
快人快语  kuài rén kuài yǔ








  • 她总是充满活力,快人快语,而且心地也非常善良。
    She is a lively, impetuous woman, but very warmhearted.

  • 电话那头快人快语的胡大姐竹筒倒豆子自己先说了一老串儿。
    Hu Huijun Zhutongdaodouzi telephone changed enough that a veteran string their first child.

  • 聂卫平不改其快人快语的本色,毫不留情地评价谢军的“下法非常业余”。
    Nie Weiping not change the color of their Kuairenkuaiyu, mercilessly Xie Jun of the evaluation "very amateur dismount."

  • 快人快语的魏勇对煤矿破坏自然环境有些了解,因为他本人曾在内蒙古搞过煤矿。
    Mr. Wei, a jovial man, knows something about the environmental destruction coal mining can inflict on the land. He himself is in the coal-mining business in northern China.

  • 段远明快人快语,没有官腔,谈自己,谈黄冈,谈为人,谈做事,无不率直而言。
    Sharp words of Duan Yuanming's fast person, without official jargon, talk about oneself, tan Huanggang, talk about humanness, talk work, all without exception is straightforward and character.

  • 一向快人快语、作风干练的沈爱琴,聊起企业经营之道,总是那么成竹在胸、劲头十足。
    Sharp words of all along fast person, style does experienced Shen Aiqin, have the way that the enterprise runs a little, always so Cheng Zhu is in bosom, strength is very.

  • 波特拉索作为医生曾经为冲突地区送去了医院,快人快语的他与国家民防管理局似乎代表了意大利最美好的一面。
    The service, and the straight-talking Mr Bertolaso, a doctor who once managed hospitals in conflict zones, seemed to embody the best of Italy.

  • 关于刚刚死去的竞争对手,一贯快人快语的贝茨先生这样说道,“塞德里克遭到了这样的不幸,我真的感到非常遗憾。
    The always cordial Mr. Bates had this to say about his newly deceased rival, "I am truly sorry Cedric had to come to this."

  • 洛杉矶县市长安东尼奥•维拉莱格,快人快语,怒斥该协议“糟糕透顶”,并表示,这么做“将伤害许多本不应伤害的人。”
    Zev Yaroslavsky, an effusive Los Angeles county supervisor, thundered that the agreement "stinks" and that it would "hurt a lot of people that don't deserve to be hurt".

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