。
    the special sympathy between the two boys was obvious to all.

  • 在那个单位里我没碰到几个意气相投的人。
    I met few people congenial to me in the department.

  • 男人最宝贵的财富是一个意气相投的妻子。
    Man's best possession is a sympathetic wife.

  • 你应该挑一个与你意气相投的人当室友。
    You should choose a roommate more compatible with your taste.

  • 在这座小村庄中,他发现没几个人跟他意气相投
    In this small village, he find few persons congenial to him.

  • 他和我意气相投:我们有相同的看法和相同的品味。
    He and I are kindred spirits: we have the same opinions and the same tastes.

  • 他认识几个学画的小伙子,这是和他意气相投的一伙。
    He was acquainted with thieves, a tribe contiguous to his own.

  • 他在这个变化莫测的西部城市很少能找到意气相投的友情。
    He found very little congenial companionship in this casual Western city.

  • 他们雇佣的也许是一位意气相投,极好地掩饰了自己缺陷的人。
    They may hire someone who struck a chord, whose pop and polish masked his deficits.

  • 佛教意义上的善友,其内涵远甚于结交意气相投或与之有共同兴趣者。
    Good friendship, in Buddhism, means considerably more than associating with people that one finds amenable and who share one's interests.

  • 生活在热闹虚荣的都会,日子如同打仗,伴侣宜找个意气相投的搭档。
    Live in the metropolis of lively vanity, day as fighting, spouse appropriate seeks the partner of a personal feeling agree with each other.

  • 他们也许招聘一位意气相投,具有了能够掩饰住自己缺陷的光鲜的人。
    They may hire someone who struck a chord, whose pop and polish masked his deficits.

  • 我亲爱的夏绿蒂和我真是同心合意,无论遇到哪一件事莫不是意气相投,心心相印。
    My dear Charlotte and I have but one mind and one way of thinking. There is in every thing a most remarkable resemblance of character and ideas between us.

  • “财务学系充满著机智及意气相投的老师,”难怪自大学一年级起,他便爱上这门学科。
    His love of finance began during his first year at HKUST. "The Finance Department faculty were resourceful and congenial mentors, "Shun Hong said.

  • 有一段时间,一位女士和他们几个人走得比较近,大家自认为意气相投,常常一块喝酒聊天。
    for some time, a woman and several people have gone farther than their home, we think that congenial, often a drinking chat.

  • 坚强的浮萍我是一个大学生,很喜欢英语,希望在这个圈子里交到意气相投的朋友…已同意。
    cc I love English very much , I hope we all can share our happiness and sorrows there.

  • 不要试图和性情完全和自己相反的人交朋友,要寻找和自己意气相投的人,并且能给自己好的影响。
    d. ) Don't go with a person that is totally opposite to you –choose a friend with similar hobbies, wants and other aspects of life and make sure they are good influence.

  • 杰拉尔德知道尽管他同郡里那些一块儿打猎、喝酒、谈论政治的男人意气相投,可几乎没有谁的女儿他可以娶到。
    Gerald knew that despite the genuine liking of the County men with whom he hunted, drank and talked politics there was hardly one whose daughter he could marry.

  • 在北京的这些日子是令人愉快的,而且使我感到高兴的是,我访问途径的这一站能够在如此意气相投的气氛中结束。
    These have been very pleasant days in Peking, and I'm happy that this phase of my visit should conclude in such a congenial atmosphere.

  • 爱情无关金钱、社会地位和年龄,它仅仅是两个人,两个有共同语言的灵魂之间的交流与融合,所谓的意气相投吧……
    Love isn't about money , or social standings or age. It's about two people connecting, having something in common , you know , kindred spirits.

  • 在北京的这些日子是令人十分愉快的,而且我感到高兴的是,我在这一阶段的访问能够在这样意气相投的气氛中结束。
    These have been very pleasant days in Peking, and I'm happy that this phase of my visit should conclude in such a congenial atmosphere.

  • 爱情无关金钱,社会地位和年龄,它仅仅是两个人,两个有共同语言的灵魂,之间的交流与融合,所谓的意气相投吧……
    Love isn't about money , or social standing or age, it's about two people connecting , having something in common, you know, kindred spirits.

  • 有些理由是显而易见的:一个意气相投的旅行伙伴可以缓解旅途中的压力和紧张,增加欢乐的气氛,并分摊旅行的花销。
    Some of the answers are obvious: a congenial fellow traveler eases the stress and tensions, adds to the delights and rewards and pays half the bills.

  • 他讲笑话,自己带头发出洪钟般的欢笑声,谁要是连纯粹出于意气相投而大笑一番都办不到,那就必定是个迟钝的粗汉了。
    he told funny stories, and led the laugh himself with such a joyous peal, that the man must have been a churl who could not have laughed for pure sympathy.

  • 因为外出工作已经疏离了员工同家人密友间的关系,而且平日员工工作时也不会象来宾名单那样按照彼此的意气是否相投进行组合。
    Having to work is enough distraction from one's more intimate relationships, and the staff was not compiled like a guest list, according to personal compatibility.

  • 意气相投造句相关
