
得意忘形  dé yì wàng xíng








  • 他这个人有了一点成绩就得意忘形
    His head is easily turned by even a small achievement.

  • 别因为得到了这份工作就得意忘形
    Don't swagger just because you got the job.

  • 卡罗尔:你也太得意忘形了。
    Carol: Let's not get hysterical now.

  • 他第一部小说很成功,便得意忘形了。
    The success of his first novel completely turned his head.

  • 他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形
    He forgets who he is when he is flattered.

  • 当他被选为俱乐部主席时,他得意忘形了。
    Being elected a chairman of the club he turned his head.

  • 然而说这些还是为时过早,因此不要得意忘形
    These are early days, so don't get carried away.

  • 低波动率是否让全球金融市场得意忘形而忽视风险?
    Is Low Volatility Making Global Financial Markets Too Complacent about Risks?

  • 杰克当选为我们的工会主席,这事使他得意忘形起来。
    Jack's election to the presidency of our union has turned his head.

  • 你太得意忘形了。闭上嘴,睁开眼,才能真正学点东西。
    You're in [way] over your head. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. You might learn something.

  • 谢谢你,丽。我猜这是因为我在足球比赛中有点得意忘形了。
    Thanks, Lea. I guess I got a little carried away during the football game.

  • 谢谢你,丽。我猜这是因为我在足球比赛中有点得意忘形了。
    I guess I got a little carried away during the football game.

  • 他很清楚自己手中有几张牌,现实的窘迫还不允许他得意忘形
    He was clearly in the hands of their own have a few signs of real distress, he also does not allow Deyiwangxing.

  • 我从没见老板得意忘形过,哪怕是刚刚做成一笔大买卖也没有。
    I've never seen my boss intoxicated, not even after he has made the best bargain.

  • 她想得得意忘形,情不自禁地把头一扬,刹那间,牛奶罐跌了下来!
    Transported with this idea, she could not forbear acting with her head the thought that passed in her mind, when down came the can of milk!

  • 如果毅丝们依然我行我素,那些只需发发水贴就会心满意足的人将得意忘形
    And those who hope that we needed to bump some threads and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the forum returns to business as usual.

  • 娜塔莎得意忘形,发出刺耳的尖声,一下子跑到杰尼索夫跟前,抱住他吻了吻。
    "Darling Denisov, " squealed Natasha, and, beside herself with delight she darted up to him, hugging and kissing him.

  • 不过几天之后,正当你以为烟消云散,得意忘形之际,她就要过来宣判裁决了!
    But then after a few days, right when YOU forget you're in trouble, that's when she lays it on you.

  • 听了这番话,中国女孩似乎有些得意忘形:“听你们这么说我真是太开心啦!”
    After hearing that, the Chinese girl seemed to get carried away, blurting: "I'm so glad to hear you say that. ""

  • 杰克当选为我们工会主席使他得意忘形,他开始以第三人称谈他自己,好像他是皇族!
    Jack's election to the presidency of our union has turned his head; he has started talking about himself in the third person as if he were royalty!

  • 花朵竟然开心得得意忘形,跳起了温柔的华尔兹舞‘春风之歌’,姿态优美得不得了。
    Flowers was carried away happy, jump up a gentle waltz 'spring song', a very, very beautiful gesture.

  • 如果你还是老三老四(江浙多处方言,意为趾高气昂,得意忘形),我就给你点颜色看看。
    if you are still old three old four , i will give you some colour to see see .

  • 我聚集大批盗贼与不肖之徒,得意忘形,妄图凭借乌合之众的拥戴,篡夺寡人的王冠和宝座。
    You have gathered to yourself numbers of thieves and reprobates, the multitude of whom has so elated your imagination that you propose through their co-operation to procure the crown and throne.

  • 无论如何,不要太得意忘形,或苛求过高,你选择正确的机会永远是一半一半,和其他人一样。
    Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else's.

  • 这时光滑明亮的镜面映现出二哥二嫂屡次密谋害他的情景,现在两人正得意忘形地在房中饮酒庆贺。
    At this time smooth and bright mirror Yingxian Chu Ergeersao repeatedly conspiring to harm his scenes, the two are now in the Deyiwangxing drinking in celebration.

  • 这番话足以证明她完全赞成这门婚姻;伊丽莎白心喜的是,幸亏母亲这些得意忘形的话只有她一个人听见。
    This was enough to prove that her approbation need not be doubted: and Elizabeth, rejoicing that such an effusion was heard only by herself, soon went away.

  • 我们必须不断前进,今天我们不能太得意忘形,我们必须等待一段时日,我们不能太兴奋,因为周三我们还有比赛。
    We have to keep going, we cannot be too excited today. We have to be for a while and we cannot be too excited because we have another game on Wednesday.

  • 在间断了数年之后,香港股市再次登上全球首次公开募股(IPO)榜首位。不过,香港对这个头衔也不能得意忘形
    After a hiatus of several years, Hong Kong's stock exchange is again the world champion of IPOs. It probably shouldn't get too comfortable with the title.

  • “吉蒂,现在你可以放心大胆地咳嗽啦,”班纳特先生一面说,一面走出房间,原来他看到太太那样得意忘形,不免觉得有些厌恶。
    Now, Kitty, you may cough as much as you chuse, " said Mr. Bennet; and, as he spoke, he left the room, fatigued with the raptures of his wife. ""

  • 自10天前淘汰掉小牛之后,他们还是第一次还沉浸于主场球迷狂热的欢呼中,然而,太过得意忘形的结果是输掉了比赛,还收获了球迷的砖头。
    The Nuggets were simply too excited about playing in front of their boisterous crowd for the first time since eliminating the Mavericks 10 days earlier, and that resulted into too many bricks.

  • 得意忘形造句相关
